MAGA preacher says "witchcraft" caused Trump's debate disaster - LGBTQ Nation
Category: News & Politics
Via: hal-a-lujah • 6 months ago • 46 commentsBy: Greg Owen (LGBTQ Nation)

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris at their first 2024 presidential debate Photo: YouTube screenshot
As even Donald Trump's most ardent supporters are admitting Tuesday night's debate performance was a trainwreck for the former president — see Megan Kelley telling Taylor Swift "eff you" in frustration over the pop star's well-timed endorsement and salt rub — his truly fringe fans are making a case that "supernatural" intervention caused Trump's failure.
Lance Wallnau, a Christian nationalist MAGA pastor with a history of outlandish claims — including one about the healing effects of "anointed cake" for those rejecting their homosexuality — said a figurative "kill box" orchestrated by the debate co-moderators caused woes for the twice-impeached felon last night.
Wallnau is calling it "witchcraft.
"When I say 'witchcraft' I am talking about what happened tonight," Wallnau posted to X not long after what will likely be Trump's final debate meltdown.
Wallnau witnessed "occult-empowered deception, manipulation and domination," he testified. "That's what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala's script handlers set up the kill box."
In this analogy, "One-sided questions and fact-checking sealed the box. Witchcraft."
"It's not over yet," Wallnau prophesied, "but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in [Democratic former President Barack] Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing."
When I say "witchcraft" I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination. That's what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala's script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft.…
— Lance Wallnau (@lancewallnau) September 11, 2024
Chanting "Beettlejuice Beetlejuice" was not among his suggestions.
In fact, Wallnau had no suggestions for stopping Trump's late-stage decay, other than a hoped-for deus ex machina to bring new life to his tragic story.
It's not unlike the former president's lack of solutions for the "disaster" that he describes as America. We're "going to hell," the twice-impeached felon likes to say.
Speak for yourself, Mr. President.
Last month, Wallnau predicted that Harris, whom he called "demonic", would choose Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg as her running mate in order to stoke national divisions over "racism and perversion."
He said that God personally told him Harris is a 2.0 version of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, except "with an augmented heat-seeking missile capacity" to "stir up strife and civil war." Harris casts herself as a woman against a male majority, he said, and as "a Black minority against a white majority."
In a speech to Christian fundamentalists, Wallnau said God is helping get rid of the gays from a formerly righteous nation.
"We need to be praying for the unfinished work of the United States because America's gotten off track," he said. "It's promoting lesbian transgender ideology globally. It's putting the LGBTQ flag, even the BLM [Black Lives Matter] flag, up with our national flag. And God is taking that down."
Wallnau's claims over "anointed cake" involved a group of "hookers" who used to hang out at a bar whose owner was gay and "very adamantly anti-Christian."
The sex workers baked a cake and prayed over it, Wallnau said, making it "an anointed cake." When the bar owner ate the cake, "the power of God hit him" and he was baptized and "delivered." The gay "spirit" inhabiting the bar owner's body, Wallnau rejoiced, had left him.

Add another weirdo to the party of weird.
Not just another weirdo. If Trump wins, he'll be Trump's new Secretary of Education....
the 2000 year public humiliation cycle of using thumpers for entertainment purposes really needs to be tightened up ...
In this guy’s defense, Trump will need an act of god to win this election. It’s too bad for him that god doesn’t exist. If your god is so ineffectual that it doesn’t stop a single bad thing from happening ever, why would it start with putting a delusional narcissist in a position of power?
I'm agnostic, but how would you know if devine intervention occurs today? To you, it might appear as a random event if you were aware of it at all?
I know when it doesn’t, which is so often that the obvious conclusion to me is that it never does. To the truly deluded it happens when their favorite team wins, but when a step parent rapes a child in their home god has a reason not to intervene.
... uh, pretty sure that was god's will.
Good point!
One of the main characteristics of "the unknown" that nobody knows anything about it!
How do you know when it doesn’t?
When humans are suffering. Thats when divine intervention would make sense. The worst imaginable thing can be happening somewhere to the most innocent and undeserving people, while elsewhere some religionist finds a twenty dollar bill in their pocket and thinks it was divine intervention. Maybe the creator of everything has not put us humans at the top of his priority list.
Or maybe your cynical nature doesn't allow for that?...
Both scenarios are possible, but the scenarios are not quantifiably equal on the Spectrum. That is, the worst imaginable thing is matched by the best thing imaginable on its Spectrum.
This leads 'us' to an understanding that when human is on "the Spectrum" . . .its quantifiable equal is inhuman (animal, alien, or spirit).
Consequently, the "priority" in this scenario can be decided by which group on the Spectrum is determined by God to be good.
Just something to add to this discussion!
Or there just isn’t a god. You know, Occam’s Razor.
Statement: Our world (and its universe) has spectra.
Still, Occam's razor deployed in this scenario presents itself with a paradox when placed on the Spectrum: 'No God' : 'God.'
Yes-- but even if she did exist-- I'm pretty sure she wouldn't vote for Trump!
How did he guess?
My coven built a bon fire and we danced nekkid around it while chanting...."trmp can't debate but he can masturbate"
That's a much better chant than the Trump supporter's favorite...
"Jews will not replace us!"...
I was thinking of changing that to "trump can't debate he can only masturbate"
actually, I believe you've stumbled onto the perfect description of trumps performance, masturdebate...
You actually think Trump has seen his little mushroom in decades?
There is an awful lot of overhang those little fingers of his would have to search under.
Hey, I didn't see you at the yearly coven gathering.
I was with a voodoo cult working on a curse
Been there - done that.
UBI ("Unimportant But Interesting"): Real Witches call that "danced 'Skyclad'"
I like the word nekkid
LOL, and off we go again, They are crawling out of the woodwork to make excuses for Trump.
our society is too supportive of functional morons...
They have the right to live....
... somewhere else.
Morning Vangy..hear Antarctica is nice this time of year..
we'll be sure to issue them speedos, flip flops, and tee shirts before stranding them there ...
Morning... witchcraft..🤣🤣🤣
It's called lack of brain cells..😁
Two statements Marie Antoinette never said:
1: Let them have cake and eat it too.
2: Let them have "anointed cake" and eat it too.
Well as long as she didn't advocate eating peoples' pets-- its OK with me!
Now we know for a fact Wallnau is a damn liar. . . and using one of his lies on God! Shameful. He should be shunned based on this lie alone!
Wallnau is a divisive personality and should be shunned for exclusion beyond his Christian fundamentalist 'persuasion.' That is, whatsoever Wallnau wishes to tell himself in the company of his members is one thing. . . what he makes public is another thing and it will not be allowed to go unchecked!
Last time I spoke to God, She said she really didn't care what types of flags people put up-- ot even who they had sex with.
(God herself is much more tolerant than many of the people She created!)
Damn, they figured me out.
Well done, Veronica!
"but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in [Democratic former President Barack] Obama is voting again.
The "same people"!
Yes-- and its not even witchcraft!
The "same people"! They are mostly Democrats!
What this genius doesn't understand is that the majority of people vote for candidates of their own party! While there are exceptions of course, most Democrats tend to vote Democratic, and most Republicans tend to vote Republican!
Amazing, eh?
Sounds pretty mundane to me. One has to wonder why the Christian Nationalist 'god' can be 'molested' by witchcraft in the first place. God being 'first rank" level authority. This kind of specious statement happens when so-called, religious leaders, are 'null' in answers but can't resist speaking up anyway.
Accusations of witchcraft? That is soooo 1600s. Lol