
Who won the Harris-Trump debate? We asked swing-state voters. - Washington Post


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  6 months ago  •  17 comments

By:   Adrian Blanco, Eric Lau, Scott Clement, Emily Guskin and Dan Keating (Washington Post)

Who won the Harris-Trump debate? We asked swing-state voters. - Washington Post
Uncommitted voters in battleground states share their thoughts on the Harris-Trump debate with The Post.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Adrian Blanco, Eric Lau, Scott Clement, Emily Guskin and Dan KeatingSeptember 11, 2024 at 1:07 a.m. EDT

Harris performed better

23 people

Trump performed better

2 people

In the first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump, The Washington Post tried something new: We asked a group of uncommitted, swing-state voters in real time about their reactions to Tuesday's debate.

They thought Harris performed better, regardless of how they plan to vote in November.

Participants' answers are edited for clarity and style.

HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"I don't think Trump was at his best — too rambly. He would have been better had he stayed calm and made more of an intentional effort to answer the questions. Harris made a strong showing. It's not clear that her words actually stand up to scrutiny, but she sounded confident and seemed to make sharp and effective attacks against Trump."Has a preference for TrumpAaron30s, Pa.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"Harris knows what to say at the moment that gets under Trump's skin."Has a preference for HarrisBranden30s, Wis.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"Tonight, President Trump came forward with his brand of politics and frankly I believe we have all seen enough; I believe the Republican Party can do much better than him at this point. MAGA politics has served a cautionary role in reminding us of how fragile democracy is and why we need to protect it."Has a preference for HarrisDavid30s, Ga.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"Trump was on defense. Harris stuck to her points, was coherent and frankly, more professional than I have ever seen her. Trump missed too many opportunities."Has a preference for TrumpJason40s, Wis.TRUMP PERFORMED BETTER"I don't think Harris gave any real answers to any question."Has a preference for TrumpKonnie50s, Pa.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"Overall, I felt frustrated with tonight's debate. We can do so much better. As a country, we deserve better from our leaders and from the discussions that shape our future. I appreciate Trump has strong views and trust his ability to make strong, decisive choices. I worry that Harris may lack clear convictions or follow-through."Has a preference for HarrisMelissa40s, Nev.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"Harris was prepared and ready for Trump. She answered the questions well and took this opportunity to show why she is a better candidate."Has a preference for HarrisShari30s, Ga.HARRIS PERFORMED BETTER"I was leaning towards Harris before the debate and she made a good case for herself in her first real live event. Trump just seems to want to rely on fear-mongering and that doesn't get real things done in people's lives."Has a preference for HarrisToby40s, Wis.

Harris appears to have solidified the support of voters who were leaning in her direction.

How the views among swing-state voters changed post-debate







3 people










+5 people











One voter did not provide their candidate preference post-debate.

How the views among swing-state voters changed post-debate








3 people









+5 people











One voter did not provide their candidate preference post-debate.

How the views among swing-state voters changed post-debate







+5 people








3 people













One voter did not provide their candidate preference post-debate.

Among 12 voters who said they would "probably" back her before the debate, five shifted to "definitely" voting for her and the rest said they still lean toward her. Among the nine voters who leaned toward Trump and answered the post-debate question, none shifted to definitely supporting him. Two said they will probably vote for Harris and one plans to vote for a third party.

Here are nine key moments we asked voters about:


Which candidate would better handle health care?

Trump said that his administration would look at alternatives to the Affordable Care Act but provided no specifics. "I have concepts of a plan," Trump said. Harris said as vice president they've strengthened the ACA and for the first time allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices.


16 people


8 people

HARRIS"She actually mentioned specific policy changes and plans, such as insulin price caps, and her policies sound concrete and promising."EdwinUnder 30, Ga.HARRIS"I am pretty satisfied with the health care that I have received through Biden's health plan. Medication prices are a little high, but I haven't had any complaints."EytamOver 60, Ga.TRUMP"Obamacare was written by Big Pharma and special interests. The Affordable Care Act is very affordable until you go to use it. Yeah, you have coverage. You also have high deductibles, high out-of-pocket services."Konnie50s, Pa.HARRIS"The price of medication has substantially decreased, so what the Democrats are doing is working."Shari30s, Ga.Story continues below advertisementAdvertisement88 MINUTES IN

Do you agree with Harris's statement on what kind of president America wants?

Harris said, " ... regardless of people's color or the language their grandmother speaks, we all have the same dreams and aspirations and want a president who invest(s) in those not in hate and division."

