
Here's the *real* problem with Joe Biden's approval rating

Via:  Nerm_L  •  3 years ago  •  56 comments

By:   Chris Cillizza (CNN)

Here's the *real* problem with Joe Biden's approval rating
The best -- and maybe only -- good news in these numbers for Biden and other Democrats is that it's February 2022, not October 2022.

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The really real problem with Joe Biden's approval rating is Joe Biden.  The Democrats' emperor has no coattails.  There's nothing for Democrats to celebrate.  Are Democrats going to cheer the botched end of the war in Afghanistan or the new Cold War with Russia?  An economy that's roaring ahead while falling apart?  A pandemic that has become endemic?  A need to throw a peaceful protest by Canadian truckers under the bus?  

So, Democrats only hope is to try to reviving the politics that got Biden elected.    


If there's somethin' strange in the neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (Trumpbusters)
There's somethin' weird and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call (Trumpbusters)

I ain't afraid of no Trump
I ain't afraid of no Trump

If you're seeing things running through your head
Who can you call?  (Trumpbusters)

An invisible man sleeping in your bed
Who ya gonna call (Trumpbusters)

I ain't afraid of no Trump
I ain't afraid of no Trump

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

It is, without question, bad news for President Joe Biden -- and the broader Democratic Party -- that 41% of Americans approve of his job performance and 58% disapprove in the new CNN national poll.

But there's far worse news for Biden and his party buried in that same survey.

So, let's dig.

Biden's approval rating is split in the CNN survey (and in most polls) between those who approve or disapprove "strongly" or just "moderately."  And that's where the depth of Biden's problems comes into very sharp relief. Just 15% say they "strongly" approve of the job he is doing as President while 41% "strongly" disapprove.

That sort of disparity tells us this: The Democratic base -- those most likely to support Biden -- is feeling a bit "meh" toward him at the moment. Meanwhile, the GOP base is on fire, passionate in its distaste for the way Biden has handled the presidency.

And that's exactly what you see when the numbers are broken out by party. While roughly one-third (36%) of Democrats strongly approve of the job Biden is doing, about three-fourths (76%) of Republicans strongly disapprove of how he is managing the job.

Among key constituencies for both parties, it's a similar story. Just 3 in 10 Black Americans and fewer than 1 in 5 Latino Americans strongly approve of the job Biden is doing. More than 6 in 10 White non-college graduates and 3 in 4 conservatives strongly disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidency.

(Sidebar: Another indicator of how strongly opposed many are to Biden? In the CNN poll, 56% of those who disapprove of him said they couldn't name a single thing he had done as President of which they approve.)

Why does this disparity in energy matter? Because midterm elections -- more so than presidential contests -- tend to be battles of the bases. And when one side is very fired up (as Republicans are right now) and the other side is, well, not (as Democrats are right now), you tend to see major congressional seat shifts, like in 2018, 2010, 2006 and 1994.

The Point: The best -- and maybe only -- good news in these numbers for Biden and other Democrats is that it's February 2022, not October 2022. If this passion gap between the bases is still in place come this fall, Democrats are likely to get crushed at the ballot box.


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Professor Expert
1  seeder  Nerm_L    3 years ago

So, Democrats' hopes for the midterm elections depends upon whether or not Republicans hate Democrats - more than - Democrats hate Republicans.

At least Joe Biden is creating common ground for some people in the United States.  

Professor Principal
3  Ender    3 years ago
Are Democrats going to cheer the botched end of the war in Afghanistan

Yep, we are out of there.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Ender @3    3 years ago
Yep, we are out of there.

Are we really out of Afghanistan?  We're still trying to extract people.  And there are a fairly large number of refugees still to be dealt with.  Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal will be a burden on the American people for the next decade. 

We brought the troops home but we can't seem to keep them home.  The withdrawal did free up a lot of troops that can be deployed to Poland.  We have more newly deployed troops in Poland than we withdrew from Afghanistan.  Way to to go, Biden.

Professor Principal
3.1.1  Ender  replied to  Nerm_L @3.1    3 years ago

I swear, you all act like we should stay there.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
3.1.2  Nowhere Man  replied to  Nerm_L @3.1    3 years ago

Don't forget the several thousands we also sent to Romania and Bulgaria, then there are the troops we have in the Baltic States whos deployment levels have been expanded...

Professor Expert
3.1.3  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Ender @3.1.1    3 years ago
I swear, you all act like we should stay there.

