
Honor student's suspension over knife raises questions about zero tolerance


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  5 comments

Honor student's suspension over knife raises questions about zero tolerance

Honor student's suspension over knife raises questions about zero tolerance

Atiya Haynes, seen here with her attorney, said she forgot that she was carrying a pocketknife that her grandfather gave her for protection. (MyFoxDetroit.com)

The 17-year-old Michigan honor student who was initially expelled after a 3 -inch pocketknife was found in her purse during a football game in September will be suspended for the year instead and be able to take online classes and graduate with her class next year,

Though the Dearborn Heights District 7 Board of Education softened the punishment, Atiya Haynes said the board, which met on Monday, made up its mind before it handed down the ruling.

Haynes, who reportedly has a 3.0 GPA and hopes to attend Howard University, does not deny having the pocketknife, but the knife was a gift from her grandfather in July. He gave it to her for protection because she held two summer jobs and rode a bike to each one.

Slate reported that Haynes packed her bag with "lotion, sandals, hair products, a swimsuit" (she was a lifeguard). She also put the knife in the bag and said she forgot about it.

The school board said its hands were tied in the case because it is required to uphold state laws. The state has a zero-tolerance rule.

The Slate report pointed out that there is a loophole in the law. A school does not have to expel a student if the student can prove that she did not know she had the weapon or the student was given permission to possess the weapon.

"Every time you forget your keys to your house, think of me," she told the station. "Think of this honest mistake. I'm a human being."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

"Every time you forget your keys to your house, think of me," she told the station. "Think of this honest mistake. I'm a human being."

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    10 years ago

Which is the reply of most everyone caught with a weapon, though the punishment does seem to be severe.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Would the concern be the same, if a student who had continually been in trouble and was a marginal student offered the same defense?

I doubt it

What if her grandfather had given her a derringer?

Zero tolerance for students carrying weapons in the school seems like a reasonable rule to me and rules should be enforced

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

though the punishment does seem to be severe. I agree...

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

The rules are the rules!!


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