Dem Lawmakers in Chaos 3 Weeks Into Trump's Presidency, Pulling Chuck Schumer in Opposite Directions
Category: News & Politics
Via: robert-in-ohio • one month ago • 76 commentsBy: Ben Zeisloft

I found the views of insiders in the Democrat Party about what is wrong and the fact that there is little unity in thought on how to fix things to be interesting.
Can Schumer fix it? Seems unlikely
Is the answer to a new direction, message and tactic for the democrat Party going forward already an elected official in Washington? Perhaps, but likely it will be a Washington Outsider that figures out the new path.

Democrats are at their most divided moment in recent memory, causing headaches for Democratic leaders in Congress who are trying to mount a response to President Donald Trump.
The returning commander-in-chief won a decisive victory in November.
But many have observed that the Democrats do not have a clear national figurehead or platform from which they can oppose his agenda.
There is a significant internal divide on how to navigate the next few years.
According to a Tuesday report from The Wall Street Journal, some Democrats want Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, currently the most powerful member of their coalition in the federal government, to take a more aggressive approach toward Trump.
Others, however, are urging more caution, meaning that Schumer is being pulled in two different directions.
Schumer recently took a call from several Democratic governors who urged him not to tolerate Democrats voting for Trump nominees.
He told the Journal that “some of my caucus didn’t want to do that,” but he agreed with the governors and said he would “urge people to vote no on every nominee, and we’re going to work hard.”
Even as Schumer tries to produce a response, with Trump’s nominees who have been voted on receiving confirmation thus far as the nation approaches the second month of Trump’s new administration, the Democrats are still having trouble overcoming their internal divisions about November.
Some say that the party needs to fix its brand with white working class people and address diminishing support among minorities. Others meanwhile argue that certain swing state contests were close and that there is no need to revamp the party.
Washington Democratic Rep. Adam Smith told the Journal, “Our brand is toxic in many of the places that we need to win, swing states, swing districts.”
He added, “Our coalition is fundamentally broken because of the distance between the far left and the rest of the coalition.”
Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, much like Schumer , is trying to rally his troops and deal with internal divisions.
He recently sent a letter to his colleagues vowing to use upcoming funding deadlines as leverage to attain certain Democratic priorities.
Jeffries is also trying to mobilize candidates to run for the House in 2026, noting that the Democrats came within three seats of a majority.
Democratic Florida Rep. Jared Moskowitz told the Journal, “We’re in the middle of a hurricane.” However, he believes Jeffries is doing well under the circumstances.
“Right now, we’re getting ourselves organized,” Moskowitz said.
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From the article
“Our coalition is fundamentally broken because of the distance between the far left and the rest of the coalition.” --- Democratic Rep. Adam Smith
It seems the extremes of the Democrat Party are as far apart as the moderates and far gihts are in the Republican party.
You're tipping your hand on your political leanings. Only the right calls the Democratic Party the "democrat party".
Oh, we know, everyone is a Conservative who is to the right of Leon Trotsky.
As usual you have nothing to say about the topic, but rather make personal comments.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans are "democratic" parties, i.e. divisions within the democratic process of government.
Yep. And IMO the bigger problem is that the extremes are the loudest in the parties and the moderates are afraid to stand up to them. It's difficult for them to fight off in the primaries when the loudest voices are pushing more extremists to the voters.
You are correct, the extremists are controlling both sides of the aisle.
Well Bob, do you think the democrats are about to move to the center?
I needed that.laugh.
Doubt it.
I saw a poll yesterday that stated that about half of Democrats said the party either needed to go farther left or stay where they were. I don't think there is a "farther " left for them.
They are stuck.
Not in our lifetimes.
Whatever they learned stays with them.
I'd say so.
From the article
Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, much like Schumer , is trying to rally his troops and deal with internal divisions. He recently sent a letter to his colleagues vowing to use upcoming funding deadlines as leverage to attain certain Democratic priorities.
So, Speaker Jeffries seems in favor of a government shutdown (certainly not good for people on main street USA) rather than finding a way to work out compromise with the Majority Party.
Yes, but will inevitably blame it on Republicans.....
And leftists will lap it up because they would have been told to.