Obviously there weren't any plans to withdraw diplomatic personnel.  That's why it was necessary to burn sensitive documents in the embassy courtyard.  And don't forget the Saigon rooftop flights needed to abandon the embassy.  The State Dept. was, indeed, planning to stay there.  

The planning depended entirely on Afghan security forces that didn't exist because the money ran out.

Did the US leave Afghanistan - or - was the US driven out of Afghanistan?

Professor Expert
3.1.4  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Nowhere Man @3.1.2    3 years ago
Don't forget the several thousands we also sent to Romania and Bulgaria, then there are the troops we have in the Baltic States whos deployment levels have been expanded...

Well at least we're not fighting for oil this time.  Now we're fighting for natural gas ...

Professor Principal
3.1.5  Ender  replied to  Nerm_L @3.1.3    3 years ago

How could there not be any plans...

Biden said we were leaving by a certain date. I think there was about a six month window.

Professor Quiet
3.1.6  Ronin2  replied to  Ender @3.1.1    3 years ago

I swear you all act like all of the US citizens, green card holders, and special VISA holders Brandon abandoned in Afghanistan don't matter. That when the last US troops pulled out we stopped owing them anything.

Brandon isn't even attempting to get them out. He is leaving that up to private individuals and charities; but he is putting as much red tape in the way as possible to make it as difficult for them as possible.

Professor Quiet
3.1.7  Ronin2  replied to  Ender @3.1.5    3 years ago

Then why did Brandon fuck up the withdrawal so god damn badly- it he had 6 months to plan? 

Professor Quiet
3.1.8  bbl-1  replied to  Nerm_L @3.1    3 years ago

I sincerely wish you 'righties' would calculate what the Afghan withdrawal and aftermath would have looked like had the US disengaged on May 1st, 2021, as which was agreed by the Trump Administration and the Taliban.  Biden extended it 90 days.  That is all he did.

What would it have looked like had we left on May 1st, as was originally agreed?  Please answer the question if you can.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.9  Sean Treacy  replied to  bbl-1 @3.1.8    3 years ago
hat would it have looked like had we left on May 1st, as was originally agree

What if he didn't evacuate until he had his ducks in a row?   He ignored his Generals and proceeded with the evacuation on his own timeline.

Professor Quiet
3.1.10  bbl-1  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.9    3 years ago

That was not the agreement.  May 1st was the original agreement.  So, I must politely inquire as to what in the hell are you talking about?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.11  Sean Treacy  replied to  bbl-1 @3.1.10    3 years ago

 May 1st was the original agreement

And Biden ignored that date, giving him the freedom to choose to withdraw at any time he chose.

Professor Quiet
3.1.12  bbl-1  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.11    3 years ago

That is stupid.  The agreement was May 1st.  Biden extended that agreement by 90 days.

My original question was this.  What would 'the Afghan evacuation' looked like if the deadline was May 1st, which was what the Trump Administration agreed to with the Taliban?  That is my question.

Biden ignored nothing.  He extended it 90 days and pulled out.

But what would have the evacuation looked like, or transpired if the May 1st date would have been used?   That is, it.  That is my question, and the righties will not answer it.  Why?

I believe if the May 1st. date would have been utilized, the chaos, misery and death would have been a hundred-fold.  Biden at least avoided some of it.

Professor Quiet
3.1.13  bbl-1  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.11    3 years ago

Have to add this too.  By your statement in 3.1.10, I get the feeling that you believe we should still be there.  Am I correct?  And if not, why and take the time to explain.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3    3 years ago

Yup, except for my 13 brothers and sisters who died in the botched withdrawal and all our allies left there to be hunted like dogs by the Taliban.

Yeah, almost everyone ..

Professor Principal
3.2.1  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2    3 years ago

Your brothers and sisters? Stop acting like you knew them personally.

Thousands of people have died there. It was time to get out no matter how much you all act like we should have stayed.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.2  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.1    3 years ago

Clearly you didn’t serve, you wouldn’t understand so don’t act like you can.    And if you did you didn’t get it

Professor Principal
3.2.3  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.2    3 years ago

Never said I did. And my comment still stands.

Professor Principal
3.2.5  Ender  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.4    3 years ago

Can you think of any scenario where leaving there would have gone smoothly?

I sure can't.

