A Weekend at Garnet Lake (with Photos)
Category: Fields and Streams
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty • 11 years ago • 28 commentsWhen I first arrived at the lake it was bright, sunny and warm, and there were only three other cars in the parking lot at the boat launch.
"Awesome!" I said aloud as I unloaded my kayak and carried it towards the water. I had a gig the night before and had only the time to stuff most of my things into the car, run to the store, and hot foot it to the lake after work. There are only six authorized camping locations on the lake, so there was a chance that the one I wanted (the one with the picnic table and also the one farthest in) would be free.
As I was leisurely carting and sorting what I wanted to take with me, in the space of three minutes an SUV with two boats on a trailer pulled in, followed by two cars with a canoe atop, then a truck carrying a canoe. Looking at what they had, I surmised that they, too, were planning on camping. "Oh, crap!" I thought to myself, utilizing my basic mathematical skills, "Three in the parking lot. Me. Three more... Now there is the possibility of someone not getting a place to camp."
I sped up my preparations, as the last group to arrive unloaded their canoe, three cases of beer and two small bags and were in and away in a flash. One of the other groups had unloaded one of their boats from the trailer and just launched the other into the water. The third group seemed to be in no hurry to get their boat in the water, so I wasn't too concerned about them snarfing up a camping spot.
I finally got everything stowed away and could put in myself. Yay!
Paddle, paddle, paddle, I pushed my laden kayak through the water, fighting my guitar case, which was lashed to the front of the boat and extended back to the cowling, so I could not get a good power stroke in without interference. Despite this relatively minor but aggravating circumstance, I soon overtook and passed the three cases of beer canoe and was in the lead (I now viewed this as a race akin to the Oklahoma Land Run... Although I am not sure why. Maybe it had something to do with fact that I had thought not half an hour before that I would have a nice, casual paddle back to check out which campsite I would establish as my home base for the weekend, only to be bombarded by others who were there to do the same. Whatever. Something made my competitive nature kick in. Now, where was I...).
There is a bend the lake where it necks down to a relatively small passage and then opens out into what I like to call the "Back-lake". This back-lake portion is shallower than the front part, with lots of stumps and trees in the water, so it discourages motorized travel. I discourage motorized travel, so this fits right in line with my thinking and sensibilities. Also, from just beyond this necking down of the lake, you can see, if you know where to look, the far side of the lake and the location of the campsite that I wanted, the one I call "The Stumps" for obvious reasons.
Rounding this bend, I immediately looked to see if there was anybody camped there. Much to my chagrin, there was. I paddled only far enough to determine if the other real campsite on this portion of the lake was occupied. When I discovered that it too was already taken, I turned around and headed back to the bend and met three beers canoe coming around the bend. I waved at them, beers already evident in their return gestures, then paddled on.
I quickly discarded the idea of camping at this one site, where I had seen people camping before, because there was no camping emblem that I could see anywhere. The last thing I needed was to have officer Friendly of the DEC kick me off the campsite before my guests arrived. So I went to the next site towards the boat launch, where I clambered out of my kayak and had a look around. While I was doing this, three beers passed the site and headed across to another.
"Looks like I am home for the weekend," I said to the world.
I took the time to clean out and rebuild the fire pit. It had been mounded to the top of the coffee pot with ashes. Those with sharp eyes might be able to see where three beers camped... Like you care!
Shoulda done a pic before.. Oh, Well.
The Real Reason I went camping this weekend: My nieces.
...and here is a pretty picture.
After I got there I was setting up my camp and I realized that I had left my lighter in my car.. doh!
I took my tent but did not set it up....
Sounds like you guys were in for a good time.
And I see your adorable "Claires" I can see why they have you wrapped around their fingers.
And beautiful pictures.
Perrie said:
Don't you know it! The older one thought that she wanted to sleep under the stars with me, until a daddy long-legs crawled over her! Zoom! Into the tent with Daddy she went.
I bet your nieces had a great time. They are going to remember that camping trip forever. What a beautiful place. I hope you told scary stories around the campfire.
Hopefully it will become second nature to them.