This is what happens when one's first allegiance is to the party rather than the people. After all the party controls more money than the individual candidate and can easily push their money towards someone else during an election campaign.
After all the party controls more money than the individual candidate and can easily push their money towards someone else during an election campaign
That is a weapon seller by the Republicans and Democrats in equal measure.
That is a big story.
Democrats are gobsmacked to learn that all Congressional races need to focus on local politics. And the country is so divided that unity around a simplified national political identify becomes impossible. Democrats have been warned that they no longer have a big tent. The Democrat coalition is made up of a lot of small tents in a big campground. That's why Democrats have needed a charismatic leader to hold the various factions together. But none are available at the moment.
The Democratic Party needs to work on the fundamentals of their guiding principles. Attempting to appease every little faction to hold the coalition together allows radicals too much power of coercion. That's what the seeded article is describing. The party leadership is being pulled in too many directions to lead the party; they're consumed by appeasing the radicals.
Been l
As are the Republicans being dominated by the far right
Any politics to the right of Fidel Castro would be the far-right to radical Democrats.
I have been a conservative most of my life and the MAGA policies are extremist far right to me and many other life long Republicans that I know.
How could you ever know Trump would cause utter chaos? /S!
I think we all knew that there would be chaos and sadly I think there will be more to come
We had a functioning government. If continuity and sanity was not a good enough reason to vote for Harris, what would be?
Generally speaking, I agree with this.
However on a very few items, I think I'm more of the opinion that they're not totally wrong, I just don't like their tone.
Absolutely agree
Who people voted for is yesterday's news, the election is over and this is what we have.
A continued focus on the past and on "what if and why not" will do nothing positive. We need to figure out the path forward, we are where we are.
I am sure you would like to believe that...
I do believe that and if you are satisfied with thinking hating Trump is more important than finding a way through the chaos then that is your choice.
I respect your position
‘Functioning’ is dependent on who thinks it is. The vast majority of the electorate think that The last administration was a disaster and the same number, 70 percent, are happy with the current one.
There was nothing functional about dementia Joe and his DEI VP.
Out of control illegal aliens flooding into our country,
high inflation,
High food cost,
high energy prices,
crazy positions on transgenders,
diversity, equity and inclusion infecting all types of business and government
and that's your idea of functioning.
It is not the duty and responsibility for democrats (and the party) to 'save' voters from their ill-conceived choice of president and congress. This article is oriented in the wrong direction, asking the wrong question. It ought to ask why the GOP with power can't COMPROMISE with the democratic party and its affiliates. After all, the voters assented to GOP leadership: So lead.
The GOP is leading. The problem is that the left doesn't want to follow.
Reagan and Tip O'Neill would butt heads all day and then go have a beer together when the day was done.
Clinton could pretty much work across the aisle with the Republicans too. Bush Jr, went out of his way to be nice to the opposition.
And then Obama came along and messed it all up by never giving an inch on any issue. Biden and the Democrats have been in all out-opposition mode ever since.
It might seem that way to you, butt only if you were born in 2016!
Skipping right past the gop obstructing Clinton and Obama, huh?
Skipping right past the gop obstructing Clinton and Obama, huh?
You are right they certainly did and then the democrats obstructed Trump and then the Repubicans obstructed Biden and now here we are.
Don't you think we should try a new approach?
Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is the definition of stupidity - some really smart guy (not me) said that and he was right.
The problem with false equivalencies is that they are what, Robert? They are false!
What they do is justify the unjustifiable.
Make what is abnormal seem... normal!
Whatever, just avoid any accountability.
Trying to equate MAGA with either party in the past is ridiculous. There is not any comparison. Go sell that shit in Russia!
Odd, how you must agree so disagreeably...
I was raised to admit when I was.. WRONG!
Do not piss my leg and tell me it is raining.
Odd, how you can agree so disagreeably!
Sorry you see it that way
Because unlike you and some others - I do not see big issues (especially politics) as black and white, right and left, Dem and Rep
There are no yes or no answers to most of the issues we discuss (using that term loosely) here on NT - compromise and cooperation are needed to solve problems not either or approaches
I didn't you brought up Clinton and Obama. i.e. the false/correct equivalency
Their side and their views are "wrong and evil" while our side is "right and just" is simply not an answer to any question or problem facing the country.
