Americas Original Extreme Sport
Indian relay racing has been around for hundreds of years. For decades it was only done on the reservation but in the past decade it has become a fast growing sport with crowds getting bigger all the time.
No saddles allowed, bareback only and it is a dangerous sport which goes back centuries and it comes from young warrior stealing their enemies horses.
‘’The Horse People’’ as we are known have a special connection to the horse especially in the Western US. The Crow, Plains Ojibwe, Dakota, Lakota, Blackfoot, Arapaho, to name a few of the horse people.
The video explains the rules and the connection between the Horse People and the horses.
Also some great racing video.
Jump on board and ride with the wind.
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Any real cowboys out there in NT land? If so welcome aboard and to the rest of you enjoy ‘’Americas Orginal Extreme Sport.’’
Very brave young men
And women, Trout.
them, too
youtube videos of these races are hair raising. just wait until maga blames the entire western wild horse problem on NA's.
LOL, it’s expected, after all we aren’t white..