
Ukraine Defense Ministry compares Russian invasion to 9/11

Via:  Nerm_L  •  3 years ago  •  14 comments

By:   Adam Schrader (UPI)

Ukraine Defense Ministry compares Russian invasion to 9/11
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Sunday compared the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 to the terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

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Really?  Hey, let's just rewrite history.  Facts don't matter.

Let's ignore the six months of warnings.  Let's ignore Russian troops massed on the borders.  Let's ignore that Ukraine had a pretty good idea where Russian troops would cross the borders.  Let's ignore Vladimir Putin's prime-time pre-invasion lecture on history and justification for invading Ukraine.  Let's ignore that Ukraine was handing out rifles to anyone that wanted them.  Let's ignore that the Azovs were training civilians to fight.  Let's ignore people building barricades on the streets of Kiev.  Those facts are just too inconvenient.

Ukraine is the victim of a surprise attack that no one saw coming.  That's great Soviet propaganda as long as we ignore what really happened.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Sept. 11 (UPI) -- The Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Sunday compared the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 to the terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

"9/11 was a terrorist act which shocked and shook Ukrainians to their core. 24/2 was a terrorist act which shocked and shook Americans to their core," the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said in a tweet.

"Ukraine stands with the U.S. The U.S. stands with Ukraine. Always and forever."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday also paid tribute to the victims of 9/11 and called the attacks "one of the most tragic days in the history of the U.S. the world."

"Facing missile attacks daily, Ukraine knows well what terrorism is and sincerely sympathizes with the U.S. people. Terrorism is an evil that has no place in the modern world!" Zelensky said.

Zelensky called Russia a "terrorist state" in another tweet alerting that the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions of Ukraine were suffering from a "total blackout."

"Russian Federation terrorists remain terrorists and attack critical infrastructure. No military facilities," Zelensky said.

"The goal is to deprive people of light and heat."He added that partial blackouts were experience in the Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy regions of Ukraine on Sunday.

His comments came Ukrainian troops recaptured Chkalovske, a town between the cities of Kharkiv and Izium, from Russian forces as they continued their rally for territorial gains, having reclaimed about half a million acres of land.

"Another freed settlement!" Zelensky said on Telegram with a video of a soldier raising the country's banner above the village.

"The Ukrainian flag returned to Chkalovske, Kharkiv region. And it will be like that everywhere. We will expel the occupiers from every Ukrainian city and village. Thanks to all our heroes!"

Ukraine in recent days has swiftly moved to reclaim occupied territory in the northeastern part of the country, forcing Russian troops to retreat.


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Professor Expert
1  seeder  Nerm_L    3 years ago

There's a difference between being caught off guard - and - being caught with your thumb up your backside.  

The Russian invasion is Ukraine's 9/11?  That's Soviet bullshit at its finest.  Just ignore what really happened.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Nerm_L @1    3 years ago

What really happened?

Professor Expert
1.2.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Greg Jones @1.2    3 years ago
What really happened?

What really happened was that Biden was warning the world about a Russian invasion for six months (or more) while taking precautionary steps to avoid fighting Russia.  Biden deployed troops and military assets to defend NATO's borders.  Biden was preparing for a war in NATO Europe.  What was being done to defend Ukraine's borders where the invasion was being expected?

What did Ukraine do to protect its borders that it claims to care so much about?  Do you recall the reports of battles to stop the Russians at the border?  Do you recall reports of NATO preparing Ukraine for invasion?

Ukraine manufactures advanced weapons.  Ukraine produces an anti-tank missile that is as effective, if not more effective, than the Javelins we've been supplying.  Ukraine had tanks, aircraft, and missiles.  So, why wasn't the battle fought on the border?  Why didn't Ukraine at least take proactive steps to protect Kiev?  The Russian path to Kiev wasn't unknown; there are few options for moving masses of troops toward Kiev.  It's not like Ukraine couldn't predict which roadways and bridges would be important for Russia to move forces toward Kiev.

