
Kalamazoo woman murdered in Nepal


Category:  Other

Via:  sixpick  •  9 years ago  •  11 comments

Kalamazoo woman murdered in Nepal


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Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

What is the point of this article ? That traveling to far off countries to help in a relief effort might get you killed? That cute young women are prey? Should cute young women stay home the rest of their lives?

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    9 years ago


You can never be too careful and don't be foolish or naive. There are some really bad people in this world.

The young Jamaican man in NYC with a bright future.

The young girl studying on her mother's bed.

Just pitiful.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

A story as old as man.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

I'm very sorry to learn of this woman's death. Her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    9 years ago

What I find to be a bit unusual is that the perp's motive is apparently not yet known.

Freshman Silent
link   CM    9 years ago

I really hope NYS would reinstate the Death Penalty, These senseless killings needs to stop.. This young man had a bright future, now he is in a medically induced coma..he'll never be the same, I just pray for the families who grieve, I don't know this family but I grieve as a human being after hearing about all the shootings and killings..this needs to stop...

Cuomo Administration Lawyer Is Shot in Head Before West Indian Day Parade

The revelers were crowded onto Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn partaking in the annual West Indian American Day celebration early on Monday when the bullets began to fly in all directions.

A dispute, possibly between rival gangs, prompted the shootout, police officials said, endangering the lives of hundreds of innocent bystanders.

Among those caught in the crossfire was Carey Gabay, a lawyer with the administration of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo , who had joined the festivities with his brother. Mr. Gabay, 43, was shot in the head and on Monday afternoon was described as not doing well by Mr. Cuomo, who spoke with reporters after visiting the lawyers bedside at Kings County Hospital Center. Mr. Gabay underwent surgery and was in critical condition Monday night.

The shooting was one of several violent episodes, including a fatal stabbing, in the hours before the annual West Indian American Day Parade in Brooklyn, a colorful event of flamboyant costumes and dancing that in years past has also been accompanied by bloodshed in the streets near the parade route.

Mr. Cuomo suggested that Mr. Gabay was a bystander and not an intended target. He said Mr. Gabay was out with his family celebrating Jouvert, a West Indian holiday that culminates in the parade.

In January, Mr. Gabay was appointed first deputy counsel for the Empire State Development Corporation, the states main economic development agency. Previously, he had been an assistant counsel to Mr. Cuomo, and before that, a banking and finance associate at the Jones Day law firm. Mr. Gabay grew up in public housing in the Bronx, the governor said. He graduated from Harvard University, where he was president of the Undergraduate Council, the student government, and also received his law degree from Harvard.

He could have been at any law firm he wanted to be, making multiples of what we paid him, Mr. Cuomo said. He worked for the state because he wanted to give back and he wanted to do the right thing.

Mr. Cuomo said he visited Mr. Gabays family at the hospital and, clearly shaken, described the tears and the frustration.

Im governor of New York and theres nothing I can say and theres nothing I can do, he said. And sometimes it just hurts.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago
I think it's something called "news", John. It's kind of the reason for this place. Well, that along with racial grievance mongering...
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago
That happens in Gaza, too. Best to stay home or travel to safe places.
Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    9 years ago

There are a lot of really bad things going on around the world. In looking to see if there had been a reason given for this man killing this girl I ran into another article where in Guatemala female and a male robbed and shot a motorcycle taxi driver. As they were escaping she took a wrong turn and was surrounded by an angry mob who beat her and eventually set her on fire.

The police couldn't get to her to stop it. She burned to death in the middle of that crowd. There was a video except for the very last part. She was just alleged to have committed the crime.

I couldn't put it on here for obvious reasons. It's a dangerous world here whether we realize it or not and it is going to get a lot more dangerous before too long, but it is far worst in other places.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

There are 7 billion people in the world and a lot of them are morons. Of course it is a dangerous place, at times.


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