Disagree strongly


Disagree somewhat

1 person

Neither agree nor disagree


Agree somewhat

4 people

Agree strongly

17 people

AGREE STRONGLY"What she says is what I hope the future of America is, but it sounds like a lot of politics talk. I don't know I can trust her."AlanUnder 30, Ariz.AGREE STRONGLY"I remember a time when elections were about two slightly different ideas of America rather than completely different ideas on democracy."BenjaminUnder 30, Pa.AGREE STRONGLY"I agree that most Americans are tired of the hate and division in politics. We want to move forward as a unit."DanikaUnder 30, Wis.AGREE STRONGLY"Everyone is allowed to have a dream to live a better life, and at one time America was the land of the great melting pot."EytamOver 60, Ga.DISAGREE SOMEWHAT"We all have different dreams and aspirations, but we do need to stop the division."Heather30s, Pa.AGREE STRONGLY"I'm a bit biased as a Mexican; but speaking as someone who's parents faced racism and stereotypes when they were just trying to live their life and provide for me and my sister, I'd love to live in a country where I don't have to worry if my housing application will go through because of my race or ethnicity."LindaUnder 30, Pa.77 MINUTES IN

Do you agree with Harris's statement about Putin and Ukraine?

"If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv right now and understand what that would mean, because Putin's agenda is not just about Ukraine," Harris said.

Disagree strongly

4 people

Disagree somewhat

3 people

Neither agree nor disagree

2 people

Agree somewhat

11 people

Agree strongly

4 people

NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE"I agree with Ukraine's independence, but I also don't think we should have been involved at the level we were."Konnie50s, Pa.DISAGREE SOMEWHAT"I disagree. Democrats threatened we would have had WWIII during Trump's presidency. We did not. We actually had very few military engagements."Tamara30s, Mich.DISAGREE SOMEWHAT"I think Trump would have allowed Russia to run all over Ukraine, but I don't completely believe that Europe is under immediate threat."Toby40s, Wis.Story continues below advertisementAdvertisement64 MINUTES IN — COMMERCIAL BREAK

How you are feeling about the debate so far?

"I am enjoying seeing them go back and forth with each other and the side remarks when they claim one is lying about the other."CrystalUnder 30, Wis."Harris is performing much more strongly with clear, relevant responses. She isn't getting rattled by Trump's insinuations and performance. Trump sounds like a confabulating elderly braggart who refuses to answer questions or stay on topic."DanikaUnder 30, Wis."Right now I feel like I don't want to vote for either one of them."DebraOver 60, Pa."It's pretty much what I expected. Trump can't stay on message, and Harris is giving scripted responses instead of answering moderator questions."Jaryd30s, Ga."I feel like Harris is putting in a very strong performance and Trump seems to be stumbling a lot, repeating attack lines and he can't even make eye contact."Toby40s, Wis.Story continues below advertisementAdvertisement57 MINUTES IN

Trump said 'We have a nation that is dying.' Do you agree?

"And the problem that we have right now is we have a nation in decline, and they have put it into decline. We have a nation that is dying," Trump said.

Disagree strongly

4 people

Disagree somewhat

6 people

Neither agree nor disagree

3 people

Agree somewhat

5 people

Agree strongly

6 people

DISAGREE SOMEWHAT"It's hard to tell from my vantage point whether America is declining on a grand scale or not. I suspect overall it's not, but there are likely many areas where America has gotten weaker."Aaron30s, Pa.AGREE SOMEWHAT"Our economy is dying, and the American dream for the next generation seems extremely bleak."Alexander30s, Ariz.DISAGREE SOMEWHAT"Even though the economy is down, the U.S. is still ​doing just fine and ​business is booming. Not seeing any decline here."BenjaminUnder 30, Pa.AGREE SOMEWHAT"I think the economy is in decline as well as border safety."Heather30s, Pa.AGREE STRONGLY"I'm only 21 and yet so much has changed. For example, my family's financial situation improved. However, it was easier for my parents to purchase a home when they earned only 20% of their current salary. ... I think we're headed to where it's hard to live the supposed "American dream," so I agree with that statement."LindaUnder 30, Pa.NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE"I think the world is in decline, not necessarily the USA."Steven50s, Nev.AGREE STRONGLY"We need substance from both candidates, and we are not getting it. Both are not giving evidence of truly fixing this economy."Tamara30s, Mich.Story continues below advertisementAdvertisement39 MINUTES IN

Did Trump's statement on immigration make sense to you?

