What is the best Federation Starship class design and why?

Star Trek is a multitude of great series and films, well known for its overall positive outlook on the future, especially where humanity is concerned. Since its debut, Star Trek has featured many memorable characters, either main, secondary, or guest stars. While the series focused on their respective series characters and stories, almost as important (If not more so) to each series and films are the starships they used. Some of these starships (classes) have become cultural icons and easily recognizable over the years. So what Federation starship class is the best class design or your favorite and why?
For this discussion, I'm only going to use canon capital starships from the "Prime" trek universe. So no Kelvin timeline ships, no shuttles, no Federation fighters, no Beta canon sources, no future timeline ships (sorry, that means no Enterprise-J), and no starbases. Just Federation starship classes, but not specific starships themselves. Although, I might name a starship as an example of the class in parentheses. Here is a list of starships (wow, there are a lot of Federation ship designs). I apologize if it's incomplete. Feel free to include any I missed. Everyone hates the Oberth (made of Explodium) class, so I will not include it.
- Akira class (USS Thunderchild)
- Ambassador class (USS Enterprise-C)
- Cheyenne class
- Constellation class (USS Stargazer)
- Constitution class (USS Enterprise, NCC-1701)
- Constitution class refit (USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-A)
- Crossfield class (USS Discovery)
- Daedalus class (USS Horizon)
- Defiant class (USS Defiant)
- Excelsior class (USS Excelsior)
- Galaxy class (USS Enterprise-D)
- Intrepid class (USS Voyager)
- Miranda class (USS Reliant)
- Nebula class (USS Phoenix)
- New Orleans class (USS Kyushu)
- Nimitz Class (USS Europa)
- Norway class (USS Budapest)
- Nova class (USS Equinox)
- Prometheus class (USS Prometheus)
- Saber class (USS Yeager)
- Sovereign class (USS Enterprise-E)
- Steamrunner class
- Walker Class (USS Shenzhou)