
10 Things a Burglar Doesn't Want You to Know


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Via:  ambivalent  •  9 years ago  •  20 comments

10 Things a Burglar Doesn't Want You to Know


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Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    9 years ago

Friends, Followers, and Fiends

When youre out of town, you have a neighbor pick up your mail and you stop newspaper delivery so thieves wont see them piling upbut then you blab your far-off whereabouts all over social media! All a burglar has to do is look up your address, then leisurely help himself, knowing you wont be back from Cancun till Sunday. And when it comes to geo-tracking apps like Foursquare and Glympse, share your comings and goings only with people you trust.

Some of the best advice in the article.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

All good points.

It also helps to have a back up plan. This is mine.


Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    9 years ago

482_discussions.jpg?width=721 My back up plan.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Many years ago, in the late 1960's, I was working nights. That left my wife and daughter home alone. We took all the necessary measures.

One night my wife forget to lock the sliding glass door that opened to the back yard. A guy opened the door, it was around 2 in the morning.

He got a very unexpected surprise. Two 65 lb Pit Bulls were waiting for him. They just laid on the floor, no barking. As soon as the door slide open they attacked. In order to get the dogs off of him, the police had to wait till I got home to call them off. The guy was badly mauled. Although they quit attacking when my wife talked to them, but they won't let anyone near the guy. We also had a full sized Doxie, PeeWee that joined in the attack. Don't let anyone kid you a full sized doxie can'tdo a lot of damage. They can.

I don't know what his intentions were, because he had a gun and a knife. Neither did him any good. Pits don't usually warn (bark) before an attack.

To say the very least, Brandy, Puki and PeeWeewere the hero's of the neighborhood.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

It is a very valuable instinct ambiv.

I have another story about the bravery of a doxie. PeeWee who as around 25 lbs, saved my daughter when she was attacked by a German Shepard. That little guy flew into the Shepard and it was a bloody fight. I broke them up, but it cost me a pretty bad bite on my shoulder. PeeWee wouldn't quit and was badly mauled. I rushed him to the vet were they said he probably wouldn't survive. 200 stitches to close all his wounds. Even with that I had to pull him off the Shepard. He was locked on to the Shepards front leg.

PeeWee survived to live another 6 years. Size doesn't determine courage and their protective instinct.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    9 years ago

Oh how I would have loved to have seen that. Heroes indeed.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago

What I want burglars to know


Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    9 years ago

Years ago the Sheriff's office approached me for advice about their crime prevention program. They had a program which offered basically the same advice as this article offers. They didn't want advice on crime prevention - they wanted to consult with me about how they could get the public to follow their advice. Ha ! Approaching the public with crime prevention information largely falls on deaf ears.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Your right about that Grump. It's the old, it will never happen to me syndrome.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    9 years ago

Nope, Robert. Letting a burglar know you have weapons only serves to make them want to break in and steal your weapons. Never let the enemy know what you are planning. Advice from The Book of Five Rings, The Classic Guide to Strategy by Miyamoto Mushashi.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago


I was proposing that the sign be posted (and never would) but if someone breaks into our home they need to be have made their peace with meeting their maker before entering because I would not hesitate to protect my family and my home.

Living out in the country you do not hear of many domestic break ins, people steal from garages and barns sometimes, but seldom enter a home for the reason the message above sends to potential thieves.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

Great tips!

I used to keep my jewelry in the freezer-- in tupperware containers with pictures of food pasted on the bottom of the translucent lids...

Now, I hide it elsewhere! Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

I once had a cat like that. Any time there was a weird noise, (and my ex-husband tried to break in the house), the cat pawed at me until I woke up, but would not let me go down the hall. He pushed against my legs, marched ahead of me, stiff-legged down the hall, screaming and puffed up, and back to me, all calmed down, to push me back.

I had a 12 gauge shot gun, but no ammo, so I got it out of the closet, propped it up on a chair, and pumped it. The sound of pumping a shot gun must be distinctive, because he left. Little Mo was a hero in my eyes! I bought ammo for the shot gun the next day...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

Me, too! Dogs ARE heroes, without a doubt! So are some cats! Grin.gif

Professor Silent
link   TTGA    9 years ago

Oh, that one's just too good Marsha. I have visions of waking up for a midnight snack and, while still half asleep, eating a diamond ring. Try and explain that to the insurance adjuster. Grin.gif Grin.gif


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