Nominations will be taken until January31st, 2015. The nominees will then be listed and this site will conduct a poll to determine the winner in each category.You may suggest a suitable prize for your nominee. Please be imaginative, as particularly thoughtful or humorous nominations will be recognized and published on this site
Past years winners and their awardswere:
Hall of Fame Winners Award
2013 Bill McKibben,founder of Many new members so subscribe to hisis weekly newsletter .
2012 President Barack Obama A little coperation from Congress, so please write your Representatives.
2011James Hansen A massive presence at the 2012 Citizens Climate Lobby A recommendation from this site. ( Priceless)
2009Benno Hansen, ThinkAboutIt BloggerA Subscription to Science News.
Hall of Shame
2013 The Koch Bothers -A boycott of their products: less money, less lobbying.
2012 Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund An IRS investigation of their of their tax-exempt status.
2011Halliburton (Cheney) - A big glass of water from a well next to a hydrofracking operation.
2010Koch Brothers A petition to the Wizardof Oz for the grant of a social conscience.
2009 SpaceGuy, Newsvine Blogger The movie Wall-E, representing his view of the future of Earth.
(C) 2015 J.C. Moore