Ukraine can sink the Black Sea fleet's flagship but couldn't do anything about a miles long convoy that was parked for weeks so close to Kiev?

Ukraine has been capable of fighting Russia for seven months.  But Ukraine was helpless to do anything defend its borders from invasion.  After missing so many opportunities to plan and prepare for a Russian invasion we're suppose to accept that the Russian invasion was Ukraine's 9/11?  

Professor Guide
1.2.2  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @1.2.1    3 years ago

Zelensky made an analogy and he defined the parameters of that analogy, but you are assigning meaning to his words that is unwarranted. He said nothing about the Russian invasion being a surprise, and yet, somehow, that’s all you got out of it.

All you have to do is look at his actual words. He described each attack as a “terrorist act which shocked and shook [the people of each nation] to their core.” Terrorism. Attack. Shock. Shook. Nothing about it being a surprise.

And in any event, Al Qaeda had been threatening and attacking the US for years, so arguably, 9/11 shouldn’t have been a surprise, either.

Professor Principal
1.3  Kavika   replied to  Nerm_L @1    3 years ago
Just ignore what really happened.

You have been ignoring what really happened in Ukraine since the beginning. You also, while in the safety of your basement have disparaged our troops as cowards. 

Professor Expert
1.3.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Kavika @1.3    3 years ago
You have been ignoring what really happened in Ukraine since the beginning. You also, while in the safety of your basement have disparaged our troops as cowards. 

Don't have a basement.

Biden began warning Putin about aggression against Ukraine in April, 2021; four months before the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and almost 11 months before Russia actually invaded Ukraine.  Russia began massing forces on the Ukrainian border a year before the invasion.

Russian forces weren't hidden.  The number of tanks, troops, and arms could be easily seen.  Biden even used satellite images to warn of a Russian invasion.  We knew where the Russian troops were located.  We knew what the Russian forces had available.  We even knew unit dispositions and had a fair knowledge of who the battlefield commanders were months before Russia invaded.

So, what did the Biden administration actually do?  How did the Biden administration prepare for a Russian invasion?  Did Biden's generals use that advanced warning to position supplies, arms, and munitions to support Ukraine?  Did Biden's generals deploy advisors and trainers to Ukraine to prepare for invasion?  

Or did Biden's generals cut and run?  What really happened?

Professor Quiet
2  Ronin2    3 years ago
"Ukraine stands with the U.S. The U.S. stands with Ukraine. Always and forever."

Ukraine stands with the US until our money and weapons run out; or the war ends and we actually force them to enact some very Democrat government reforms, and do something about the very real fascists in their midst.

Then it will blow up in our faces. Just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Yemen, etc.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Ronin2 @2    3 years ago

Are you saying we should have done nothing.?

Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Ronin2  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1    3 years ago


Let Ukraine and Russia sort it out. Keep all of the money and resources wasted in our coffers- we have more than enough problems to spend it on. Power grid improvements to handle charging all of those future green energy EV's; border security; our veterans care; Social Security- not for illegals; but to make it solvent for our own citizens that have paid into it; planning for the next pandemic so we don't suffer so damn much; health insurance; real infrastructure improvements; and so much more. 

Europe, remember them? They are the ones that should have been handling this. Instead NATO fell flat on it's damn face; and once again the US has to do all of the heavy lifting. It isn't NATO troops on the countries that border Ukraine- those are US forces. Germany even admitted it's military is so under funded and manned that it is only a threat to itself. That goes for all of the NATO countries. The only thing they have learned from this is they have nothing to fear so long as the US is around. Rebuilding their militaries is again on the back burner. So much for that European military force they threatened to put into place when Trump was in office.

Once Russia falls China will be the number 1 threat to the world. Think NATO is up to helping us out with the greater threat that China poses? Think they care?

