This is the cat that house built...
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty • 11 years ago • 8 commentsAs I sat here playing my guitar and learning new tunes, a blur lept to the top of the desk and laid down on the keyboard of my laptop, sending whatever to wherever and causing general panic on my part. The cat seemed unconcerned as I picked him up by the scruff of the neck and umm placed him on the floor. He became the cat speeder and lept again, this time not to my desktop, but to my lap, apparently not minding in the slightest that my guitar was there. Cats, this ones name is Warf because he has the tendency to be a Klingon, must have a clairvoyance all of their own, for when I tried taking a picture of him all sprawled out, he moved till he was in a more presentable position.
He has, since the taking of this picture, re-sprawled himself across lap and guitar and gone to restful slumber, which is where my butt is going as I type this......
I am going to have to move soon..... but he wont care
A cat strumming the cool!!!
He is playing Cat Scratch Fever....
What a cute fur baby you have!!
He is cute, and clingy. We can basically put him in any position and he will stay there until moved,unless a camera is involved.
He was quite upset in the plunging temperatures and precipitation, as yesterday it was well into the seventies and today the temps fell, culminating in snow this evening. Kept going outside to sit on the porch to look at the precipitating skies, all huddled up with his feet tucked under and a look akin to disgust on his face.
aaaaww I have had cats in the past, and they definitely have their own personalities.
(very independent critters)
Brolly, Special Service Investigation Department has determined your cat is a stalker.
If you hold the chords, he can scratch the strings. It might be beautiful cat music. A good looking cat you have there.