
1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs

Via:  Nerm_L  •  11 hours ago  •  11 comments

By:   Ian Schwartz On Date (RealClearPolitics)

1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs
Video footage from Oct. 26, 1993, of President William Jefferson Clinton giving remarks announcing federal procurement reforms and spending cut proposals.

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How's everyone loving REGO 2.0?  Aren't Democrats thrilled at renewed interest in Bill Clinton's legacy of efficiency and lower cost from a streamlined government?  The preliminary remarks by Al Gore provides a more complete summation of what had been achieved in the first 10 months of the Clinton administration.  But it seems Al Gore's efforts receives little attention from the Clinton apologists.  

Procurement modernization and reform is how Bill Clinton privatized the Federal government.  Streamlining procurement wasn't only about modernizing methods with digital technology.  A lot of internal review and oversight was eliminated to speed the process and open the door to allow special consideration for preferred vendors.  We were told that for-profit suppliers and middlemen would cut the waste out of government procurement.  

Keep in mind that 87 pct of the Federal debt was created after Bill Clinton made this speech.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

This is video footage of President William Jefferson Clinton giving remarks announcing federal procurement reforms and spending cut proposals. This was eventually referred to as "reinventing government", or REGO. This footage is official public record produced by the White House Television (WHTV) crew, provided by the Clinton Presidential Library.

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: Ladies and gentlemen, the Presidential memorandum on electronic commerce which I have just signed is, as the Vice President said, a direct result of the work done by the National Performance Review. It will make our antiquated paper-based procurement system accessible to anybody with a personal computer. It will open up a world of possibilities to small businesses in America and drive down costs to taxpayers.
This demonstrates why the National Performance Review has been and will continue to be a success. The NPR has become a true action plan for unprecedented cost cutting and reinvention across the entire governmental process. It's dedicated to reforms that will give us a Government that actually does work better and cost less.
We want to give the taxpayer a more efficient Government, to reduce the deficit, to provide new resources so that we can also respond to urgent national needs. The proposals we announce today meet every one of those objectives. By sending to Congress a bill that produces billions in savings, we will now be able to finance an expansion of our anticrime activities at a time when the country desperately needs it. Reinventing Government is working, and I want to say a special word of thanks to the Vice President for his outstanding leadership on this project.
Today I am sending to Congress a significant package of spending cuts, totaling $10 billion, based on the National Performance Review and fulfilling a promise I made to further reduce the deficit by spending cuts in that amount— sending, excuse me, spending cuts in that amount to Congress that could be passed in this calendar year. The Government reform act phases out Federal support for wool, mohair, and honey; consolidates environmental satellite programs; streamlines the operations of the Departments of Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development; reduces costly regulation; and proposes other reforms reflecting more than 20 deficit-cutting recommendations of NPR. These cuts are part of our commitment to put our economic house in order.
With the passage of the economic plan last summer containing about $500 billion in deficit reduction, we've helped to drive down interest rates to historic low levels to keep inflation down. This has meant more private sector job growth in one year than in the previous 4; increases in housing starts; and in mid-October, we know now that auto sales have climbed by 18.4 percent, the largest amount in several years. Orders for heavy equipment continue to rise. While we have still clearly got a very long way to go and many more good-paying jobs to produce, this recovery is beginning to shift into a more promising phase. That's why our progress on continued deficit reduction is very important. We have to maintain the Government's credibility in holding down the deficit and keeping interest rates down in order to provide a stable climate for long-term growth.
We must now move to achieve real savings through procurement reform. While the private sector is becoming more flexible, more innovative, Government has become in many ways over the last 10 years even more bureaucratic. At a time when all businesses are looking for better suppliers and lower prices, the Government is too often losing suppliers and actually paying higher prices by putting up so many costly hurdles and requirements in our procurement system. Procurement waste is costing the taxpayers tens of billions of dollars, and it has to stop. We must fundamentally reform this system, saving billions of dollars and using that money in ways that meet the basic needs of the American people.
Senator Glenn and Congressman Dellums and Congressman Conyers and the other distinguished Members of Congress who have joined us here today have introduced very important procurement reform legislation which will make it easier for agencies to buy the same commercial products ordinary consumers and businesses buy off the shelf. It will cut down enormously on paperwork. It will speed deliveries. It will provide new incentives for small businesses.
At the same time, the Department of Defense has requested, with my support, immediate congressional authorization to undertake seven pilot projects to reform their own procurement processes. These projects will allow the Department to demonstrate innovative approaches to acquiring commercial jet aircraft and aircraft engines as well as items like clothing and medical supplies.
Cost-saving innovations like these are critical to our ability to meet future military needs within our budgetary limits. I might say that the Department of Defense has been so confident of these things that, after we had completed our bottoms-up review, the leaders at the Defense Department said they thought one of the ways that we could actually meet our defense needs over the next 5 years within the tough budgetary restrictions imposed would be to require these kinds of procurement reforms. And I want to thank the Department of Defense for the aggressive attitude that they have taken toward this, and we all look forward to the results they will be achieving now.
Procurement reform also will enhance national security. Procurement regulations today virtually force defense contractors to develop business practices and products that are unique only to the military. This division of industry in the United States into defense and nondefense sectors results in higher prices to the Government, less purchasing flexibility to the armed services, and too often actually denies our military state-of-the-art technologies found in the commercial marketplace. Today 5 of the top 10 U.S. semiconductor producers refuse defense business because of the burdens and special requirements the Government imposes.
Finally, procurement can work by allowing the Government to run more like a business, buying products based on price and other important considerations such as how well a supplier has performed in the past. We want the marketplace, not the bureaucracy, to determine what we buy and what we pay.
According to the NPR report, if Congress does its part in passing the legislation and we do our part in making it work, we could save more than $5 billion in the first year of this reform alone. We ought to take some of that money that your Government has been wasting all these years and use it to uphold Government's first responsibility, which is to keep our citizens safe here at home. With that money, we can make our crime bill even stronger. We can make sure we put at least 50,000 police officers on the street over the next 5 years. We can help States to build more boot camps so we can take young criminals off the street and teach them more respect for the law and give them a chance to avoid a life in prison and live a life of constructive citizenship. We can have more drug courts, like the one the Attorney General started in Florida and the one our administration is helping to launch here in DC, so we can stop sending tens of thousands of criminal addicts back onto the street every year where they'll commit more crimes if they don't get treatment first.
I want Congress to pass this crime bill and pass the savings I've asked to help pay for it. I want them to know that if these cuts aren't passed, I'm going to come back with more cuts. And if those aren't passed, I'll come back with still more. I'll keep coming back until we have the money we need to make America safer.
Procurement reform shares a common border with many of our most important goals: saving taxpayer money, reinventing Government, strengthening our military, improving our economy. But in a larger sense the steps we are taking here today are also about proving to the American people that we can honestly and seriously deal with the issues that matter most to them and that for too long too many have felt powerless to change. We can and will cut the deficit. We can and will run a Government that works better and costs less. We can and will turn those savings to helping America, including helping more Americans be safer in their homes and on their streets.
I'd like to close by introducing to you Lieutenant Colonel Brad Orton. He has a story to tell that reveals the price we continue to pay by doing nothing in this important area. During the Gulf war, the Air Force placed an emergency order for 6,000 Motorola commercial radio receivers. But because Motorola's commercial unit lacked the record-keeping systems required to show the Pentagon that it was getting the lowest available price, the deal reached an impasse. The issue was resolved in a remarkable way that Lieutenant Colonel Orton will now describe, involving the Japanese Government. This should never happen again.
Today is about taking responsibility for doing better, working together to build a better America. We can do this, Congress, the administration, the American people.


jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Nerm_L    11 hours ago

Bill Clinton gutted the government and balanced the budget on the back of Social Security.  But Bill Clinton was Democrats' answer to Ronald Reagan.  So, Clinton is going to be a hero no matter how badly he screwed up the country.

REGO 2.0 can't do any more harm than Clinton's REGO did.  It's deja vu all over again.  Savor the moment.  

Professor Principal
2  JBB    10 hours ago

Clinton's approach was deliberative, surgical. He used a scalpel...

Elon's method is slapdash and ill considered, using a chainsaw!


Professor Expert
2.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  JBB @2    9 hours ago
Clinton's approach was deliberative, surgical. He used a scalpel...

Well, that's bullshit.  The $25K buyouts weren't targeted.  The government lost a lot of expertise and institutional knowledge because what was offered was a sweetheart deal for early retirement.  And we were prohibited from refilling those positions.  Clinton and Gore slashed with an axe, not a scalpel. 

Elon's method is slapdash and ill considered, using a chainsaw!

Lessons learned from Clinton's REGO.  Congress balked at a lot of cuts Clinton wanted to make.  Trump's REGO 2.0 isn't allowing Congress to interfere as happened with Clinton's gutting of government.  Clinton's REGO demonstrated that Congress will drag their feet; that's the lesson from REGO 1.0.  So, the obvious alternative would be to gut government as quickly as possible and let Congress drag its feet on rebuilding.  Clinton showed that the need for speed outweighs other considerations.

What Trump is doing won't harm government any more than what Clinton did.  The method may be different but the result is going to be the same.  Clinton gutted the government differently but that's not the same as doing it better.

