What Happened to Matt Gaetz's Face at RNC Convention? Expert Weighs in on Botox.
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 8 months ago • 14 commentsBy: Garrett Munce (Esquire)

Maybe don't get your Botox at the Republican National Convention.
By Garrett MuncePublished: Jul 18, 2024
Whenever Matt Gaetz opens his mouth, you can expect headlines to follow. But ever since the Florida congressman took the stage at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, no one has been talking about what he said. All anyone can focus on is how, um, different he looked. If Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships, Gaetz's is the mug that launched a thousand memes.
His taught, shiny, extremely angular-browed new look has been compared to everything from the Real Housewives to Eddie Munster to the vampires on Buffy. Look, we're not in the business of shaming anyone for their appearance, but there is clearly something going on here, so we called up an expert, board-certified dermatologist Corey L. Hartman, M.D., to get his opinion.
Dr. Hartman, who has not worked with Gaetz, chalks it up, mostly, to an "overly heavy hand and poor placement" of neuromodulators like Botox. "It's too heavy in the forehead and not lateral enough to prevent Spock Eye," which is why Gaetz's brows have that sharp, pointed angle like, well, Spock's. "Plus, the glabellar injections [the vertical lines between the eyebrows] use an older technique that pushes the brow down and makes him look more menacing than usual," he hypothesizes. "He also has lid ptosis bilaterally," which means that the neuromodulator placement has caused his eyelids to droop.
The overuse of neuromodulators in the forehead also leads to "that embossed, too-slick look that is a dead giveaway," notes Dr. Hartman, who clocks possible filler in Gaetz's cheeks that "isn't so bad, but you can't get past the terrible toxin." Overall, his skin looks tighter, which could be from laser resurfacing or a chemical peel.
The bottom line, says Dr. Hartman, is that whoever injected Gaetz didn't factor in a man's different facial anatomy and just increased the amount of neuromodulators used to account for the larger treatment area—and then injected it poorly. "This is easy to do. Nuance is harder. It takes more skill to make it look like nothing was done," he says.
We've said it before and we'll say it again (and again and again): There is nothing wrong with getting neuromodulators like Botox or dermal fillers. We are personally huge fans of both, and we don't fault Gaetz for using them. However, he has quickly become the poster boy for one of the cardinal rules of facial aesthetics: You have to pick the right provider, especially if you are a man.

youthful looks are important if you want to hump those underage girls, outside of the US ...
I didn’t see him speak but he looks ridiculous in that photo. Eddie Munster for sure. I guess he got sick of the Butthead comparisons so he went nuclear on his repulsive face.
he and mtg are the jesters in the court of trump...
If this is what useless crap leftists have stooped to, then they have admitted one of the 2 things.
1. Biden will not be the nominee and there is no one that can take Trump, or,
2. they know if Biden does stay in, he will absolutely get his ass kicked at the ballot box, both with the popular and the electoral college vote.
At least you agree
Great job!!!!
Now....is this what the DNC will tell their voters when they oust Ol Joe and Kamala.
After watching that five alarm holy hell of a train wreck speech by Trump last night the religiously inclined of the MAGA , which appears to be all of them, should pray he doesnt lose 50 states.
Im not allowed to respond your comment? Get a grip for gods sake.
This is what happens when you are full of hot air.
He is full of what follows a blast of hot air ! I'm sure it itches after it dries !