
Alaska, Oregon, DC vote to legalize recreational marijuana


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  17 comments

Alaska, Oregon, DC vote to legalize recreational marijuana

Alaska, Oregon, DC vote to legalize recreational marijuana

Voters in Alaska, Oregon and the District of Columbia on Tuesday approved recreational marijuana use, joining the growing list of states legalizing pot.

The Alaska measure was the latest to be declared as approved, after ballots were counted overnight. A national pro-pot group, the Marijuana Policy Project, was the major contributor behind the Alaska initiative, and its spending dwarfed that of opponents.

The group behind the initiative argued pot prohibition has been "as ineffective, wasteful and problematic as alcohol prohibition."

The states now join Washington state and Colorado, who legalized the drug in 2012.

The only major loss for the pro-pot side came in Florida and even there, a medical marijuana proposal earned 58 percent -- just shy of the 60 percent required to pass.

The legalization of marijuana was among the ballot issues that voters in 41 states and the District of Columbia weighed in on during Tuesday's voting. In all, voters had their say on 147 ballot initiatives ranging from pot to dueling gun measures in Washington state that would alternately require and prohibit universal background checks on firearms.

Voters there ultimately voted to expand background checks.

The Washington vote came less than two weeks after a student opened fire in a Seattle-area high school, killing four people, including himself. Two other students remain hospitalized.

Washington's Initiative 591would have prevented the government from requiring statewide background checks for gun purchases until a federal standard is established. It would have also prohibited the state from confiscating firearms without due process.

Washington's Initiative 594 basically greenlights the opposite -- and implements statewide background checks.

According to the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, there was a possibility both could have passed but it was unclear how that would have shaken out.

Other measures voters considered included hot-button topics like hike in the minimum wage and gambling.

Residents in Colorado weighed an amendment to their state constitutions that would expand rights to the unborn. It ultimately failed. Opponents have argued that the measures would ban birth control, end in vitro fertilization and restrict access to abortion providers.

Voters in four states approved increases in the state minimum wage. In Arkansas, it will rise from $6.25 an hour to $8.50 by 2017, in Nebraska from $7.25 to $9 and in South Dakota from $7.25 to $8.50. In Alaska, it will increase $2 an hour to $9.75 in 2016.

In the past two decades, 10 state proposals to raise the minimum wage have been approved by voters about 65 percent of the time, according to the Initiative and Referendum Institute.

Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, voters on Tuesday rejected a ballot question that would have repealed a 2011 state law that allows for up to three regional resort casinos and a single slots parlor.

Trying to sway voters brought in millions in outside money to the state. A committee financed largely by casino companies raised $12 million to defeat the referendum, eclipsing the amount raised by the Repeal the Casino Deal which collected $670,000 for their push, according to the state financial filings. Repeal the Casino Deal is a citizen-backed initiative that asked residents to reject the current law, saying the casinos will court crime and do little for local economic growth.

The $12 million in opposition to the measure was largely divvied up by three casinos: Penn National Gaming, MGM Resorts International and Wynn Resorts.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

The legalization of marijuana was among the ballot issues that voters in 41 states and the District of Columbia weighed in on during Tuesday's voting. In all, voters had their say on 147 ballot initiatives ranging from pot to dueling gun measures in Washington state that would alternately require and prohibit universal background checks on firearms.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    10 years ago

It seems to me that legalizing marijuana in DC by referendum brings the city into conflict with federal law and creates confusion that doesn't exist anywhere else. Under the Constitution, DC is not a state but rather a federal enclave subject to the plenary authority of Congress. The city only has as much authority as Congress delegates to it. Possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law and federal law applies to all of DC, especially the substantial parts of the city that are under direct federal control (federal buildings/parks controlled by the department of interior/some roads etc). Also, federal police (in various agencies) have authority to supplement the city's police force and make arrests for criminal acts. Congress could nullify the DC law or worse let it stand and allow people to be arrested by federal authorities for doing something residents thought was legal. Ultimately, this could end up in court and, if it does, the pot law might be struck down.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
Me thinks that's not going to happen, since the main reason it passed was to address the racial component of injustice regarding marijuana criminalization.
Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    10 years ago

Me thinks that's not going to happen, since the main reason it passed was to address the racial component of injustice regarding marijuana criminalization.

I don't think the reason for passage will lessen the conflict between laws. In any event, a friend of mine mentioned the racial impact as well. My comment on this is purelyanecdotal but I think that part of this is a difference in class more than race. Poor black people seem to smoke in public; whites tend to conceal it. The police can easily but you in public, especially if they'recruisingaround allthetime because it's a high crime area.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
In my experience, that's not the case. White people just aren't under the same watchful eye of the law as black people, and they are harder to get a conviction over because they have better legal representation.
Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    10 years ago
"In my experience, that's not the case. White people just aren't under the same watchful eye of the law as black people, and they are harder to get a conviction over because they have better legal representation."To me, this tends to prove the issue is class more than race. White people don't get better representation just because they're white. They get better better representation because they can pay for it. If they don't or can't pay, then they get the same public defender as anyone else. As for the police, poor areas are under more scrutiny because of higher crime. I've seen middle class black areas that are under no more scrutiny than white areas and for the same reason . . . Less crime.
Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    10 years ago
"Soon it will be legal to smoke weed everywhere and now my wife won't let me smoke anything! It's not fair!"Weed can reduce sperm count so tell her it's male birth control.
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Frown.gif Frown.gif Frown.gif Frown.gif

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
Class, race - it's all related. Bottom line, African Americans don't smoke weed more than whites, but they do get arrested and prosecuted for it at a disproportionaty higher rate. Marijuana needs to be treated no differently than alcohol for a myriad of reasons, and the impact this will have on the perception of race inequality cannot be underestimated. It is disingenuous to blame them for making themselves bigger targets than their white peers. Attend a concert some time and witness for yourself how many white people make no effort to hide their consumption of marijuana.
Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    10 years ago
"Birth control? My wife is 70 years old. Birth control and the need for it and in fact the sex itself are all history. (sigh)"Well, then it's either the hookah or a hooker.
Swamijim sez
Freshman Silent
link   Swamijim sez    10 years ago

Try for "Glaucoma Prevention Maintenance", Mick."Honey, I'm just trying to lower the intra-ocular pressure to reduce my risk for glaucoma..."Grin.gif

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
Better yet, go for the "age has caused me to lose my appetite" approach. Nothing improves appetite like herb. She doesn't want you to whither away to nothing, does she?
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago


Freshman Silent
link   Miss_Construed    10 years ago

I was kind of hoping both opposing gun measures in WA would win just to see how the hell they could even make that work...

I'm kind of evil like that...Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Miss_Construed    10 years ago

My dad had his best days toward the end of his life when he had a little MJ chocolate bar.

I'm a supporter of rec use. The last time I used MJ was probably high school, so I dont support it for my own use. I just dont see it as a drug that is any more dangerous than alcohol.

I think in 2016 we will add another 4-6 states who view the issue the same way.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago


Larry Hampton
Professor Participates
link   Larry Hampton    10 years ago

The sooner the drunkard, hypocrite Feds legalize pot, the sooner and easier it will be to knock down other criminal activity sometimes associated with moving pot. Pot avenues provide a lotta paths for drugs and human trafficking; take that away, and make every body's jobs easier.


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