
How Times Change


Category:  Other

Via:  lets-get-lost  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

How Times Change

How Times Change

Seen on Facebook. Artist unidentified (attribution appreciated).

Image by Pierre Brignaud , a fellow Montrealer. The drawing won third prize in a contest, which had an award of absolutely nothing whatsoever:
3me prix bidon: Un concours international de dessin d'humour organis par un organisme renomm du Qubec dont je tairai le nom m'a dcern le 3me prix pour le thme : Humour noir.

Le premier prix : 2500$, 2me et 3me... Rien...
La premire fois que je gagne un prix absolument sans valeur et qui me fait vraiment honte!

3rd place phony prize: an international competition drawing of humour organised by a renowned body of Quebec which shall remain nameless. Awarded the 3rd Prize in the category of black humor.

First Prize: $ 2500, 2nd and 3rd... Nothing...

The first time I win a prize it is absolutely worthless and makes me really ashamed!



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell    9 years ago

That's pretty good. I wonder what 1st and 2nd place looked like.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago
That's hilarious!

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