
Turkish elite seem to take perverse delight, as they descend in to an Islamist fit of intellectual madness

By:  kpr37  •   •  12 years ago  •  9 comments

Turkish elite seem to take perverse delight, as they descend in to an Islamist fit of intellectual madness

Islamophobia must be recognized as a crime against humanity in the same fashion that Zionism , anti-Semitism and fascism should be, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan said yesterday.

source hurriyet daily news

After going all in with the anti-semitic card by suggesting "Zionism", or the right of the Jewish peoples to self determination on their historic homelands is a crime against humanity, he does not stop there however. Unfortunately we find that is the high point, it only ventures deeper in to delusion.

Bernard Lewis, says that talk of Zionism sometimes provides a useful cover: a cover to those who harbor the old, enduring hatred. As you go about life, you may encounter someone who says Zionism or Zionist, with an edge in his voice. Ask him what he means. The answer, or non-answer, you get is likely to be revealing.

Source the Z word

The prime minister also touched on the Mali crisis . If we evaluate the current developments in Mali as if they were based on religion, it would be a historic mistake, Erdoan said.

A group of self described Jihadists in Mali are struggling in the way of allah (jihad fi sabilillah)to force sharia law on to the less than willing population.

Members of different religions in Mali are not fighting against each other.

Muslim Jihadists were in fact attacking Christians in Mali before the French intervention. Source

There could be acts of terrorism in Mali but to define such violence as part of a religion would not be correct

All Africa.com , disputes Mr. Erdoan's assertion that the conflict is not based on "religion" ( Orthodox Sunni Islam) in this case.

The Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula movement has called for a jihad, or holy war, in reaction to France's military intervention against Islamist fighters in Mali, according to reports issued on Tuesday by a US-based intelligence agency. "Supporting the Muslims in Mali is a duty for every capable Muslim with life and money, everyone according to their ability," the Sharia Committee of the group said in a statement reported by SITE intelligence agency, which monitors certain Internet forums. AQAP, which has been labelled the most dangerous branch of the global jihadist network, said France's "Crusader campaign against Islam" has no justification and is a "declaration of aggression against Islam and its people." It said jihad is "more obligatory on the people who are closer" to the fight, in an apparent reference to North African nations and those living in countries helping France.

Erdoan continues.

since no monotheistic religion encourages terrorism. Islam means peace.

No, the direct translation of the Arabic word "Islam" is submission, not peace. Jihad is a tool used to gain said submission.

We can never accept arguments that a religion of peace, Islam, encourages or approves terrorism, Erdoan said

See, here is the problem... he is just strait out lying his ass off . The prophet of Islam was down with terrorism.

"Struggle in the way of allah" is "Jihad fi sabilillah".

Terrorism is the preferred way of struggle or Jihad in allah's cause within the codified dogma of orthodox Sunni Islam.

Mohammad's participation personally in one such Jihadi enterprise, can be found in this hadith. The Book of Jihad and Expedition (Kitab Al-Jihad wa'l-Siyar) .

Mohammad, and his misogynistic band of merry littleminions, attacked a group of people who he had never met, and who had never done a thing to him, for the sole purpose of casting terror in to their hearts. Those who resisted were killed, the rest were enslaved.

Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)

Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 52 :: Hadith 220

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).

The prophet collected one fifth of all the ill gotten gains, or booty (Khumus: The One Fifth) of the Jihad, as referenced by Quran 8:1.

Terrorism, was in fact Mohammad's favorite tactic in his (struggle) "Jihad fi sabilillah"to make others submit to his will, and make allah's words superior.

The first mention of Jihad (2:190 ), found in the Quran, has footnotes further explaining the concept, and inferred obligations in detail.

(V.2:190) Al-Jihd (holy fighting) in Allhs Cause (with full force of numbers and weaponry) is given the utmost importance in Islm and is one of its pillar (on which it stands). By Jihd Islm is established, Allhs Word is made superior, (His Word being L ilaha illallh which means none has the right to be worshipped but Allh ), and His Religion (Islm) is propagated. By abandoning Jihd (may Allh protect us from that) Islm is destroyed and the Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honour is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihd is an obligatory duty in Islm on every Muslim , and he who tries to escape from this duty, or does not in his innermost heart wish to fulfil this duty, dies with one of the qualities of a hypocrite.

Looking at his statements on Mali and taking in to account the orthodox understanding of Islamic text, may provide insight in to his overall geopolitical worldview. Theocratic in his case. After all, he is a convicted religious extremist.

And the party Erdoan leads (AKP), have been against intervention in Mali all along.