We keep claiming we aren't the world's policeman; then we go right on acting like it; and get shocked when any factions disagree and the fallout hits us directly.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    3 years ago

Yeah....but, the final result will likely be that Russia will no longer be a threat to the West, or it's Eastern European neighbors. With Putin deposed, perhaps positive changes can occur in Russian leadership. I doubt that Ukraine will invade other countries, including Russia. They just want their territory back.

I suspect the the majority of the Ukrainian people simply want their lives to return to normal. Then the process of cleaning up their government can begin

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Greg Jones @3    3 years ago
Yeah....but, the final result will likely be that Russia will no longer be a threat to the West, or it's Eastern European neighbors. With Putin deposed, perhaps positive changes can occur in Russian leadership. I doubt that Ukraine will invade other countries, including Russia. They just want their territory back.

Well, it kinda looks like Russia was just a bogeyman anyway.  We've spent $$$trillions$$$ to defend against a threat that wasn't.  Now the United States is going to have to find another bogeyman.

Even Ukraine is having to rely on Soviet style propaganda to keep alive the bogeyman myth in the west.  You know, Ukraine is trying to equate Russia with Al Qaeda and ISIS.  Al Qaeda and ISIS really has directly attacked the United States and Europe; Russia hasn't.  We've fought Al Qaeda and ISIS for twenty years.  But we can let Ukraine handle Russia.  So, who was the bigger threat?

Professor Quiet
3.2  Ronin2  replied to  Greg Jones @3    3 years ago
Russia will no longer be a threat to the West, or it's Eastern European neighbors.

Russia has nuclear weapons. So long as they do they will always be a threat. All it will take is a leader willing to use them.

With Putin deposed

Putin has been deposed? Do you have a link? While he is a terrible military tactician and leader for the Russia people- he built the system he rules over. Only one way he is leaving is feet first. Haven't heard anything about him dying yet.

perhaps positive changes can occur in Russian leadership.

We had Gorbachev as leader of Russia. Someone who wanted peace and to work with the west. We fucked him over by flipping former Russian satellite states as fast as we could. He was deposed; and all Russia has had since is former Soviet officials- each one more anti-West than the last. Chances are whomever replaces Putin will have one finger on the nuclear trigger at all times; and will be sure to let the world know it. We had better hope they don't get smart and put someone that studied US military tactics in charge. They decide to treat Ukraine the way we did Serbia we will find out how good Russia's military really is. No troops on the ground- just bombing endlessly from a distance any target that holds any type of strategic, tactical, or civilian importance. There won't be a stretch of flat road anywhere in Ukraine long enough to land a plane. That train the Ukrainians have been using to carry troops and supplies from Kiev to the front lines will be destroyed. Generators will explode as fast as they fire up. Waterways will be unusable. 

I doubt that Ukraine will invade other countries, including Russia. They just want their territory back.

I don't care about Ukraine wants. I want all of our military hardware back intact and operational. Then they can start reparations for the 58 billion in aide they received (the total is far more if all the hidden money from the military and alphabet agencies gets added in). If they really want to repay us they can figure out every last dime we sent them starting with Obama and pay it all off.

I suspect the the majority of the Ukrainian people simply want their lives to return to normal.

Back to clean fascist living. Wonder how many of the minority Ukrainians that fled will return? They weren't treated all that kindly their fellow countrymen while fleeing. They can look forward to a much stronger and larger Azov and other fascist groups it they decide it is safe once the war is over. 

Then the process of cleaning up their government can begin

Their government was a corrupt piece of garbage (to put it politely) before the invasion; it will be more so after- since Azov and the other fascist groups will be even more tightly ingrained. I already know who Ukraine is going come calling on to pay for rebuilding their country. We need to get a brain for once and tell them to F off. Nation building never ends well for us. This time will be no different. The only people looking forward to rebuilding Ukraine are US politicians- who will get their children nice high paying well connected jobs; and those that know how to graft off our government's largesse. 

Professor Principal
4  JBB    3 years ago



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