Trump falsely claimed that immigrants are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. Officials in the city said there is no proof to these claims.


6 people


19 people

YES"I feel like a lot of polls say crime is down, but I feel like everyone, including myself, see crime rising."AlanUnder 30, Ariz.NO"Trump's claim was baseless and extreme, so much so the moderator debunked his claims."EdwinUnder 30, Ga.NO"I don't know what he's talking about."JonahUnder 30, Mich.NO"There doesn't seem to be any evidence to back this claim up, and it feels like he's just saying it to scare people."Toby40s, Wis.23 MINUTES IN

Who made better arguments on abortion access?

Trump said he did a "great service" by appointing justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the issue to the states. Harris said the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies.


16 people


9 people

HARRIS"Every woman has a right to choose. I believe in certain situations you should be allowed to have an abortion."EytamOver 60, Ga.HARRIS"Trump told multiple lies about abortion laws in his answer. Harris appealed to what a majority of Americans want, which is the right for women to have an abortion."Jaryd30s, Ga.TRUMP"I don't like the fact this is a discusion, but Trump explained better what to expect from him. I'm pro-choice, but I do agree with limits."Konnie50s, Pa.HARRIS"She just argued more closely with what I believe: Abortion should be legal nationwide, not decided by states."LindaUnder 30, Pa.HARRIS"While I appreciate that Trump says he doesn't support a nationwide abortion ban and believes it's not up to him, I found Harris to be stronger overall."Melissa40s, Nev.HARRIS"Her approach is realistic and allows flexibility for individuals and health-care professionals to make the best decision in the moment."Michelle40s, Mich.Story continues below advertisementAdvertisement11 MINUTES IN

Who made better arguments about how to handle the economy?

Harris spoke of an opportunity economy, with aid for housing and tax credits. Trump is seeking to impose tariffs on U.S. imports. Respondents were evenly split.


11 people


12 people

TRUMP"Harris completely dodged the question of whether the American people are better off now than four years ago and did not address the issue of inflation over the last few years."Aaron30s, Pa.HARRIS"She is planning to help middle-class families, unlike Trump who is trying to help billionaires."CrystalUnder 30, Wis.TRUMP"​Harris was asked if she believes the economy is better ​now than four years ago, but ​she never responded."Heather30s, Pa.TRUMP"Trump provided a clear explanation of his plan, while Harris's points were broader. I didn't hear specific support for the middle class; her plan seemed focused on benefiting those with very low incomes."Melissa40s, Nev.TRUMP"The pandemic and unemployment jab was a bit of a low blow. Harris is saying why Trump's plan wont work, and who says why, but does not explain why hers will work. She just says it will. How can we trust either of them?"Tamara30s, Mich.ASKED BEFORE THE DEBATE

What are you most interested in watching?

"I'm looking to see if ​Harris ​can establish her policy platform and ​avoid falling for any of Trump's provocations."BenjaminUnder 30, Pa."Harris's proposed plans and opinions on the issues as well as Trump's ability to answer a question coherently and capably."DanikaUnder 30, Wis."I already have a general idea of where both candidates stand in terms of values and policies, but I haven't seen any formal interaction between the two top candidates, and that interaction, along with their responses are both things I'm looking forward to."EdwinUnder 30, Ga."The novelty of seeing Harris in an 'unscripted' situation."GerardOver 60, Ariz."I'm most interested in seeing how both candidates maintain composure, knowledge on subjects being discussed."Jason40s, Wis."Is Harris going to actually explain how her policies will be realized and made to be realistic and formulate an actual policy? Is Donald Trump going to be able to focus on the questions and answer them to the extent the public expects, or will he get pulled into back-and-forth arguing that gives us nothing?"Tamara30s, Mich.

Who we talked to

We asked participants for their 2024 candidate preference before and after the debate.

Aaron Pa.


Research staffer

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Alan Ariz.

Hispanic,Under 30

Grocery courtesy clerk

Pre: Neither

Post: Neither

Alexander Ariz.


Regional manager

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Benjamin Pa.

White,Under 30

Graduate student

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Definitely Harris

Branden Wis.


Parking attendant

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Harris

Crystal Wis.

Hispanic,Under 30

Sales associate

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Danika Wis.

White,Under 30


Pre: Neither

Post: Leans Harris

David Ga.


IT professional

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Definitely Harris

Debra Pa.

White,Over 60

Retired X-ray technician

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Neither

Edwin Ga.

Black,Under 30

Software engineer

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Eytam Ga.