Professor Principal
3  TᵢG    10 hours ago

Cutting government waste is a good idea.

But you actually have to cut only the waste.   And do so in a manner that does not disrupt the good working of government.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  TᵢG @3    9 hours ago
Cutting government waste is a good idea. But you actually have to cut only the waste.   And do so in a manner that does not disrupt the good working of government.

The seeded article and video focuses on Bill Clinton ordering procurement reform and modernization through Executive Order.  What's not included in the printed transcript are the preliminary remarks by Al Gore.  Gore provides a summation of the Nation Performance Review and the REGO efforts justified by the NPR.

What the flowery political prose obscures is that the reform and modernization of government procurement entailed eliminating half the staff involved in oversight and review.  Internal oversight was considered wasteful, the competitive bidding process was considered inefficient, and procurement through preferred vendors should be fast tracked.  Clinton's reforms actually threw to doors open for fraud, waste, and abuse.  Maybe that's why 87 pct of the Federal debt was created after Clinton gave this speech. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4  Split Personality    8 hours ago
Keep in mind that 87 pct of the Federal debt was created after Bill Clinton made this speech. 

100% of the debt was created after Washington's inauguration. /s

Please don't forget that we also paid off WWII during the Clinton Administration ( or more correctly the UK paid off it's final Lend Lease payments).

Please don't forget that Bill Clinton is still the most popular President ( 66% approval, 29% disapproval ) 3% higher than the revered Ronald Regan.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Split Personality @4    8 hours ago
( or more correctly the UK paid off it's final Lend Lease payments

George Bush was President in 2006. 

d on't forget that Bill Clinton is still the most popular President ( 66% approval, 29% disapproval ) 3% higher than the revered Ronald Regan.

JFK is the most popular President. Reagan, Bush I and Obama are all more popular than Clinton, who is a point a head of george W. bush. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4.1.1  Split Personality  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1    2 hours ago
George Bush was President in 2006. 

Thank you.

JFK is the most popular President. Reagan, Bush I and Obama are all more popular than Clinton, who is a point a head of G eorge W. B ush.

Semantics and old polls, lol.

I clearly meant popular as in job approval.  

Presidential job approval ratings

Presidential job approval ratings
Table with 5 columns and 12 rows.
Year President % Approval % Disapproval % No Opinion
1952 Harry S. Truman 32% 56% 12%
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower 59% 28% 13%
1969 Lyndon B. Johnson 49% 37% 14%
1974 Richard Nixon 24% 66% 10%
1976 Gerald Ford 53% 32% 15%
1980 Jimmy Carter 34% 55% 11%
1988 Ronald Reagan 63% 29% 8%
1993 George Bush 56% 37% 7%
2001 William J. Clinton 66% 29% 5%
2009 George W. Bush 34% 61% 5%
2017 Barack Obama 59% 37% 4%
2021 Donald Trump 34% 62% 4%
Source:   The American Presidency Project
7 November 2024

U.S. Debt by President: Dollar and Percentage 2025 | ConsumerAffairs®

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    7 hours ago

It is interesting to think what would have happened had the Democrats maintained Clintonion centrism of his second term  without the rape/perjury/obstruction of justice/corruption.  They might have set themselves up for an FDR era domination of the federal government.  But they immediately started moving back to the extreme left so by 2016 his own wife was running against his policies. The party went from talking like Trump on the border to their candidate literally inviting illegal aliens to enter the country. On issue after issue, they caved to the far left. 

Freshman Silent
6  freepress    5 hours ago

If that's the case, where was the Republican cooperation and praise?

Clinton had an amazing jobs record and a balanced budget. Yet every Republican trashes Clinton at every turn.

No Democrat can do ANYTHING right in the Republican parallel universe. 

A Democrat balances the budget - bad

A Democrat creates a good job market -bad

A Democrat works to streamline government - bad

A Democrat creates a healthcare plan - bad

It doesn't matter what any Democrat accomplishes for the American people because every single solitary time a Republican comes in to tear it all down! No exceptions!

Trump and Musk with Bannon cheerleaders are literally tearing it all down! No amount of good policies can stand if it was created and passed under Democrat administration.

Just quit playing the "what about" card to justify what is actually happening to EVERYONE.

All political parties, all constituents, no matter if it's a "red" state or a "blue" state are losing on all fronts by deliberate measures enacted by Trump and the wrecking crew. Even our veterans.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.1  Split Personality  replied to  freepress @6    2 hours ago
Even our veterans.

The absolute recipients of the original DEI project, the GI Bill.

Now being a veteran and a federal worker means a target on your back. 


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