
Democrats Are Melting Down on Purpose


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  s  •  4 months ago  •  31 comments

Democrats Are Melting Down on Purpose

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The fever pitch of hysteria emanating from Democrats right now has some Republicans thinking that Democrats know they are losing and are desperate. Now, there’s something to that: The trends have been moving against Democrats lately, and there’s an edge of panic creeping into the sound of their leaders and spokespeople. But at least if you look at the public polling, Democrats are still (barely) ahead in   the key battleground Senate races , and Donald Trump’s leads in the battleground states are mostly within the margin of error. If the polls are just a few points off-center — well within historic norms — it’s easy enough to see Kamala Harris winning, Democrats retaking the House, and Republicans winning just a one-seat margin in the Senate.

But the puzzle remains: If they are really trying to close the sale strategically in such a close election, why are their two closing messages (1) the dark night of fascism descending in America if Trump wins and (2) apocalyptic rhetoric about how every woman in America will die if we don’t have totally unrestricted abortion? Why is this campaign now being waged on   The Man in the High Castle   meets  The Handmaid’s Tale ?

I’ll tell you why: because  the time for persuasion is over . Early voting has started. Election Day is in eight days. So much money has been spent saturation-bombing the airwaves, mailboxes, and text-message inboxes with campaign messages that the minds of swing voters now resemble the ground at Verdun this time in 1916. There are undecided voters still out there, sure. Some will decide; many won’t, and will stay home. But the odds of either party doing anything to persuade voters their way from here on are slim, and political professionals know it.  This is the time for mobilization . It’s when campaigns narrow the lens to getting their own people out. So, it doesn’t really matter to the Democrats’ messaging at the moment whether they think they are cruising for a 1936-style blue tidal wave, a 1980-style red tsunami, or a razor-thin coin-toss election: They were always going to end this way, whipping their supporters into a frenzy and ignoring all messages that aren’t dialed all the way to eleven. If Democrats seem to be in a rage, a panic, or a tantrum in the campaign’s final week, that’s because that was the plan all along.

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    4 months ago

I can't believe the smart Democrats actually fall for the Nazi nonsense, so this makes sense. If the smart ones actually believe, this country is screwed.

The Nazis Nazis everywhere is all about ensuring the less bright and less engaged Democratic voter is scared enough to make it to the polls. 

Professor Principal
1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    4 months ago

Nazis, no Nazis, it doesnt matter. Trump's rally was 100% beyond normality.  The other day Tucker Carlson stood at the podium  AT A TRUMP RALLY,  ranting about spanking, vigorously spanking, 15 year old girls.  The camera pans to the audience and there are thousands of these young guys in red hats cheering and whooping it up.  That is Trump 2024.  Was it Nazi, not necessarily, was it sick , YES. 

Something similar happens every day now.  The degradation of our country is in high gear. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1    4 months ago
he degradation of our country is in high gear. 

Whoopi goldberg claimed that Trump is going to break up interracial marriages.  People are barely batting an eyelash because that's the sort of crazy that is now par for the course in legacy media.  She's lost all connection with reality and it doesn't matter to progressives.

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.1    4 months ago
Whoopi goldberg claimed that Trump is going to break up interracial marriages.

Hard to believe it was a mere 4 years ago they were claiming the same thing about Trump and abortion.  You'd think they'd learn....<sarc>

Senior Expert
1.1.3  George  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.1    4 months ago
Whoopi goldberg

Will be writing a lot of checks to silence accusers or going to prison with Diddy.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.4  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.2    4 months ago
4 years ago they were claiming the same thing about Trump and abortion

Trump didn't do anything on abortion. 

  You'd think they'd learn....<sarc

Yeah, after making the same hysterical claims in 2016 and none of them occurring, you do think they'd learn.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    4 months ago
I can't believe the smart Democrats actually fall for the Nazi nonsense, so this makes sense.

Is that like falling for the banana in the tailpipe? The "Nazi nonsense" isn't really nonsense, it's pretty clear by Trumps words and actions that he admires fascist dictators and is so fucking stupid he wonders why more people don't admire them. I believe John Kelly FAR more than I believe the lying sack of shit he worked for. I believe Trump did say what he's accused of saying as the things he says on camera back it up. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one, then jokingly backed off it but based on his expressed admiration for Putin and Kim Jong Un and Victor Orban, it would be foolish not to believe that what he really wants is to be a leader just like them.

“Ha! You knew I was a snake when you picked me up.”


Professor Principal
1.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2    4 months ago

This is what I dont get. Sure its possible , maybe even likely, that he wont be as bad as everyone fears.  People shouldnt have to vote on unknowable probabilities. If the chance he tries to be dictatorial is only 10% it is too high and there is no reason for the country to take the chance.