Asian or Pacific Islander,Over 60

Decorator and caterer

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Harris

Gerard Ariz.

White,Over 60


Pre: Leans Trump

Post: No response

Heather Pa.


Substitute teacher

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Jaryd Ga.


Social media marketer

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Jason Wis.


Retired military

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Jonah Mich.

White,Under 30


Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Konnie Pa.


Compliance officer

Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Linda Pa.

Hispanic,Under 30


Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Melissa Nev.


Nonprofit executive

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Michelle Mich.


Account manager

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Definitely Harris

Millie Ga.

Asian or Pacific Islander,Under 30


Pre: Leans Trump

Post: Leans Trump

Shari Ga.


Customer service representative

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Definitely Harris

Steven Nev.


Internal auditor

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Leans Harris

Tamara Mich.



Pre: Neither

Post: Neither

Toby Wis.


Product manager

Pre: Leans Harris

Post: Definitely Harris

Our group is too small to statistically represent how swing-state voters feel overall, but their answers still offer a window into how uncommitted voters, who will be some of the most important voters this election, are thinking and feeling about the debate in real time.

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About this story

Additional development by Jake Crump. Editing by Sarah Frostenson, Kevin Uhrmacher and Donna Cassata.

The debate reaction group was conducted during and after the Sept. 10 debate by SSRS for The Washington Post and George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government. All 25 participants responded to a spring Post-Schar School poll of voters in six swing states, and all said they were undecided or "probably" voting for Harris or Trump before the debate.

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jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    6 months ago

Twenty three of twenty five swing voters say Harris whooped Trump! 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @1    6 months ago

Well then, Trump should drop out immediately.     That much should be obvious by this timely and cuttingly accurate analysis.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1    6 months ago

Trump should drop out now knowing he will lose!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @1.1.1    6 months ago

Yes, that is what I said.    Your comments and support finally have me totally convinced.    Trump should just drop out now and we can just coronate the second coming of the chosen one.

All hail comrade Harris.

Professor Principal
1.1.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.2    6 months ago

Take a peek outside your far rightwing bubble and then get back to us! Trump has no chance after last night's debate!


Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @1.1.3    6 months ago

Yes as noted, I agree.    All hail Queen Harris.    She’s the best ever.    
The very best!

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.5  Greg Jones  replied to  JBB @1.1.1    6 months ago

I'm done with Trump! If the fool couldn't see what was coming and prepare for it, he definitely is not prepared to be president again. I've disliked him since way back when he dissed McCain, and my feeling haven't changed and only voted for him because he is the Republican nominee. His box on my ballot will remain unchecked this time. Really doesn't matter since he won't win in Colorado anyway.

That said, I will never vote for a democrat again, the exception being JFK, and vote a straight Republican ticket the rest of the way down the ballot. I don't see the democrats winning both Houses of Congress, so we are going to end with another four years of stalemate. And at this point....I don't care

Senior Expert
1.1.6  George  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1.5    6 months ago
another four years of stalemate.

That is the best possible outcome, honestly how many more laws do we need? pass a budget and go the fuck home and leave us alone.

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JBB    6 months ago


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3  Hal A. Lujah    6 months ago

He would have been better had he stayed calm and made more of an intentional effort to answer the questions.

Well that would be a new experience for DonOLD.  He was too consumed with taking de bait that Harris kept dangling in front of him.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1  Sparty On  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3    6 months ago

Yep, that’s Harris’s platform….. bait dangling.     Outstanding!

And no one who defended grandpa the last four years can use “old” for Trump.    Unless of course one really wants to be a flaming hypocrite that is.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sparty On @3.1    6 months ago

Trump has zero discipline and Harris is smart enough to put that on display for an audience the size of Super Bowl watchers.  And here you are claiming that’s the mentality that belongs in the White House.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.1.1    6 months ago

Like Biden, Harris will be one of the worst things to ever happen to this country in a long time.    Her policy is so far left of mainstream America she’s not even in the ballpark.    Unless of course one happens to be a left wing loon like Harris that is.

Hopefully enough Americans see through her bullshit and vote accordingly.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3    6 months ago
He was too consumed with taking de bait that Harris kept dangling in front of him.

Yep, he gobbled up all that chum and choked on it.

Professor Principal
4  seeder  JBB    6 months ago

Harris is already having the best fund raising day in world history!

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    6 months ago

Professor Guide
6  Tacos!    6 months ago

The real question is who do these people trust to protect their dogs and cats from immigrant dinner tables?

America in Crisis! It’s 10a.m. Do you know where pets are?


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