They have from the start, used Diplomatic pressure internationally in support of the Northern Sunni Jihadists, in their attempted succession (to form a sharia compliant state) separate from the somewhat secular South.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday said that Turkey was against unilateral intervention in Mali , adding that the efforts should be conducted under the roof of United Nations .

Guarantying inaction in this decade, if ever.

Speaking at the Anadolu Agency Editor's Desk on Friday, Davutoglu made assessment on the latest developments in Mali

Source, the official AKP party of Mr.Erdoan. Many leftist organisations like NPR, are slightly confused by the AKP party's platform.

It's been a decade since a coalition of Islamic and secular political parties formed the AKP, or Justice and Development Party, and swept to power in Turkey. Warnings from secular Turks about a secret agenda to impose Sharia law on the country proved groundless, and yet ten years into AKP rule, secular unease is on the rise again

Could this be nothing more than fear mongering? Or could it be in regards to statements similar in nature to those spoken by a Turkish African Ambassador recently?

Who is formally trained as a Islamic cleric by the way.

Just a few Turks knew that they had an ambassador in Chad until recently.

More Turks must now know there is a Turkish ambassador in Chad thanks to the ambassadors colorful Twitter account.

In his Jan. 25 tweets, Ambassador Ahmet Kavas argued that: 1) The word terrorism is a French invention;

2) It cannot be the work of Muslims;

and 3) Al-Qaeda is different from terrorism.

I was totally surprised by colleagues who were shocked by the fact that a Turkish ambassador had publicly declared that al-Qaeda was not a terrorism organization. Give it another decade and we shall have ambassadors who will advocate that the Turkish military should conduct joint exercises with al-Qaeda forces.

Hurriyet news Turkey

I could have sworn that Turkey was cooperating with the forces attempting to overthrow the Syrian government. Benefiting none other than al-Qaeda now.

At least America seems to have learned it's lesson by supporting jihadist groups in Libya, and are acting more cautiously in Syria.

The best of intentions, many times have horrible consequences. As Ambassador Stevens to his great misfortune discovered on the night of September 11th last year.

It's most difficult to find common ground, with those who's only wish is to see you dead.

These statements are nothing new for Mr. Erdoan, or Turkey. Who can forget this gem of insensitivity to human suffering, tragedy and true crimes against humanity.

Its not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide, he said. Thats why we are comfortable [with the visit of al-Bashir].

The International Criminal Court, or ICC, has issued an arrest warrant for al-Bashir, citing his alleged role in the atrocities perpetrated in the Darfur region of Sudan, which claimed the lives of more than 300,000 people

From the Hurriyet article "A Muslim can never commit genocide.

It's all starting to fit in to a pattern of thought. I know it's crazy, but that does not make it not true.

If Muslims, who allah created as the best of nations (the ummah, verse 3:110 ) can't commit genocide, that means there is another explanation for the death of around one point five million Armenians.

Let's see the way it should be looked at, from an Islamist perspective that is.

About three months ago, Turkeys top Islamic cleric, Professor Mehmet Grmez, introduced a new understanding of the concept of conquest. According to Professor Grmez, In Turkish history there has never been occupation... but there has always been conquest.

What distinction was Grmez trying to make from taking a foreign land by force?

By "Jihad"... taking a foreign land by force is a "jihad fi sabilillah"

According to Professor Grmez, what the Turks have done throughout history was not [occupy] lands or destroy cities and castles, but was simply the conquest of the heart.

In other words, the Turks had not occupied, for instance, Constantinople, but had merely conquered the Byzantine hearts there. How very romantic!

And what was the fancy term the head of the Turkish ulama deemed most appropriate to describe the Turks millennia-long westbound journeys? According to Professor Grmez, One of the two pillars of conquest [of the heart] is to open up minds to Islam and hearts to the Quran.

I'm surethat is what is goingon in Dar-Fur, and the Nuba Mountians of Sudan.

An interesting view.

What was it when Christian armies took the lands the Turks had taken from Christians?


What is it when Turks take lands by force?

Conquest of the heart.

What is the difference? Because when we occupy we do not occupy, we benevolently open up non-Muslim minds to Islam and non-Muslim hearts to the Quran. Very well. But then why did the non-Muslims whose hearts must have been conquered by the Muslim Ottomans remain non-Muslim for centuries and, at the first opportunity, revolt against their benevolent conquerors for freedom?

source Hurriyet daily news Turkey

and, at the first opportunity, revolt against their benevolent conquerors for freedom?

Some historical context to the act of revolt, and it's consequences.

The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad. No rayas [non-Muslim dhimmis] took part in it.

