Star Trek: Picard - S3 E6 - "The Bounty"
March 23, 2023
'Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 Episode 6 Recap: The Pieces Are Falling Into Place
LeVar Burton makes his return as Geordi La Forge, as Picard looks for allies who can help the crew of the Titan.
With the sixth episode of Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season, some of the biggest questions are finally answered. However, those answers create even more questions, which seem to hint at where the back half of the series is headed. Penned by Christopher Monfettex and directed by Dan Liu, “Bounty” finally delivers the long-awaited reunion of The Next Generation crew, as LeVar Burton and Brent Spiner are brought aboard the Titan, re-teaming with Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, and Michael Dorn to take on a threat that may just overshadow every other galactic incident that they’ve faced before.
While the Changeling threat has been ever-present across the last few episodes, Vadic (Amanda Plummer) has been notably out of focus since the U.S.S. Titan managed to escape from the nebula. With the starship shedding transponders to throw Vadic and the Changelings off their trail, Vadic's frustration with the situation seems to be reaching a fever pitch. “Bounty” opens aboard the Shrike, where Vadic is ranting and raving about how their kind—the Changelings—are suffering while they pretend to be Starfleet. While their plot seemingly hinges on the looming promise of hope, vengeance comes first and foremost. As the scene draws to a close, Vadic instructs her crew to track down each and every known friend or ally that Picard might call upon for help.
The Ready Room
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Well, so much for the Pah Wraith theory. The other thing the Changelings stole from Daystrom was Picard's human remains.
A brain scan reveals Jack inherited Irumodic Syndrome from Picard, but I don't see how that explains his superhuman fighting ability. Hopefully there's still more about that to come.
Great to see Geordi.
Great to see Moriarty.
I guess Data is back, kind of. An amalgamation of Data, Lore, Lal, and B4? Something like that?
Loved the fleet museum with the Bird of Prey from Star Trek IV, as well as the Defiant and Voyager, which looked great and gave me pangs of nostalgia again.
Jack and Sidney stole the Bird of Prey's cloaking device! LOL
And Riker and Troi are now prisoners of Vadic.
A pretty good episode, imo.
Excellent use of burgle. HAHAHAHA!
I expected more evil Moriarty, but the call back to Data can't whistle was done excellently.
The new positronic body contains the complete memories of all Soong's work, I think, including Soong. I'm sure we'll get more on that.
A place I'd love to visit!! I thought for a hot minute they would steal the Bird of Prey, but they just took the cloaking device.
Is that really Troi or is it a changeling? We'll find out next week.
I think this is a red herring. It may be something to do with it, but I don't think it's the whole story. It's too convenient and doesn't answer all the questions.
A really outstanding ep! I had a funny feeling that Vadic was a changeling. She had that kind of Odo look about her.
I don't understand why they needed Picard's remains. Are they going to infect everyone with Picard's disease as payback for the Dominion Wars? Am I missing something... or should I watch the "Ready Room"? I didn't get a chance yet and I promised the hubby that I would wait for him.
That is an interesting point. I hadn't considered that.
Multiple Picards in different parts of the universe?
Perhaps to copy him convincingly, artificial heart and all?
Took me a few days to get to this one, but it was worth the wait.
I was a little frustrated with Geordi, but glad to see him, and glad he came around.
Good to see Moriarty, and the tie-in to Encounter at Farpoint.
Several Easter eggs at Daystrom Station.
Also loved the Starfleet museum, and Seven reminiscing about Voyager.
I'm not entirely sure Troi is Troi, either. But Troi and Riker have on occasion been able to communicate telepathically, so it should be pretty easy for him to figure out if she's a Changeling.
Vadic is an excellent villain, but I'm starting to think she's insane.
You guys should check this out. I noticed some of what's in it when I watched the episode, but I also missed quite a bit, like the theme music for DS9, Voyager, and Star Trek films in relevant scenes, and that Daystrom also had Kirk's body in storage.
Cool stuff. I might have to start including these in the weekly articles.
Oh, yeah, I noticed the transporter sound effect, but forgot to mention it.
I had no idea Alandra was played by Levar Burton's real-life daughter.
I enjoyed all the snippets of music that accompanied the Easter eggs.
By the way, who are Vadic's crew supposed to be? She had one executed for asking a question, so they can't be Changelings. Didn't she say something about them being misshapen or malformed? What was that supposed to mean? Are they another species that the Changelings modify, clone, and use as servants like the Vorta or Jem'Hadar?