
FCC Weighs Penalty on Redskins Name


Category:  Sports

Via:  larry-crehore  •  11 years ago  •  5 comments

FCC Weighs Penalty on Redskins Name

FCC Redskins: Will Broadcasters Now Be Punished for Indecency?


The Federal Communications Commission has been asked to punish a broadcaster for indecency for using the name of the Washington NFL team, the Redskins, and FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is leaning in that direction.

Reuters reported that the FCC, which enforces broadcast indecency violations, has received a petition from legal activist John Banzhaf III, asking that regulators strip local radio station WWXX-FM of its broadcasting license when it comes up for renewal for using the name "Redskins."

Banzhaf says the word is racist, derogatory, profane and hateful, making its use "akin to broadcasting obscenity."

"We'll be looking at that petition, we will be dealing with that issue on the merits and we'll be responding accordingly," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler told reporters.

"There are a lot of names and descriptions that were used over time that are inappropriate today. And I think the name that is attributed to the Washington football club is one of those," Wheeler added.

The FCC could formally deem use of the team name to be indecent, and thus impose a de facto ban on it on over-the-air television and radio.

Despite protests, vigorous lobbying and even intervention from President Barack Obama, team owner Daniel Snyder has vowed not to change the name of his National Football League team.

Full Article: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/fcc-redskins-broadcasters-indecency/2014/10/01/id/597861/?ns_mail_uid=84190075&ns_mail_job=1588390_10012014&s=al&dkt_nbr=g15ufv1u


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     11 years ago

Good, hope that they do it.

Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    11 years ago

I am against this. While I empathize with those that believe RS logo is replete derogatory and insulting innuendo, I will err on the side of freedom of speech and press. The politically connected FCC (which is supposed to be neutral) is the worst venue to decide on this issue.

Congress, NOT the FCC should be deciding on this.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    11 years ago

I think Mr. Snyder, should move the team, change the name to something appropriate to its new location and get on with his life and allow everyone else to do the same. That being said - Once the mascot/nickname controversy is resolved in Washington, D.C. it will be time for the powers that be to move on to

The 2,128 Native American Mascots People Arent Talking About

Whats considered an outrage in the NFL is embraced or at least tolerated all over the country. While weve been consumed by the debate about the Washington Redskins, weve overlooked thousands of team names and mascots depicting Native Americans, often stereotypically. These teams are not feeling the kind of pressure that Snyder is. To understand the Washington Redskins, we have to understand the Estelline Redmen, the Natick Redmen, and the Molalla Indians, too.

I searched the database and found 2,129 sports teams that reference Braves, Chiefs, Indians, Orangemen, Raiders, Redmen, Reds, Redskins, Savages, Squaws, Tribe and Warriors, as well as tribe names such as Apaches, Arapahoe, Aztecs, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Chinooks, Chippewas, Choctaws, Comanches, Eskimos, Mohawks, Mohicans, Seminoles, Sioux and Utes. (Not all teams with the names Raiders and Warriors are referencing Native Americans, but we spot-checked 20 schools with each name and a majority of each did.)

But even if the Redskins became the Red Skins or the Red Flyers or the Red Snyders, there would still be thousands of other teams that reference Native American imagery. Whatever happens with the Redskins, there will still be the Estelline Redmen, Chief Illiniwek, and the West Texas Comanches, each upholding the questionable legacy of Native American sports names.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

Well, good. Hope THIS works!

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    11 years ago
Neither congress or the FCC should be involved. We don't need federal language police. The public can provide sufficient pressure in cases like this.

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