

By:  Moonchild63  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments


In the last few months, I have had the opportunity to sit with a lovely young lady, she spoke at times, but I couldn't understand a word she was saying. She ate and slept, drooled (at times) and boy were her bodily functions at times P-E-U!

She is now my good friend and I will miss her as she now must move on to the new person who will be sitting with her for a while. People come and they go in and out of our lives - some fleeting and brief - others you couldn't blast them out with dyn-o-mite! If you haven't guessed it was a BABY and her parents (one a good friend of my daughter) needed HELP - their previous sitter had a STROKE and they needed a fill in - I was honored to be asked and HONORED to have done it.

I have issues with leaving and change etc. (they are human issues mind you, yet trauma and tragedy - known a few- make that HARDER for some;-), yet in knowing myself, I have made the best peace that I can givenwho -I am in this moment. I will now get to know what she's doing sporatically & see her whenever my daughter has a shin-dig or something and I will coo & want to know if she remembers me - the lady who made up songs for her, read her stories and tried with the language barrier - to communicate some wisdom & oh, I laugh at how the Lord tricks us good with babies

- they have so much knowledge trapped in their consciousness and wonder still in their lil souls (to the antagonist of the Lord, those that say things like that religious BS and Bible crap -you are free to skip ahead, but something tells me it will only get worse for ya - if you read on!)

I also took a week (not a whole one cuz STUFF HAPPENS & of late - it happens DAILY !) to go somewhere there aren't any people pretending to be this, that and a third - no body entrenched in BEING RIGHT, RIGHT FIGHTING or just OVER-ALLBEING DIFFICULT. As reflection is an art and adding meditation to the week has not hurt one bit! The body is fascinating, I could spend hours pondering Homeostasis alone!

The baby has helpedme to remember - what it is I connect to& how I fit;why I matter in the scheme of things - no matter who else thinks differently! We all seek that which matters to us and that for which WE matter - it's not harmful unless WE make it so. The lesson for this last week ofmeditation (retreat I took from Bigots, politics, man's inhumanity to ALL things)

is Living Optimism

the centering thought "My life unfolds in divine order," and the mantra - OM Daksham Namah (my actions achieve maximal benefit with minimal effort.) howis that for timing, divinity or con-winky-dink-isn't thatwhat babies are/do - achieve the maximal and the benefit is minimal of effort -

the slobbering, crying, pooping etc. the stuff that is not so fresh is stilla boon to those who love um and the other the trap stuff that gets ya - smelling like Johnson & Johnson, laughing, gripping your finger and the baby talk that - they just can't get us to understand from the divinity that they are still attached to.

IN MY REFLECTIVE PROSPECTIVE, I had a nice time hanging out with a baby (my children long grown & my gran's - no longer infants) who taught me to treasure time with children & alone, that doing something for others - expecting nothing - can some times afford you the something - you didn't know you needed or wanted! That wonder never leaves us even when we achieve maximal grown-nessSmile.gif & it benefits us to Keep it Simple

- elaborate can be exhausting and sometimes like babies - gibberish is justgibberish & other times it is the profoundest of Divinity talking-WE just can't understand what it's saying.


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