Over moderated
This group will over moderate comment we don't like to compensate for the biased moderation in other groups.
Red Box Rules
Trolling, taunting, spamming, and off-topic comments may be removed at the discretion of group mods. NT members that vote up their own comments, repeat comments, respond to themselves, or continue to disrupt the conversation risk having all their comments deleted. Please remember to quote the person(s) you are replying to preserve the continuity of this seed. Posting debunked lies will be subject to deletion
No Fascism References, Source Dissing.
Black Harris staffers say they were mistreated on the campaign, blames leadership for taking base for granted | Fox News
Via: George • 10 Comments • 2 days ago
George last wrote: If you don't agree with me 100% you are a racist and a fascist. Hard to believe how that didn't swing more votes.