CBS News poll — Trump has positive approval amid "energetic" opening weeks; seen as doing what he promised
Category: News & Politics
Via: robert-in-ohio • 2 months ago • 9 commentsBy: Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus, Kabir Khanna

I guess I did not expect that President trump would have positive approval ratings this early in his administration.
It has been sort of "What I Said" is "What You See" and that is "What You Get"

With most describing him as "tough," "energetic," "focused" and "effective" — and as doing what he'd promised during his campaign — President Trump has started his term with net positive marks from Americans overall.
Many say he's doing more than they expected — and of those who say this, most like what they see. Very few think he's doing less.
His partisans and his voters, in particular, say he's got the right amount of focus on matters like ending diversity, equity and inclusion programs and deporting those who are in the country illegally.
His deportation policy finds majority approval overall — just as most voters said they wanted during the campaign — and that extends to sending troops to the border, too.
But one key issue looms: Most Americans say the administration isn't focused enough on lowering prices. Inflation was a key reason Mr. Trump won the election.
Be Civil and follow the NT Rules - simple as that
Discuss the issue presented without going off on tangents or insulting each other (or me)
Have fun
From the article
And many say he's breaking the law - and those who say this actually know the law unlike Donald Trump who just does and says anything that pops into his fat greasy head.
The opinions of those who know the law matters far more to me than a lot of random, very likely uninformed or misinformed, layman's opinions.
Can you give us some examples or this?
We'll wait.
He tried to summarily fire inspector generals.
He tried to eliminate jus soli.
Oh hell, here are some links ... do some research:
Clearly you missed the link in my comment to the article that makes that claim. It gives very clear examples of the laws that he is breaking, and the courts are already starting to close in. This will be a very short-lived celebration for Trump sycophants. Sure, he'll likely stay President for the next four years, but all the shit he's trying to pull right now will catch up to him and it is illegal regardless of what a bunch toothless macho swamp bigots or his large base of rabid incels believe.
I do not support all the crap actions that are be taken or being attempted to be taken by Trump but this poll is reflective of what the electorate thinks and believes - the opinions of an elitist group (or groups) is not more important than the working man or woman that voted for Trump or voted against Trump.
This poll reflects what "the people" think
Deal with it
Rather amazing results:
Seems those polled:
So basically, great disapproval on prices and Gaza takeover and tariffs except on China yet those polled give a net thumbs up. Our priorities are a mess.