Lauren Bacall, legendary actress, dead at 89, reports say
Lauren Bacall, legendary actress, dead at 89, reports say

March 7, 2010: Actress Lauren Bacall arrives at the 2010 Vanity Fair Oscar party in West Hollywood, California. Reuters
Lauren Bacall, the legendary actress who rose to fame in the 1940s opposite Humphrey Bogart in films such as "To Have and Have Not" and "The Big Sleep," died Tuesday, according to multiple reports. She was 89.
Oh no! Another great talent has left us. Rest in peace Lauren.
As far as I'm concerned, she was one Classy Lady...
A great human being.
RIP Lauren.
I'm so sorry to hear this! She was one of my favorites!
The last of Hollywood's Golden Age, with Bogie, and Hepburn and Tracy, Gregory Peck... So sad!
She had three wonderful children, too, who are good at what they do. Married Jason Robards, divorced, and never, ever, gave up.
Yes, all the good ones are leaving us, and what are we left with... A bunch of tattooed kids that don't know the meaning of the word "cool"...
Yes, all the good ones are leaving us, and what are we left with... A bunch of tattooed kids that don't know the meaning of the word "cool"...
That makes it even sadder...
Bacall was definitely one of the screens hottest leading ladies of the 40's/50's... what a knockout in 'To Have & Have Not'.
A little-known legacy of Lauren Bacall:one morning she came into the living room where Bogie hadbeen partying hearty all night with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis (and a number of ohers), who were all in the drunken sprawls where they'd crashed. She shook Bogie awake and remarked "You all look like a pack of rats!" And the rest is history...
Those actors you named are some of my fave's also.
WO !! I never knew how that was how they got that name" Rat Pack". Thanks for sharing that.
There's a saying that death comes in 3's.(it has happened many times)I wonder who's next.
My classic crush is gone, Lauren has always been my favorite...
Easily the hottest, classiest screen lady I've ever laid my eyes on.
My favorite Bogey film as well, "To Have and Have Not".
That final scene where they walk off together-- just the thought of walking off into the sunset with Ms. Bacall made Bogie light up like a Christmas tree! Their sheer joy at the thought of being together was palpable! He looked like a kid, in love for the first time.
I'm going to miss just knowing she's in this world...
The chemistry between Bogey and Bacall was legendary; in this film they were visibly and understandably attracted to one another. Bacall was 20 when she made this film, and as sultry and smokin' an operator as has ever been seen; plus, it was her first film, and she so she was young, nervous and clearly infatuated. She was perfect.
I barely remember him dying. Of course, I was about 1 year old, so not that cognizant of "things", but I remember Grandma talking about it and being sad. We watched what we could on the TV. Seems that Grandma and I witnessed a lot of history in front of her old B&W TV...
Definitely a gifted actress.