Trump's vociferous Cruz Tweet Truck!

Trump: Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them?
Beto O'Rourke is running for Senator in Texas-- challenging "Mr. Personality" himself--- incumbent Ted Cruz!
As is his habit, Donald trump has tweeted a lot about Ted Cruz. So O' Rourke supporters have been using this brilliant approach to remind Texas voters about what Donald Trump has said about Cruz.
(Trump has actually tweeted many more things about Cruz-- hopefully those other tweets will also show up on the trucks and billboards throughout the state...just to remind voters in case they had forgotten Trump's many comments about Ted Cruz!
Source: @ AntonioArellano , tweeted on Twitter: #TrumpTweetTruck , and then posted on NT byJohn Russell here.
This is not the first time one of Donald Trump's many tweets has come around to "bite him in the ass" (to coin a phrase :^)
Or is it that phrases are actually not coined, but rather they are minted?
Perhaps Trump's Pigeons are coming home to roost ?
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Anyone remember this one?
Too funny...Ted from Canada isn't an American citizen...LOL
Lol, when Cruz ran, I thought the birthers would say SOMETHING about it. Sure, they're all right wing dingbats who love Cruz, but I thought, just to make it look good, just to try to appear to have a tiny bit of credibility, they would make a bit of noise for awhile then shut it down. This was their opportunity to justify, at least to some extent, their shameful treatment of President Obama. They didn't make a peep, had no interest in even trying to appear to have a little bit of integrity.
It takes a big man to admit you were wrong! Good job Lenny.
Lenny does a good job, to be sure. But he's not wrong. But you know that, doncha Dean. You just like feeling like your flicking someone on the forehead. I bet you weren't even good at that as a kid cuz you're pisspoor at that now. Come up with something witty, original, inventive. You know, something different than the stuff you attempt.
Lenny says he thought something would happen that he now admits did not happen. How is that not an admission he was wrong? I suggest you reread what he posted as I suspect you are not comprehending what he said.
I read it. You were suggesting that he admitted he was wrong because the right leaners left Cruz being Canadian alone after a brief push at it during the Presidential campaign. That it was a mere blip and he was wrong that they didn't carry it through as he thought they would because right leaners are known for their small mindedness. It was your attempt at snarkiness that was so weak it failed to amuse.
I do not find right leaners to be small minded. Is it snarky to call right leaners small minded?
You have a fan. Someone IM'd me, someone whom I admire and respect, and suggested they thought you were being sincere and that you are not one of the handful that do not add content to this site and are here just to troll. One of the trolls actually admitted it and I was impressed that he did so. I even told him I admired his naditude. If that's the case and you were not attempting to be snarky to Lenny and meant what you said, then it's my bad.
I do not count the right leaners who are not Trump cultists small minded. There are some who've admitted they voted for Trump hoping for change and they've somewhat regretted their decision. Those people I find admirable. Who I find small minded are those that Trump himself calls idiots. The ones he continues to call idiots. The ones that applaud his 'fake news' and 'enemy of the people' bullshit. The ones that applaud his demeaning of Dr. Ford. I don't know who's right on that issue yet, but for him to use that shit at a rally is disgusting. You know the ones I mean. The ones who would still vote for him if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue.
If you were sincere to Lenny, someone I consider pretty fuckin' intelligent, then my apologies. If you were being a jerk, then pfffft.
I think it was more that Lenny didn't want the conservatives to be called "hypocrites"
Poor Lenny is wrong. I'm going to call the conservatives "hypocrites"
You forgot "of the highest order."
I am waiting for the Lying Ted Cruz banners to be unfurled.
As Krishna opined from the outset, it is amusing to watch the past come back and take a chomp out of that fat arse of His, but there is still a lot left to chew on.
Cruz is kissing Trumplethinskin's ass, which might set off Kim Jung Un since he and Trump are in love, according to Trump. But Trump's not known for fidelity to any of his mates, so add this to the list. But I'm confused. Is the Liar-In-Chief now Mrs. Short Fat Rocket Man, or is Kim Mrs. Mentally Deranged U.S. Dotard?
So ... Cheeto Boy mocks The Penguin's [Cruz looks like Penguin on Batman] wife, tells the world that Cruz's old man was in on the Kennedy assassination, and now he's stumping for him? WTF?!? How low will the Republicans go? Anyone got a limbo stick? Note Trump's hash tags. LyingTed. NeverCruz. HA!! What a fuckin' moron.
You always make me smile.
Back atcha', baby. Back atcha'. Baby Luther always made me smile too, and make me go "awwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!"
Global warming is happening, and these two steaming piles of shit are exacerbating the process. How soon these two clowns forget.
Oh my. Could it be ... ???
Now that is laugh out loud funny!
That would be a good question for some of their membership and pastors I suppose.
I am still attempting to calculate how they can be for God and Mr. Trump at the same time as from everything I have read they are diametrically opposed. God took the seven fish and loaves, multiplied them and fed the masses, Mr. Trump would have charged them and perhaps thrown in a free bottle of Trump water (don't forget to use two hands on the bottle while drinking).
There you go, you Vixen you:)
Bwahahahahahaha!! True dat!
Oooh. Vixen. I likie. Except one thing troubles me ... why would Santa name the reindeer directly in front of his sleigh Vixen? And did Mrs. Claus ever put two and two together?
You're gonna need a bigger calculator
I saw Vixen kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night (my apologies to Tommie Connor)
See what you've now, dragged me into your wicked web, I like it
Interspecies relationships?
Oh no...oh come the clutching of pearls and fainting on couches
Omigawd! That made me snort-laugh!! Everyone here loves when I do that ... they think it's the funniest thing ever, and I only do it when I read the funniest thing ever!
Kettle/Pot Trumpy, kettle/pot.
Vote for me, said Penguin.
I live in Texas. I live near Ft. Worth. There are far more Beto signs on lawns than Cruz signs. I went to Trader Joes in Southlake this past weekend (which is considered one of the wealthier suburbs of Texas) and there were Beto t-shirts everywhere! I do believe Texas is turning a lovely shade of lilac. It's no longer stark red.
Omigawd, Krisna~! I love your tags for this article!
Ted Cruz is American!!!! OMG, has Canada deported and stripped him of his citizenship.....Where are the Castro bro's when you need them.
Beto O'Rourke on Jeopardy:
Alex Trebek: Ted Cruz, Roy Moore and Donald Trump
Beto: Things that are creepy, Alex!!
Texas! Gotta love it!
That elephant is getting a little too friendly....