
Democrats Unburdened by What They Have Done to Chicago


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Via:  s  •  2 months ago  •  5 comments

Democrats Unburdened by What They Have Done to Chicago

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A few hours before   touching down in Chicago   Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris, in one of her   few interactions with reporters   since snatching the Democratic Party's presidential nomination from her boss, gave a meandering yet revealing answer to the simple question of how she would pay for her   recently introduced economic proposals .

"What we're doing in terms of the [ first-time homebuyer ] tax credits, we know that there's a great return on investment," Harris   asserted   in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. "When we increase home ownership in America, what that means in terms of increasing the tax base, not to mention property tax base, what that does to fund schools—again, return on investment.   I think it's a mistake for any person who talks about public policy to not critically evaluate how you measure the return on investment . When you are strengthening neighborhoods, strengthening communities, and in particular the economies of those communities, and investing in a broad-based economy, everybody benefits, and it pays for itself in that way."

Italics added, to emphasize America's ongoing mistakes.

Democrats begin their four-day national convention Monday in the city that perhaps best exemplifies the chasm between their party's dreamy policy rhetoric and grim real-world results. As a direct result of one-party misrule (there are   zero Republicans   on the 50-seat City Council), Chicago's tax base is decreasing, not increasing. The population has declined for   nine consecutive years , is shrinking by an   annual rate of 1 percent , and is at its lowest point in   more than a century .

Illinois, where Democrats control the governorship and a   two-thirds majority   of the legislature, lost "an estimated $3.6 billion in income tax revenue in 2022 alone, a year the net loss of 87,000 residents subtracted $9.8 billion in adjusted gross income," syndicated columnist and   Illinois native   George Will   observed   last week. "In the past six years, $47.5 billion [adjusted gross income] has left….Illinois leads the nation in net losses of households making 200,000 or more."

None of these or other grisly Windy City stats—including the   murders  and the   pension liabilities —are obscure. As Illinois Policy Institute Vice President   Austin Berg  put it Saturday night at a   live taping   of the   Fifth Column   podcast, "I believe Chicago is the greatest American city, and the worst-governed American city."

The bigger mystery has been why the Democratic Party would choose such a   metaphorically dicey backdrop . But an answer begins to suggest itself amid the   banal dystopia   of the DNC's endless security checkpoints, concrete barriers, and battalions of police officers separating America's political class from its serfs. Democrats chose Chicago for a similar reason that Harris chose a running mate with a   particularly awful record   during the pandemic- and   riot -scarred year of 2020: Because they, like their candidate, know that, contra Harris' assertion Sunday in Pennsylvania, the people who talk about policy—whether politician, journalist, or political consumer—almost never "critically evaluate how you measure the return on investment."

If professional political conversation was tethered even loosely to policy results, you might expect one or maybe even two of the journalists dutifully collecting their DNC press credentials at the colossal (and colossally empty)   McCormick Place   convention center to ask a follow-up question about what their eyeballs cannot miss. How in the world can a city in   terminal financial crisis   not just support the country's   largest   convention-center complex during a time of   market oversupply   and   conventioneering decline , but actually keep   expanding   the damn thing?

The DNC's second major site (behind the United Center, which is hosting what you watch on television), "has been a political money pit for nearly 60 years," Berg   wrote   in 2019.   Built   in 1960, rebuilt after a 1967 fire, then expanded in 1986, 1997, 2007, and 2017, McCormick Place looks this week like the   cover of a Mike Davis book —extensive security barricades and fencing separating the nearby poors from a depopulated, dully corporate expanse.

"Over and over, Chicago and Illinois public officials and a roster of consultants promised that a bigger McCormick Place would yield hundreds of thousands of new convention attendees and billions in new spending and public revenues," Heywood Sanders wrote in his 2014 book   Convention Center Follies . "Those repeated promises have proved false, the consultant projections unmet."

Instead, like so many other Chicago governance failures, the unmet promises are covered over with taxes—on hotel room stays, restaurants, car rentals. In completely related news, a 2024 Wallet Hub   study   of effective state/local tax burden per median U.S. household income ranked Illinois dead last.

But the 2024 campaign is famously more about " vibes " than anything related to governance. The   Harris/Walz campaign website   still   does not have a policy page   (though the party did on Sunday release a   draft platform ). "I have not had a single constituent in El Paso or a single person on the road try to get very specific policy details from me," Harris campaign co-chair Rep. Veronica Escobar (D–Texas)   told   The New York Times . You're going to have to vote for a Harris administration to see what's in it.

