
IN MY ODE TO CAGED BIRDS - A Reflective Perspective

By:  Moonchild63  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments

IN MY ODE TO CAGED BIRDS - A Reflective Perspective

My grandson is Autistic, he does not speak the way children his age do - he is 3. I find myself utterly envious of the fact that he makes himself known, yet without words. It makes me think of Maya in her early years (after childhood trauma) denoted in "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings."

Speaking is over rated when you consider the words coming out of the mouths of some lately! My grandson is funny and sweet - yet he has his temper tantrums (less verbal then some) and they remind me of those of which I previously wrote.

Today, I saw a story on the Struggle of those who live in suburbs who find themselves sprawled in poverty that others paint only on the urbanites, I have repeatedly told of those who though not late for the ball - still find the slippers too tight for comfort, those who through the promise of American Dreaming are left in the nightmare of the recessive greed of others & yet speaking does not change the minds of the imbecilic who seek to belittle and ignore at the same time.

It seems the World listens, but hears little and some in ours do not listen, yet have so much NOTHING to say - they may as well NOT speak at all! When confronted by the facts, truths or differing ideologies & opinions of others they do not reflect they deflect and attack - because only their words (at least to them) have meaning.

I enjoy the "Forum" the same as others here, yet I notice the boasterous here do not often enjoy my postings in the same vein as they do the ones that others post - few comments, yet many read - like my grandson, I guess I communicate witout words to them as my sentiments do not trigger responses - only polite compliments, which I accept, yet wonder why those WHO HAVE SO MUCH THINGS TO SAY esp. when they are talking about those I am talking about, but in a different way!

Presently the RNC will spend ten million dollars on the same people to recruit and understand them, yet for ALL THEY SAY - I thought they claimed they did - about as funny as my grandson taking me to the refrigerator an I thinking he wants something inside open it - only to find he wanted something a top!

IN MY ODE TO CAGED BIRDS think they would be better off listening and keeping their monies - as those who they have maligned or allowed to be maligned have long memories and good ears - they will not be so easily placated as the many who have gained a kind of legitimacy from an association with the ACTUAL Republican party - who because of lagging membership and money therein allowed the fringe in - as the fringe used the language of the Southern Strategy to say they are a like, yet they aren't - moderates or liberal republicans have found (like my grandson) they have no voice, vocabulary or opinion that the interlopers want to hear & they have been relegated to the backseat (as it were) of their own affilation/association/party - they like Maya don't sing out because they are afraid to speak for fear they will locked out of the cage they seek to perch in.

It is sad that those who know that HATE SPEECH, SYMBOLS OF LYNCHING, OBSTRUCTION boardering on TREASON belong in a Silent prism and only they can put it there, but the alliance they thought would help them has become more than a hinderance - it has become the albatros that some among their party wish to be on others necks.

Silence won't help them now, millions thrown at a problem that only they see or think they have - cause those of us for which they so VOICETEROUSLY (yes a play on BIOSTEROUS) sought to belittle, disenfranchise or malign HAVE HEARD THEM CLEARLY & know why the caged bird sings - they sing for thee in their pit of mercilous dispare - a song of freedom that is for ALL & not some!

I marvel at the process and activities of my grandson born two months early being starved of oxygen in the womb from the cord wrapped aroung his neck several times, yet found a way to make his non-verbal self heard and got out with minimal damage to himself, yet with people who love their ropes and hatred, I am left to worry that if he doesn't speak eventually - what will become of him in a world where some view him with such utter disdain and then I am envious no more, I am a grandmother on a mission to make sure I SPEAK LOUDLY & OFTEN FOR HIM.


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