What we do know is that he and his associates, lackeys, posse, and lapdogs are weirdos who are making the country crazy and hateful. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2.1    4 months ago
People shouldnt have to vote on unknowable probabilities.

And it isn't just Trump. You know it. Every election is a crapshoot because they all make pretty promises and find out when the rubber hits the road, it turns out to be bluster to get elected and they realize they don't have the control nor power to do what they thought they could.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.2.3  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2    4 months ago
The "Nazi nonsense" isn't really nonsense

Except it is on every level. He was already President and didn't put his enemies in jail, despite the widely publicized "resistance" within his government, followed the court when it ruled against him and Congress when it voted against him.  He didn't try to pack the Court with his supporters to make it a partisan rubber stamp or destroy the filibuster to make it easier to implement his policies. 

And here's the kicker that should be so blindingly obvious it prevents anyone from using the comparison: he wants to shrink the power of the federal government. Fascists, good socialists that they are, want to increase centralization and remove power from private hands. 

Professor Principal
1.2.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.2    4 months ago

Trump is not mentally, emotionally, intellectually, or ethically fit to be president of the United States. 

Professor Principal
1.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.3    4 months ago
Except it is on every level. He was already President and didn't put his enemies in jail, despite the widely publicized "resistance" within his government, followed the court when it ruled against him and Congress when it voted against him.  He didn't try to pack the Court with his supporters to make it a partisan rubber stamp or destroy the filibuster to make it easier to implement his policies.

Yada yada yada. While he was president he tried to steal the 2020 election and overthrow the government process that sets the transfer of power in motion.  You people keep saying everything was fine during his first term - NO. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.2.6  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2.5    4 months ago
ed to steal the 2020 election and overthrow the government process

By following the same process Democrats did in 2000, 2004, and 2016. 

When it failed to win in Congress he gave up. 

Professor Guide
1.2.7  evilone  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.3    4 months ago
He was already President and didn't put his enemies in jail,

He certainly tried to have political protesters arrested by using ICE Agents in Portland. Since they had no jurisdiction they couldn't have them prosecuted. He also had the DC park police and NG troops clear an area of protesters in DC with tear gas so he could have a photo op. 

Professor Quiet
1.2.8  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.3    4 months ago
He was already President and didn't put his enemies in jail

Because he was told he couldn't by his AG and Chief of Staff, or should I say his former AG and Chief of Staff?

He didn't try to pack the Court with his supporters to make it a partisan rubber stamp or destroy the filibuster to make it easier to implement his policies.

Or overturn Roe v Wade, or have his case in Florida thrown out for no real reason. 

FYI, filibuster is Senate, not POTUS.

he wants to shrink the power of the federal government.

By putting them in your bedroom and your doctor's exam room?  All republicans claim they want to shrink the government and minimize spending, but when elected they do the exact opposite.

Senior Quiet
1.2.9  afrayedknot  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.6    4 months ago

“When it failed to win in Congress he gave up.”

After the not so veiled attempt of 1/6. Thankfully, members of both parties survived and came back to certify the election results. 

Professor Principal
1.2.10  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.6    4 months ago
By following the same process Democrats did in 2000, 2004, and 2016.  When it failed to win in Congress he gave up. 

Delusions die hard. 

Professor Principal
1.2.11  JohnRussell  replied to  afrayedknot @1.2.9    4 months ago

I still remember the great insurrection of 2016.  Following Clinton's call to violence at the Jefferson Memorial they attacked the Capitol and threw their sandals and birthstone bracelets and granola bars at the police .

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.12  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.3    4 months ago
He was already President and didn't put his enemies in jail, despite the widely publicized "resistance" within his government

First, that was very likely because of the guard rails like John Kelly keeping him from doing many things he wanted to do as President but was told that he either couldn't or shouldn't.

Second, Hitler hadn't done all the horrible things he is remembered for when he first got into politics in 1919, it took over a decade in politics before he started rounding up the Jews in concentration camps and even then he didn't start gassing them immediately, he was just removing them from German society at the time. The genocide didn't start till he and his 'yes man' generals started calculating the cost of indefinite detention that they had to figure out what to do with them. They couldn't send them to other countries, they would be potential allies of his enemies, and they didn't have other homes to go to, but he couldn't keep feeding them, so gas chambers and mass graves were the inevitable outcome for a populist madman who had promised to Make Germany Great Again. What will Trump do when he has 11 million undocumented immigrants rounded up into camps with nowhere to send them? He's already dehumanized them as Hitler did of the Jews and disabled. Trump has called undocumented immigrants' "trash" and said they're "poisoning the blood" of our country, that they're "rapists" "criminals" "animals" and "infest" our nation.

