
Airline passenger grounded following tweets about pilot's sobriety test


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Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  1 comments

Airline passenger grounded following tweets about pilot's sobriety test

Airline passenger grounded following tweets about pilot's sobriety test

Lisa Carter Knight claims social media got her kicked off a JetBlue flight in Philadelphia. (Fox29)

A New Hampshire woman was denied entry on a JetBlue flight after tweeting about a pilot's sobriety testing.

Marketing executive Lisa Carter-Knight was waiting to board Flight760 in Philadelphia for Boston on Tuesday when it was announced that the plane would be delayed because the pilot believed another passenger accused him of being intoxicated.

MyFoxPhilly reports that, according to passenger accounts posted on Twitter, someone joked with the delayed pilot, writing: "This flight's late, were you at the bar?"

JetBlue took the allegation seriously, and as a precaution conducted a sobriety test. The pilot was eventually cleared, but the plane was delayed.

Carter-Knight live-tweeted the incident, posting several comments about passengers questioning the pilots sobriety

Just after midnight, the flight was cleared to leave, but Carter-Knight was denied boarding she says because of her social media coverage of the nights events.

JetBlue claims that was not why the executive was not allowed on board.

The decision to remove a customer from a flight is not taken lightly. If we feel a customer is not complying with safety instructions, exhibits objectionable behavior or causes conflict at the gate or on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane or will be denied boarding especially if the crew feels the situation runs the risk of accelerating in the air," JetBlue said in a statement to WMUR-TV. "In this instance, the customer received a refund and chose to fly on another carrier."

Carter-Night took the refund but she posted to Twitter that the reason she was given her money back was because of service denied not unruly behavior.


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Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I'm glad they got it straightened out!!


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