Despite the disapproval of many Muslim Turks and Arabs , and their refusal to collaborate in the crime, these massacres were perpetrated solely by Muslims and they alone profited from the booty: the victims property, houses, and lands granted to the muhajirun [holy warrior jihadists], and the allocation to them of women and child slaves.

(sourced by Andrew Bostom ) see word "Khumus"

Some "Young Turks" at the start of the last century took this meme to heart.

By abandoning Jihd (may Allh protect us from that) Islm is destroyed and the Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honour is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish

NPR questioned the direction of modern Turkey. They seem to think it's fine and dandy.

It's a reasonable question, the first victim of Islamization that secularists in Turkey feared would be the disadvantaged, the easiest to prey on. The most vulnerable members of that society.

Can any measurable metric be used to show any societal consequences of Mr Erdoan policies over the last ten years or so.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up 1.4 percent may be a statistical anomaly.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up 14 percent should be a matter of concern.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up 140 percent would be a national crises.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up 1400 percent must be covered up, and never talked about.

Modern Turkey today.

The number of women murdered in a year in Turkey shot up 1,400 percent between 2002 and 2009 , according to data recently revealed by the countrys justice minister

Hurriyet news Women murder victims increase snowballing

I'm certain other marginalised groups are faring much better.

Jews and Armenians are exposed to hate speech more than any other group , according to a periodic report on hate speech in the Turkish media, released by the Hrant Dink Foundation.

The report was conducted by scanning 16 newspapers by hand and searching for key words in the rest of the 1,000 national and local newspapers published between September and December 2012. Jews and Armenians are used in hate speech the most, followed by Christians and Greeks living in Turkey, according to the report released Feb. 25 on the website of the Hrant Dink Foundation.

Hurriyet news Jews -Armenians hate speech targets

And the "Neo-Ottoman band" plays on. Not very progressive of them if you were to ask me.

kpr37 with a pagan's perspective.


jrBlog - desc
Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    12 years ago

As an intellectual exercise, I Fisked this article.


The term fisking is blogosphere slang describing a point-by-point criticism that highlights perceived errors, or disputes the analysis in a statement, article, or essay. [1]

Eric S. Raymond , in the Jargon File , defined the term as:

A point-by-point refutation of a blog entry or (especially) news story. A really stylish fisking is witty, logical, sarcastic and ruthlessly factual; flaming or handwaving is considered poor form. [2


Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    12 years ago

While Jews around the world commemorate the inability of an ancient villain to make good on his threat to wipe out the Jews of Persia with the holiday of Purim, some in the Arab world are preparing to celebrate one such effort that did not fail. In the seventh century, the large Jewish community in the Arabian Peninsula fell victim to the influence of the newborn Muslim movement. The result was that after a futile effort to defend themselves, the three Jewish tribes of the regionthe Banu Nadir , the Banu Qainuqa and the Banu Qurayza were all forced into exile after the battle of Khaiber. The Prophet Mohammeds followers mercilessly slaughtered the bulk of the latter tribe. This sad chapter of history is little known in the West even among Jews but it is familiar to Muslims who, even today, use the phrase Khaiber as a battle cry to rally opposition to Israel and as an indication of their desired fate for the Jews who live in the Middle East today.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago


Makes me wonder how long it will be before Erdogan starts quoting from the protocols, ya know, as an unbiasedhistoricalnarrative.

Can any measurable metric be used to show any societal consequences of Mr Erdoan policies over the last ten years or so.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up1.4 percentmay be a statistical anomaly.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up14 percentshould be a matter of concern.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up140 percentwould be a national crises.

A rise in the percentage of murdered women going up1400 percentmust be covered up, and never talked about.

Modern Turkey today.

Those arestaggeringstatistics!

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    12 years ago

Those are staggering statistics

Well if it keeps up for another decade or so, that population boom will end. And there will be a sharpe rise in homosexuality due to lack of availed female partners. But the ones living will never "not listen" again, that's for sure.

and talking back, will be nothing but a memory.

It just goes to show that the insecureTurkish man knows how to keep his pimp hand strong.

Freshman Silent
link   volfan    12 years ago

nice to see you over here, kpr. And, Terry, thank you for posting this.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    12 years ago

Thank you all for reading the article. Here is another one you may like.

Journalists no longer connect the dots, it's like everything happens in a vacuum and has no historical context or connection with the here and now. After you read this one, you will never read about Nigeria the same way.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

And there will be a sharpe rise in homosexuality due to lack of availed female partners.

Which hopefully will lead to a sharp decline in the number of murdering islamic misogynists being born. Nature is cruel, but surely steady, in it's attempt at self-correction.

Professor Silent