Professor Principal
3.2.7  Ender  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.6    3 years ago

Others can? Are they living in a dream world?

How do these others think we could have left smoothly with no problem at all...

Professor Principal
3.2.9  Ender  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.8    3 years ago

You think they had no advanced warning to get out? Some refused to leave.

Your suggestion still would not have made an evacuation a smooth operation.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.11  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.3    3 years ago
Never said I did.

Never said you did.

And my comment still stands.

As does mine.    Don’t comment on things you couldn’t hope to understand.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.12  Sparty On  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.4    3 years ago
I don't think very many people actually objected to us leaving.

Exactly, it wasn’t that we left but rather how it was done.    

A total clusterfuck.

Professor Principal
3.2.13  Ender  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.10    3 years ago

And again, some people would not evacuate. I am sure people can come up with other things that supposedly would have made it 'smoother'. One can always think of things after the fact.

What is sad if trump was president and we left there, people would be saying the same things, just on opposite ends.

People would be railing against donald and blaming him and calling it a fuck up.

Professor Principal
3.2.14  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.11    3 years ago

You have zero idea what I understand and don't.

I know when people have nothing but insults and troll the forum...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.15  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.14    3 years ago

You said it, your comment stands.   So I understand your position on this matter perfectly.     Absolutely perfectly.    

You on the other hand have no idea what you are talking about so I’d advise that you stop commenting on it and proving how truly sophomoric your understanding is.

Professor Principal
3.2.16  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.15    3 years ago

You advise? I don't think so, but keep on insulting. Makes you look...well...

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2.17  Greg Jones  replied to  Ender @3.2.1    3 years ago

Nobody butt you saying we should have stayed.

Bumbling Biden botched the withdrawal...big time.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2.18  Greg Jones  replied to  Ender @3.2.14    3 years ago
"I know when people have nothing but insults and troll the forum..."

Such as you're doing now?/

Professor Principal
3.2.19  Ender  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.18    3 years ago

Show me where I insulted him...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.20  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.16    3 years ago

No insults profered by me, only reality.

The shoe fits, put it on.

Professor Principal
3.2.21  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.20    3 years ago

Again you offer nothing but insults. A complete waste of time.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.22  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.21    3 years ago

Again, you are completely wrong.    


Professor Participates
3.2.23  bugsy  replied to  Ender @3.2.21    3 years ago

Where were you insulted?

I don't think that really means "my feelings were hurt".

Professor Principal
3.2.24  Ender  replied to  bugsy @3.2.23    3 years ago

Nope. I don't get my feelings hurt from keyboard warriors.

Professor Participates
3.2.25  bugsy  replied to  Ender @3.2.24    3 years ago

So how were you insulted

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.26  Sparty On  replied to  bugsy @3.2.25    3 years ago

She wasn’t.    She was simply called out and didn’t like it

Professor Principal
3.2.27  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.26    3 years ago

You live in a fantasyland...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.28  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.27    3 years ago

Lol .... 

Professor Quiet
3.2.29  bbl-1  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.2    3 years ago

I served.  Vietnam.  So, what is it you understand that you believe others do not?

Professor Quiet
3.2.30  bbl-1  replied to  Ender @3.2.27    3 years ago

MAGA world is not fantasyland.  It is an illusion of a delusion.

Professor Participates
3.2.31  bugsy  replied to  Ender @3.2.3    3 years ago

I did 20 years in the Navy, only retiring 16 years ago.  I consider those 13 my brothers and sisters in arms.

You got a problem with that?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.32  Sparty On  replied to  bbl-1 @3.2.29    3 years ago

Well then, thx for your service.

That said I was talking to one person not you.     All you have to do is read what was posted to understand the point that was being made.

Still confused?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.33  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ender @3.2.1    3 years ago
Your brothers and sisters? Stop acting like you knew them personally.

You clearly didn't serve and have absolutely NO IDEA what the term "Brothers and Sisters" means.

Thousands of people have died there. It was time to get out no matter how much you all act like we should have stayed.

The fact it was TIME to leave is not up for debate.  HOW it was handled was a fucking train wreck that Biden is solely responsible for.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Still no briefing on America’s now-dissolved Southern Border and the foreign drugs, gangs and cartels killing thousands of our citizens.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1  Sparty On  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago

No problem .... auntie Kamala has it under control ..... /S

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sparty On @4.1    3 years ago

As one of our members once said "it won't be so bad living in a different country."


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