Whatever, if it lets you sleep at night...
Sorry, not buyin it. Maybe it's your tone.
High and mighty judging everyone else.
From now on I'll leave you to the MAGA.
Apparently what Musk and Trump are doing doesn't worry or alarm you.
If they did you wouldn't be emphasizing this both sidesism bullshit.
So be it, but don't expect agreement or compromise from those that oppose that.
Exactly, this bullshit can't be normalized.
Follow a gameplan. Viva La Resistance.
Of course it bothers me
Your comment seems as if you have not read or understood previous comments on the chaos and my worries for the future.
Both sideism as you intone is the basis for our government - taking the best from each side and discarding the rest and coming together for the good of all.
The first step is admitting your problem.
Cognitive Dissonance is the root cause of internal conflicts caused by simultaneously holding conflicting and irreconcilable beliefs.
You cannot half way support a tyranny.
The same as you cannot be half MAGA.
There is no good side of a dictatorship.
Fascism will never equal to democracy.
You can't, won't, convince us different.
Members of Congress need to compromise at times in order to get needed bills passed. No regular person should be compromising, even in their own minds, with Musk and Trump. There were supposed to be studies of these various departments. A study of a large governmental agency would take many weeks or months. There were agencies being closed or depleted days after Trump took office . Clearly there have not been "studies" of these agencies workings.
So why is this really happening? Power.
And no one elected Musk.
I have asked two or three times on this forum if people think Musk is a patriotic American, and did not receive a single "yes".
Members of Congress need to compromise at times in order to get needed bills passed. No regular person should be compromising, even in their own minds, with Musk and Trump.
I agree
There were supposed to be studies of these various departments. A study of a large governmental agency would take many weeks or months. There were agencies being closed or depleted days after Trump took office . Clearly there have not been "studies" of these agencies workings.
I agree
So why is this really happening? Power.
I agree
And no one elected Musk.
I agree
I have asked two or three times on this forum if people think Musk is a patriotic American, and did not receive a single "yes".
A solid no from me, everything he is into is because he thinks it will benefit him and no one else.
All of the points you make are correct.
I am no part MAGA, I hate dictatorships in all aspects, racism is is totally wrong in all aspect and agree on the difference between democracy and fascism.
You are trying to start a fight, I want to have a discussion
But some racial discrimination by the government is good, says the progressive.
Is this supposed to mean something?
Are you an anarcho libertarian now?
Then discuss with those you ostensibly disagree with whom you are giving a pass to in preference of bothering John and I, quibbling about how we should compromise with MAGA...
Denial of white privilege is not racial discrimination...
Then discuss with those you ostensibly disagree with whom you are giving a pass to in preference of bothering John and I, quibbling about how we should compromise with MAGA..
Other than sounding like a little hurt feelings whining, this makes absolutely no sense. I will discuss things with anyone who comments but I am not bowing to those of you on the left or the extreme right in agreement. If that is what yyou think a discussion is then you are quite wrong.
I guess they felt they were so successful with the 'I didn't vote for Hunter' bit that they can continue to use it over and over. Sad, isn't it.
How many Nazi collaborators hanged?
How many Nazi collaborators got shot?
Does history judge Nazi collaborators?
Yes, Robert, history condemned them...
And none of the points made by your list have anything at all to do with what we are trying to discuss here.
Just because you keep repeating things over and over does make them more relevant to the current discussion.
It is the role of the federal government to make its CITIZENS 'whole' as it possibly can (a form of equality) and not allow them to negligently hang in legal, unhealthy, or inhumane circumstances without any hope of relief. The fact is some states (and the federal government under this president) want to control and selectively favor one group (or tribe) of people over another. That can not be the role of the federal government. It is sad enough that states can be so stubborn and pathetic to cause mental and physical harm unnecessarily to their own 'members.'
Is that in the Constitution?
Which tribe is that, exactly? And how does the government seek to favor them?
Some might opine that the constitution actually promises every citizen the right to "the pursuit of happiness" not happiness itself (which is broadly what you describe.
