
President Biden insisted he didn't sign executive order -- just weeks after doing so: Speaker Mike Johnson


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  2 months ago  •  16 comments

By:   Matthew Sedacca Published (New York Post)

President Biden insisted he didn't sign executive order -- just weeks after doing so: Speaker Mike Johnson
House Speaker Mike Johnson revealed President Biden insisted to him he hadn't issued an executive order freezing liquid natural gas export permits -- despite doing so less than a month prior.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

President Biden had no clue whether or not he signed a critical executive order during a conversation last year with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who admitted he left the meeting fearing the nation is in "serious trouble."

An addled Biden insisted to the Louisiana lawmaker that he never issued the order to freeze new liquid natural gas export permits — even though he signed off on it less than a month earlier.

Johnson told the Free Press' Bari Weiss he didn't believe Biden was lying, but was left to believe the then-81-year-old leader "genuinely didn't know what he had signed."

The troubling encounter happened in the Oval Office in early 2024, when the two met to discuss the latest aid package for Ukraine.

Afterwards, Johnson asked Biden why he had inked an executive order pausing new permits for American liquid natural gas export to European allies — a crucial issue for his constituents in the Bayou State, which in 2023, handled 61% of the nation's LNG exports, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

"Why would you do that? Cause you understand we just talked about Ukraine, you understand you are fueling Vladimir Putin's war machine, because they gotta get their gas from him," Johnson said he told Biden.

Biden was stunned, Johnson said.

"I didn't do that," the president said, according to Johnson.

"Sir, you paused it, I know. I have the export terminals in my state. I talked to those people in my state, I've talked to those people this morning, this is doing massive damage to our economy, national security," Johnson said he told the commander-in-chief.

Biden continued to deny that he froze the exports — and then remembered he signed the executive order, which he said was simply to study the effects of the fuel.

"I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, 'We are in serious trouble—who is running the country?'" Johnson said.

"Like, I don't know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn't know," he said.

4Biden insisted to Johnson that he never issued an executive order to freeze new liquid natural gas export permits. REUTERS

The Wall Street Journal previously reported on Biden's meeting with Johnson in late February, citing anonymous sources at the time.

A bombshell December report revealed White House aides had been covering up the 82-year-old president's mental decline since the very beginning of his term.

In January 2021, staffers had already put into place plans to his in-person interactions. They also rearranged his daily schedules whenever Biden seemed tired or had made gaffes in public.

Biden himself admitted in a USA Today interview he wasn't sure if he would've had the "vigor" for another term had he won re-election, although he didn't clarify what this meant about his current mental capacities.

The lame duck president dropped out of the 2024 race following a disastrous debate performance against now-President-elect Donald Trump, where he gave garbled answers to questions, repeatedly froze, and even lost his train of thought.

He dropped soon after and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who was trounced by Trump in November's presidential race.

The White House didn't respond to a request for comment.


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    2 months ago

Biden was nothing but a tool of the radical left. 

He leaves despised by many.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 months ago

II's obvious Joe hasn't running the show for a very long time now. I suspect Obama has had a hand in the shadow government that has been pulling Biden's puppet strings.

Professor Guide
1.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    2 months ago
I suspect Obama has had a hand in the shadow government

You of course have proof of your complete and utter BS?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.1    2 months ago

Of course I don't have proof yet, this is just an educated guess. But it's clear that Biden wasn't able to get anything done on his own. Who do you think was pulling the levers behind the screen?

Professor Guide
1.1.3  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1.2    one month ago
Of course I don't have proof yet

Well, Obama has been out of office for HOW long? Almost 9 years and you still have no proof? What's the holdup?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.4  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    one month ago
I suspect Obama has had a hand in the shadow government that has been pulling Biden's puppet strings.

Remember that night Obana was on Colbert's show?

COLBERT: Did you miss you? Did you ever look at something going on in the news and say, "You know what this situation needs? A little Barack Obama."

OBAMA: I said this before. People would ask me, "Knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?" And I used to say, "You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that.

Obama Once Said He'd 'Be Fine with a Third Term' if Someone Could Be a 'Stand-In with an Earpiece'? | Snopes.com

Professor Guide
1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 months ago
Biden was nothing but a tool of the radical left. 

Just like trump is nothing but a tool for the radical right and the putin radical regime. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2.1  Greg Jones  replied to  MrFrost @1.2    2 months ago
"Just like trump is nothing but a tool for the radical right and the putin radical regime. "
You of course have proof of your complete and utter BS?

