
Texas boy, 4, takes loaded gun to school, authorities say


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  1 comments

Texas boy, 4, takes loaded gun to school, authorities say

Texas boy, 4, takes loaded gun to school, authorities say

Nobody has been hurt after a 4-year-old pre-kindergarten student took a loaded gun in his backpack to a South Texas elementary school.

Officials with the La Joya Independent School District say a teacher confiscated the weapon and locked the gun in a safe until police arrived.

The incident happened Thursday at Rosendo Benavides Elementary School in Sullivan City. The boy mentioned the gun to other students, who then told a teacher.

Police are speaking with the child's relatives to determine how he acquired the gun, which had 15 bullets in the magazine but no rounds in the chamber.

District police Chief Raul Gonzalez says investigators do not believe the boy planned to use the gun. School officials will consider any possible punishment for the child.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Police are speaking with the child's relatives to determine how he acquired the gun, which had 15 bullets in the magazine but no rounds in the chamber. I hope so!!


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