This isn't "Nazi nonsense", Trump is a very real threat and claiming that he didn't commit genocide in his first term proves he'd never do it in the future, or at minimum start down that road by rounding up millions of undocumented immigrants and putting them in concentration camps, is just plain ignorant.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.2.13  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2.12    4 months ago
at was very likely because of the guard rails like John Kelly keeping him from doing many things he wanted to do as President but was told that he either couldn't or shouldn't.

john Kelly left with two tears on his term. None of that happened. 

r hadn't done all the horrible things he is remembered for when he first got into politics in 1919,

Was Hitler President in 1919?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.14  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.2.13    4 months ago
Was Hitler President in 1919?

He sure wasn't, as I said, he "got into politics" in 1919 and took over as chancellor in 1932 and wasn't in full control of Germany till June of 1934 and Auschwitz was established in 1940 and Göring was appointed and directed to implement the "Final Solution" in July of 1941 after which the genocide began in earnest with the start of the extermination camps in December 1941.

The point is, Hitler hadn't committed any genocide when he first came to power and didn't for over half a decade. I would never compare Trump today to Hitler in 1941, but he certainly resembles Hitler in 1934 appealing to the German poor and middle class, blaming the prior government for their loss in WW1, blaming they and the non-German immigrant population for the financial woes, blaming them for the depression and claiming he would "Make Germany Great Again" if only they would just trust him and elect him to lead the nation so he could act on their grievances against those non-Germans, the "animals", the "trash", the "criminals" that were "poisoning the blood" and "infesting" Germany. To not see the similarities is to discard all reason and rationale.

Senior Expert
1.3  George  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    4 months ago
smart Democrats

That is assuming facts not in evidence.

Professor Guide
1.4  evilone  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    4 months ago
The Nazis Nazis everywhere is all about ensuring the less bright and less engaged Democratic voter is scared enough to make it to the polls. 

I could say the same for illegals illegals everywhere... Same shit different day.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2  Hal A. Lujah    4 months ago

Fucking Trump supporters are so vile.  I just saw a guy interviewed on tv say that he’s been to every state in the country and all he sees are Trump signs so he will not accept the results of the election if Trump loses.  Their cult leader lies with every breath so they think it’s ok to do it too.  Yes, it is entirely appropriate to take this election seriously.  These are the fucking lowlifes that will start the next civil war.

Senior Quiet
2.1  afrayedknot  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2    4 months ago

“These are the fucking lowlifes that will start the next civil war.”

Against just whom and where will they lash out? Election offices? Abortion clinics? Universities? Door to door in some dystopian purity test?

I would say god help us, though they will have their god inciting whatever they are already salivating to do. They are locked and loaded, half-cocked and goaded. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2.1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  afrayedknot @2.1    4 months ago

Or just anyone with a D voter registration.

Professor Participates
2.1.2  bugsy  replied to  afrayedknot @2.1    4 months ago

Can't speak for the Rs because they have never attacked any of what you have listed, with the exception of the rare abortion clinic, but the left is well known for their burning, looting, robbing and killing whenever they don't get their way. 

Amazing that when the left accuses the right of doing something, it always turns out that the left has already engaged in what they left is accusing the right of maaayyyyyyyyybe going to do. 

Professor Principal
2.1.3  JBB  replied to  bugsy @2.1.2    4 months ago



Professor Participates
2.1.4  bugsy  replied to  JBB @2.1.3    4 months ago

So you found a doctored picture of a woman that barely looks like Harris and try to pass it off as her.

Where is your proof this is actually her?

Professor Expert
3  Nerm_L    4 months ago

Well, Trump seems to be deliberately trying whip Democrats into a frenzy.  So, the Democrats meltdown seems to be what Trump wants, too.

Look, there's no way Trump will flip any of the Democrats' big Blue Islands.  But it's to Trump's advantage if Democrats stay on those islands.  The question is whether or not Democrats hair-on-fire, scream at the sky, anti-Trump rhetoric will attract support outside those Blue Islands.  Looks like Trump is betting Democrats' over-the-top fearmongering will turn off rural, suburban, and small city voters.  Those are the voters that Trump needs.

Both camps appear to think that Democrats' meltdown is to their advantage.  The frenzy of anti-Trump fearmongering is definitely a winning strategy one of the candidates.  We just don't know which candidate will benefit most.

Professor Principal
3.1  JBB  replied to  Nerm_L @3    4 months ago

Remember when MAGA thought they were making big inroads with Hispanic voters and black men? How quickly things change...original


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