Professor Guide
1.2.2  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @1.2.1    one month ago
You of course have proof of your complete and utter BS?

Professor Participates
1.2.3  Snuffy  replied to  MrFrost @1.2.2    one month ago


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Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    2 months ago

This isn't a surprise to anyone who's paid attention to media that isn't leftwing propaganda. The people who relied on the ABCs and CBSs  were told Biden was outworking 30 year old staff.  The evidence that he was not capable of acting as President has been overwhelming since before the 2020 election.

That Democrats thought they could elect him again shows just how confident they are that the media will do everything in their power to elect them. They just assumed they could use him as a puppet while the media convinced voters to dismiss the unedited videos they saw as "cheap fakes" while making insanely dishonest claims like "biden is sharper than ever" and dismissing criticism of Biden's obvious issues as a far right conspiracy.    The collusion between the democratic party and the media ran so deep they almost got away with it.  Biden being unable to fake being a mentally competent adult for sixty minutes is all that stopped the conspiracy. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    one month ago

This should be a massive sandal, but it’s democrats:

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the
University of Virginia, recalled receiving a
call from a Democratic senator in late
January or early February 2024.
"I said, 'Is there any particular reason why
you called me? I'd like to know? He said,
You do realise, off the record, that Joe
Biden is not going to be our nominee?' I was
stunned. I said, 'What, how, why? He said,
I just was at a meeting with him with
several other senators and he couldn't even
function. We can't run him?»

Sabato added that the senator in question
tried to raise the issue, which angered the
White House. "He was punished, as several
of them were. They gave him the cold
shoulder for a while. The point is that a lot
of people had figured it out but they didn't

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    one month ago

Now we start getting journalism from the Times as Biden heads out to pasture:

In the latest edition of “NOW it can be told,” with two days left in Joe Biden’s presidency, the   New York Times   tells us   that six people effectively controlled what information got to Biden , and what information was withheld.

Six key people protected the president.

Jill Biden, the first lady, and Hunter Biden, his surviving son, fervently believed in his ability to win. Mr. Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, the counselor to Mr. Biden, knew when and how to deliver information, along with Annie Tomasini, the deputy chief of staff. She and Anthony Bernal, the first lady’s most senior aide, took tight control over the president’s public schedule.

One more observation about the foggy, out-of-it mindset of our president for the past four years: Apparently, it never crossed Joe Biden’s mind that it was odd that he rarely if ever did events before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. in the afternoon. (The   Times   reports, “Biden pushed his staff to keep him scheduled and busy,” but we can see the leisurely pace in   the public schedule , and how many days featured the words, “the President has no public events scheduled.”)

It never seemed unusual to Biden that he was doing so few press conferences or sit-down interviews. During the president’s rare public appearances,   we noticed Biden asking his staff, “Am I allowed to take any questions?”   Why is the president asking his staff if he’s allowed to do this?

When his staff rolled out a teleprompter for him to use while making remarks at small fund-raisers in private homes, Biden just nodded and went along with it. It never struck him as peculiar that he, the president of the United States, was expected to stick to prepared remarks at an off-camera Democratic fundraiser with only one print reporter in the room.

He never met with his pollsters from his reelection campaign, and that didn’t seem abnormal to him.

His need for naps during the debate preparation days didn’t strike him as a sign that maybe he no longer had the energy for job.

In this most recent article, the   Times   still offers excuses for Biden, stating, “he was exhausted from not one but two trips to Europe and a fund-raiser in California in the weeks before his debate with Mr. Trump on June 27.”

He went to the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France from June 5 to 9. The second trip was to the G7 Summit in Italy from June 12 to 14. He flew directly to Los Angeles for a fundraiser with George Clooney. He was back at the White House 9:30 p.m. June 16.

Biden did not leave the east coast between June 16 and 27, and had no   public events on his schedule from June 19 to 27 .   Those trips had been eleven days earlier!   If you can’t recover from jet lag within eleven days, you cannot handle the duties of the president.

Professor Expert
5  CB    one month ago

There is good news and bad news for MAGA regarding President Biden:

1. Good news: Biden's administration ends (tomorrow) January 20, 2025.

2. Bad news: BDSF may be INFINITE.

Professor Quiet
5.1  Ronin2  replied to  CB @5    one month ago

Unfortunately it will never replace or out pace TDS.

A disease that just keeps on giving; no matter who is in office.

Professor Expert
6  CB    one month ago

A metaphor.

Two political 'pigs' were found waddling and tussling in mud. . . the better 'pig' got out of the hole and went up the bank a ways and washed itself down. 


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