'Trump Is Scared To Debate!' Says Party Whose Last Candidate Had To Quit Politics After Debate
WASHINGTON, DC — Democrats have boldly declared President Trump to be scared of debating, just a month after their last candidate was forced to quit politics forever after a debate with Trump.
"After our candidate called off the second debate and quit the campaign entirely, now Donald Trump wants to negotiate a new debate with our new candidate. What a chicken!" said Democratic strategist Ben Marlow. "We call on Donald Trump to debate our current candidate, which we reserve the right to switch out if the next debate goes poorly for us. Your move, Donald!"
The DNC has also accused Trump of cowardice after the former President questioned ABC's decision to insert the phrase "Slay, queen!" into all moderator questions for Vice President Harris. "As the party led by a man who quit in shame after being strong armed by Nancy Pelosi, let me just say that Trump needs to man up," said Marlow. "Now he wants to re-negotiate the debate after we replaced our candidate with a woman who has never received a primary vote? Sounds like a scaredy-pants to me."
As of publishing time, Trump had agreed to debate Harris a week earlier than the originally scheduled debate, which Harris declined in a bold and brave example of standing her ground.
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"After our candidate called off the second debate and quit the campaign entirely, now Donald Trump wants to negotiate a new debate with our new candidate. What a chicken!"
Amazing how many of the TDS driven are buying into this.
Exactly! Why had Trump not dropped out yet?
Because campaign donations continue and you never know what will happen, look at the last month.
Have you paid attention to previous campaigns?
Except, many times more $ are flowing into Democratic coffers.
Maybe it is time Congressional Republicans had a talk with him?
Perhaps someone trying to kill him affirmed his resolve?... who knows?.... Do you?
Wasn't it a Republican who took that potshot at Trump?
Do you think he cared?
Still waiting on Biden's FBI to release details.
With the way they slow walk investigations and releasing information when leftists are involved it may be until after the election before anything is dragged out of them. If it was truly a Republican or someone on the right then the information would already have been leaked to a more than willing media to disperse it.
No Republican gives money to leftist PAC's; but continue to ignore that fact.
Unlike Democrats/leftists that have already made up their minds; and have now coupled it with "ear gate".
Spread on a rooftop, plainly visible,150 yards from a presidential stumper, the lefties in charge of protection thought he was a - bird watcher?
The fact that it's taking this long is an indication that it doesn't look good for the left.
So why is Kamala afraid to debate Trump? Does she need a handicap like biased moderators?
Don't be silly! Kamala is confident. She has The Kamalamentum...
She has leftist desperation.
Which is the reason any Democrat with a brain and a desire for a political future is running as fast as they can away from being her VP.
What new candidate? To the best of my knowledge the people haven't had the opportunity to select a new candidate. So much for "preserving democracy".
It would be funny if their hypocrisy wasn't so blatant, how many different ways have democrats tried to keep the choice of the republican voters off the ballot while appointing their candidate that no one voted for?