Bob, reread my comment. Because I do not see any indication that the government is a GUARANTEER of happiness. Our country has had its problems with allowing its citizens equality (and now at it again this year). I won't rehash the past and the attempts to setting the country back again. However, we 'all' should know about it. Yes, the past is rearing its UGLY ASS HEAD again as some seek to take dominance of our society for their benefit ONCE AGAIN. Nobody decent should want that to happen. Everybody decent should understand and FIGHT again powerful people and their private self-interests.
Bob, surely you can see the conservatives are limited in popular vote counts on the average. . but, are acting to 'lock' in the country to a conservative stream of consciousness. Why should liberals accept a conservative stream of consciousness? Why not a diverse stream of consciousness for the country? Is the country big enough for everybody to be "happy" relatively-speaking?
The government has no responsibility to "make anyone whole" - people have to make the effort to help themselves when given the opportunity.
That is the right "to the pursuit of happiness"
"The past" is pretty vague, if you have a point make and we will discuss it
Probably speaking of slavery where no one alive today were slaves nor did anyone own slaves, but all Americans need to pay reparations for something they had nothing to do with.
First, let me say I have no intention of restating U.S. history of injustices, civil war, and racists state and federal policies, laws, and improper practices to anybody here. Moreover, it is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Second, if when states violate the civil rights and human rights of citizens of "united" states, it is the responsibility of federal officeholders (the "supremacy clause") to exert its authority to follow its own rule of law to make the citizens of this country 'whole.' That is how it has been operating for decades (if not centuries) now. . . so don't give me some line about abstracts. And do NOT ever come at me with that line about "making the effort" since this country has in its long record of misdeeds (even official apologies to minority groups) and. . . even presently that an 'effed' up defense secretary has today put the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Q. Brown Jr. on a list to the senate for removal/firing of generals
on a trumped up "charge" of DEI involvement/entanglement. We can 'know' this is another white power 'crap' action for we do not want him in a position of higher power and influence over the services.
What has happened to minorities throughout the history of this country and in this present presidency with its tendency to see minorities and women as inferior to its needs will occur again. . . the question is what the hell will good people do about it besides roll over and go back to 'sleep.'
No idea how slavery figures into this conversation
I am sure you had a point but it was lost in the rhetoric
No, sadly the point was neglected in order to run with an opportunistic retort. The point (again) is people that have come from the 'place' of social neglect and upheavals understand through the trials and tribulations what it looks and feels like to encounter the headwinds of those 'gales.' Now then, for those with experiences of 'punky-dory' lives all or nearly all their lives any change that is less than its "perfection" is a trial for them. However, the two experiences are not the same and never can be the same.
And for the record, stereotyping is immoral. Furthermore, it is conservatives that emphasize individuality. . .
Note: In my comment 4.1.33 the wording should be: 'hunky-dory"
Again the flowing, fancy language belongs in a poem
It seems you are beating around the bush on the point of "privilege"
I agree with you on stereotyping in any instance being wrong
Like poetry, with reflection its meaning will grow.
While you continue beating around the bush, I will move on to discuss clear points made by others
Thanks for playing the game
You're welcome. Keep it fun, Robert. Make it a nice day.
High and mighty judging everyone else.
That is crap and you know it.
I calmly try to discuss issues looking at both sides of a problem, looking for a solution even if I do not like all aspects oof that solution.
I do not sit on a high horse shouting "I hate MAGA or I hate the Democrats" no I wonder what can be done to get the moderates on both sides to pull away from the left and right extremists and govern this country properly.
Walking away from a discussion when someone disagrees with you, calling them names as you do, is not the answer
It is my opinion based on personal experience.
IMHO, the Vichy French were as bad as Nazis!
Are you even on topic? The topic isn't MAGA...
As to Nazis in Europe, are you for or against?
Judging by votes up, folks think you are for...
How dare Denmark outlaw Nazi propaganda!
Is that your point? Because I cannot tell you...
The topic is the current state of affairs in the U.S. and none of your rants have anything to do with it.
MAGA is part of what has the democrats discombobulated so it is relevant.
You are simply ranting
Which returns to my point earlier - I want a discussion and you want a fight