David Webb

Being Biden -- WTF??

By:  David Webb  •   •  11 years ago  •  1 comments

Being Biden -- WTF??

As you may have read online, the White House has done the following and placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of the sequester --

Hey, this is the same White House that had the audacity to put in an e-mail that the federal government is supposed to make the sequester as painful as possible .

But this is also the same White House that has decided that a new reality series needs to be launched showing us what it means to " be Biden ."Seriously! We are cutting spending in federal agencies across the board to the tune of $85 billion, but this is something that the White House considers too important to cut.

Here is the link to the new series --

Being Biden -- Stories from Vice-President Joe Biden

Yes, America, youare footing the bill to hear this guy talk -- which is the one thing he should not do because you have no idea as to what is going to come out of his mouth. So, pray tell, what is he talking about...the difficulties of governing, what he is doing to get the gun ban pass, how he is meticulously tracking the spending of the stimulus funds... wait, they stopped doing that a long time ago, my bad .

The first installment of the series is titled --

The Sportsman's Ethic

What?? How much did that cost for us to pay for this poorly done marketing campaign??


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Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    11 years ago

I've said all along, tis Sequester nonsense is nothing but a political prank-it saves no money.....just makes everyone else's life harder.