Watch This Video, You Will Be Truly Amazed
I was checking something on You Tube and I spotted a link saying "9 Year blows away Judges and audience on 'Hollands Got Talent', so I clicked the link as I often do, because every once in a while we see something from a youngster that IS truly amazing.
Well, ...... I can tell you without question, this little girl,Amira Willighagen, just 9 years old, really did blow away the judges and audience by singing Puccini's O mio babbino caro ( Oh My Beloved Father ). I was stunned, as were the judges, and as I believe you will be as you watch this little angel sing with a voice that I'm sure you'll agree was sent to us from heaven.
For some reason I have been unable to embed videos, so you will have to use the link to go the the video. The song starts at marker 2:42 (There is also a translation of the dialog available) [ LINK ]
Amira has not taken any voice or music lessons, her brother plays violin, and she said she wanted to also be able to do something, so she listened to songs on YouTube and taught herself to sing the songs she heard.
What is amazing, besides her beautiful voice, is the obvious genuine passion she brings to her music, plus the incredible voice control and delivery she has mastered on her own.
I think I have played that video at least 50 times since I first heard it.