Great story and photos. Looks just beautiful there and having the ''kids'' with you, made it extra special.
The weather was perfect for big shots. This was my third weekend spent on the lake this year, and every one has been beautiful. The time I spend alone I can ruminate and relax, and when the girls (and their Father, of course) are there it kindles my wonder afresh.
This scenery can sometimes grow old to one who has lived amongst it all their life. I have had the opportunity to travel and live in various places, cities, country and in between, but what Dorthy said in the Land of Oz was true: There is no place like home.
Oh Brolly, these are amazing! I am so glad you had a wonderful time with those two little sugar and spice things you love so much!
I do so enjoy being the uncle!
Here is a picture of them with Daddy!
Did they catch fish? I remember the first fish I ever caught when I was a kid. I watched my grandfather clean it and got so grossed out I wouldn't eat it. I'd eat it now in a flash. Fewer things are more tasty than fried catfish from the canal on the farm.
With a bobber and a worm, cast it out, wait a few seconds, reel in a fish! There were punkin seeds galore in the water near shore. One of them might have been big enough to eat, but we threw it back anyway. The oldest will not touch worms or fish, the younger, possibly due to the fact that the older one will not, sibling rivalry and all, will pick up the worms and she even touched a fish.
It takes patience, but I think they are getting the hang of it.
Perfect!!! Dads and daughters ought to be like that.
Thankyou for taking us camping !! These pictures are beautiful. Very nice job!!
You are very welcome! Thank you for stopping by and petting my ego, it loves attention.
The location is beautiful and the photos are excellent!
Thank you, AMac!
I was thinking about doing a series on the features of a camera and what each one does for to expand the range of the pictures that can be taken, but I realized that I don't havev the time to properly devote to such a subject. (That would be like a whole other life!) What prompted me along these lines of thought were the conditions of the last picture in the article, specifically relating to autofocus vs manual focus. The autofocus feature is fine for most photos, especially if one has a higher end, multi-point autofocus methods on the camera. However, sometimes one will notice that the picture is not quite as intended because the focal point is in a different location due to the autofocus. This was the condition that I was encountering for the last photo in the article, so I flipped over to manual focus and shifted the focal point just slightly... viola!
This would be a good time for me to just smile and nod and say thank you....
I am Uncle Tommy! That is daddy in the canoe.
Here is my Kayak...
Great story and pics to go with it. Reminds me of me and my children camping. I always love the look in their eyes when they saw something really cool. You know the look, it's the first thing you see before you look where they a pointing. Well done.
Just slip it (in a soft case) Under the webbing in front...
This is a Carolina Perception and is a really good boat. Lots of stowage room, can go out easily for a weak with the proper stuff. Stable, handles well and is not to heavy, plus it is almost indestructible under normal circumstances, or even some abnormal ones.
Most digital cameras allow you to maintain focus and exposure by pressing the shutter release half way (you need a light touch) while repositioning for composition and then pressing the rest of the way to take the shot. Some cameras even have a button to press and hold for the same purpose.
I assume you already knew this but, just in case, I figured it doesn't hurt to note it.
Yes, I did know, but thank you anyway.
In this case, I wasn't really sure how to get the camera to focus because there are at least four different areas that one could focus on and I wanted to bracket them to see which would look best. One was the foreground, on the rock, two is the surface of the water in the middle ground, the third is the reflection of the trees in the water (different focus than the surface of the water) the fourth is the far side of the lake. With the particular lens that I had the last three were very close but different.
Great story of your camping trip, and the photos makes one feel as if they might even have been with you.
Thank you! I am glad that you enjoyed it.
Looks suspiciously like the Garnet Lake that's a 1/2 hour from my home in the Adirondacks. You mean you went there without me?!
Garnet Lake seen from Crane Mountain
It's hard to go anywhere in the Adirondacks without seeing beautiful sites and having a good time.
Btw, Broli, I'm looking for a reasonably priced 14' Canoe. Know anyone that has one they want to sell or trade for a 17 footer?
Mine is too hard to load and unload by myself. I like to put in on one the many lakes or ponds around here, drop a line, and drift around by myself in the absolute quite and solitude these mountains have to offer.