Republican nominee Donald Trump famously   did not even update the 2016 GOP platform   when he ran unsuccessfully in 2020, suggesting that America has a supply problem when it comes to national politicians and policy accountability.

But don't sleep on demand. Trump fans love his boorish, bizarre, and often funny jokes, so he keeps making cracks about Kamala Harris'   looks   and Montana Sen. John Tester's   fat stomach   rather than stay as focused on issues as his   advisors would prefer . Harris is getting cheered on by a   subset   of journalists for   not   subjecting herself to any kind of public cross-examination. And the residents of Chicago, looking upon both the civic dysfunction and the city's undeniable energy and charm, just keep on voting for more Democrats.

Americans may be getting precisely what they want out of politics in 2024. Good and hard.

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Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    2 months ago

When I was young, the justification for the rule by the Daley/Madigan oligarchy machine  was though they were extremely corrupt, they kept Chicago functioning. Now the corruption is endemic and the leaders are veritable racialist idiots, concerned only with looting the corpse of the city.  People are voting with their feet. Soon the only people left are going to be the oligarchs building family dynasties off taxpayer money and the very poor with no option but to stay and collect welfare.  

The mayor is now trying to fire the school CEO for not borrowing billions at a high interest rate to give to the school teacher union, who controls the mayor. The only way Chicago and Illinois avoid bankruptcy is another cash infusion from the taxpayers of other states.  Covid handouts from taxpayers granted a reprieve, but batshit crazy spending has already burned through it and led to another massive shortfall.  

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    2 months ago
Chicago’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has shown significant growth over the years. Here are some recent figures:

These figures reflect the economic output of the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin metropolitan area, which includes parts of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin 1 2 .

bing copilot

Right wingers like to bash Chicago, I dont know if it is jealousy or what.  In any case it is a serious distortion of reality.  Chicago is the hub of a population density of almost 10 million people 

The Chicago area is the  third largest metropolitan area  in the United States and the fourth largest metropolitan area in  North America  (after the metro areas of Mexico City, New York City, and Los Angeles), and the largest in the  Great Lakes megalopolis . Its urban area is one of the  forty largest in the world . wiki

If you think you are going to drag Chicago down with these hysterical piddling complaints you are dreaming. This isnt Detroit. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @2    2 months ago

This isnt Detroit. 

Detroit was the wealthiest city in America in the 50s.  Shit changes. 

Who is going to pay those monstrous unfunded pensions, John? 

Chicago’s pension debt soared by approximately $1.8 billion in 2023, according to the city’s audited annual financial report, raising the pressure on Mayor Brandon Johnson to bring Chicago’s   expenses in line with its revenues . In all, Chicago owes $37.2 billion to its four employee pension funds representing police officers, firefighters, municipal employees and laborers, according to the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. That is an increase of approximately 5% from 2023, according to the report.

Not the rest of Illinois, whose numbers are just as bad:

Illinois ended the 2023 fiscal year with an estimated $429 billion in pension liabilities but only $218 billion worth of assets, leaving the state with $211 billion in unfunded state and local pension liabilities. The pension systems’ collective funding ratio of 50.8% was the lowest in the nation. Experts warn pensions with funding ratios below 60% are deeply troubled and plans with funding ratios below 40% are likely to be past the point of no return.

I'm sure reparations will solve the problem. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
2.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @2    2 months ago
Right wingers like to bash Chicago, I dont know if it is jealousy or what.  In any case it is a serious distortion of reality.  Chicago is the hub of a population density of almost 10 million people 

I have always enjoyed visiting Chicago, both as a young single man, as a married man and as a family man.  Much to see and do.

I wouldn't want to live there and pay the taxes and look at the unsustainable state and local debt especially the public service worker underfunded medical and retirement plans. Other agree:

  • Illinois has had ten years of population decline to include Chicago
  • Decline size grows every year
  • Chicago's decline is 3rd largest with only NYC Metro and LA Metro larger
  • 97% moved to lower tax cost states
  • Illinois is the 50th state in both long term and short term fiscal stability
  • State debt in FY22 was $65.09 billion
  • Chicago debt almost $40 billion (worst of any major US city)
  • City/state per capita (Chicago citizens only) $56,000
Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    2 months ago
Detroit was the wealthiest city in America in the 50s. 

The auto industry changed and dragged Detroit down.  Chicago has the most diversified economy in the country. 


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