British Humour
As Britain mourns the loss of their beloved queen I can't help but turn to humour in times of sadness.
A reflex in me I guess. I grew up watching British television on the PBS channel. Started with Benny Hill, moved on to Are You Being Served and Absolutely Fabulous.
British humour may not be everyone's forte yet I always thought they were hilarious.
So in honour of England, some of their greatest hits, starting with Ab Fab.
I'm still watching all the re-runs - love the the quiet innuendos!
This just in. The Dead Pool has a new leaderboard.
Ab Fab has to be one of my all-time favorite Britcoms.
I do have a few others.
Still watching re-runs every night- I can relate to poor Richard !!
Not Onslow?
He's "Bone idle".
Mr. Bean used to seriously crack me up. The first time I saw some of these I was practically on the floor from laughing. One of my favorites was the Christmas episode at the start of the second video.
I anyone doesn't split their sides laughing at this character, they should refer themselves to a psycharist
If you like Rowan Atkinson I highly recommend Blackadder.
Here is one of my favorite scenes from Blackadder II though its poor quality.
Blackadder 2nd - YouTube
I have to add one of my faves:
I have never seen that one.
I love British comedy. Not everybody does, that's ok. I've also seen the American attempts to bring British shows over and it normally ends quickly and poorly. One of my favorite series is Coupling.
One of my favorite skits.
One of my top 5 favorite movies.
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="mn1Y7nhB16U"]
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="N7MumZJD97A"]
I've watched monty python's flying circus since the early 70's. it was broadcast on the local educational TV channel at several different time slots during the week. it was basically used as an inside joke type of thing between all the cool kids in my high school that had any sense of humor. we would lift and americanize some of their sketches for drama class, and that morphed into my love and participation of improvisational comedy in front of live audiences. it didn't always work out on stage, but when it did it was hilarious. we were usually so fucked up we didn't care either way.
Monte Python was ahead of its time.
When we lived in Australia we watched Bennie Hill faithfully. Laughed till we cried.
They have some wonderful expressions and words...Cockwobble being one of my all time favorites.