
Opinion: Republican Party uses fearmongering while finding no solution


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  2 days ago  •  0 comments

By:   Bill Walz (The Asheville Citizen Times)

Opinion: Republican Party uses fearmongering while finding no solution
What is great about America right now? The economy is strong. What is not great? Demonizing immigrants and not being inclusive of all people.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Bill Walz - Opinion

Our country is in trouble. A deep chasm between Republicans and Democrats threatens to tear the country apart. There seems no meeting ground with some on the Republican side even talking of civil war. This is not in any way great, yet Republicans rally under the slogan "Make America Great Again."

The Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, is not "conservative" anymore, but wildly radical, increasingly authoritarian, a growing threat to democracy. There is nothing conservative or great about attacking and denying fair elections, about undermining journalism, science, medicine, academia, public education and the law, all disciplines based in verifiable, provable facts, while spinning conspiracy theories that endanger Americans. Dictators always attack the institutions of truth to spread their propaganda unchecked.

The U.S. economy is strong under Joe Biden — the stock market is the highest ever, unemployment numbers are near the lowest ever, and inflation is coming under control. Democrats want to address that housing, health care, education and the basics of life remain unaffordable for many, and they pushed through an infrastructure bill to bring our economy into the 21st century, providing millions of jobs. Yet, Republicans damn it all as socialism, supporting exploitive business practices and the old, polluting economy. They insult those trying to build a fair, green, inclusive economy as "radical leftist environmentalists," offering no programs to keep America competitive in a world looking for the green technology other countries will happily provide if America doesn't. This is not greatness.

Demonizing immigrants seems to be the cornerstone of Republican politics — fearmongering, while offering no real solutions. Rapist, murdering, drug-peddling, job-stealing aliens to be stopped with a wall, razor-wire and troops on the border is how they portray the problem of people fleeing unstable and dangerous countries south of our border. Democrats want real immigration reform while Republicans block it to keep their issue alive. Our greatness will not come from fearmongering and crude, inhuman policies, but from addressing this very real problem at the source.

The Constitutional promise of equal right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for all is ingrained in this country's greatness. The full inclusion of people of color and non-typical sexual identity, of strengthening equal opportunity for women and for people struggling up from poverty remains a challenge. But Republicans see it as an opportunity to exploit white, male, working-class anxiety about change, implying they will be left behind, even "replaced." They call bringing people of color into America's mainstream and being honest about America's history of racism as racist against white people. They say recognizing the needs of the LGBTQ+ community is enticing straight children into perversion when no evidence supports this. More fear and smear. Meanwhile, Democrats want to do the great thing that America has always done — to make the tent bigger, fairer and more inclusive, and we can — to everyone's benefit.

Donald Trump represents the ugliest side of America, turning truth, law and democracy upside down. He has committed real political, financial and personal crimes, yet he proclaims he is the innocent victim of deep-state collusion against him and his followers. He even proclaims himself above the law, while also claiming to be about law and order. His business career was building opulent hotels and resorts while swindling the honest workers who built them, and he parades as the hero of the working man. If elected, he threatens to use government to punish those who oppose him, calling them "scum" and "vermin." Person after person who has worked with him, including those in his past administration, describe him as a man who only cares about himself, who has no values, decency or honesty.

Sorrily, the Republican Party has been captured by extremists led by a con man who wants to be dictator, who, using the slogan "Make America Great Again," is taking us away from everything actually great. This can be stopped, but only by very good, honest, patriotic people who have been caught up in these lies and deceits jumping off this train wreck. Please. This is not great. It is a catastrophe. Only through overwhelming defeat of Trump and all who follow his lead, and through the people coming together again in common respect can we keep our United States of America great...still.


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