
Woman graduates75 Years After Paying $5 Graduating


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Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  2 comments

Woman graduates75 Years After Paying $5 Graduating
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Woman Marches 75 Years After Paying $5 Graduating

By Gillian Mohney

May 24, 2014 6:30pm

A Maine woman is finally celebrating her college graduation more than 75 years after she left school.

Jessie White was supposed to from Beal College in Bangor, Maine in 1939, but a $5 transcript fee kept her from receiving her degree.

This week White, 99, was finally given her in a special ceremony hosted by the president of Beal College, Alan Stehle.

It was wonderful. I had a lot of fun, White told ABC News of the special graduation ceremony. I didnt think my life was without it.

ABC jessie jones white jt 140524 16x9 608 Woman Marches 75 Years After Paying $5 Graduation Fee

Jessie Jones White, 99, enrolled at Beal College in 1939. Friday, 75 years later, she finally received her diploma. ABC News

White said she told a friend about the fee that kept her from graduating and her friend contacted the . After being told about Whites problem, Stehle paid her balance and hosted White and her friends at a personal graduation ceremony, where she was finally awarded her degree in stenography and .

White suffered a disability from a polio infection, but the Maine woman persisted until she landed a job and spent many years as a bookkeeper, according to ABC News affiliate WVII-TV in Bangor, Maine.

Born and raised in Maine, White said finally getting her degree made her feel great.

Never give up learning, they say when you give up learning you grow old, White told W VII-TV. So I dont intend to give up learning.


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Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Good for you Jessie!! You go girl!!! BRAVO!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

At 99 years old, I think it would be safe to say she is single......and she DOES have her College degree...GO FOR IT BF!!! LOL...


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