
Hello To All! A Quick Introduction

By:  NOCORPORATIONS  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments

Hello To All!  A Quick Introduction

Like many here I am a "refugee" from the vine. From the looks of it most here are. Some have been banned in the past, and others not. Some were friends of mine and others not. I have debated coming forth with my vine name. It is nice sometimes to be the new guy on the block and not be known. I have rubbed many people the wrong way in my time at the vine for the last 4 years. I was one of the more active, if not the most active over that time putting forth 33k posts. I am a very outspoken anarcho capitalist. Funny name of nocorporations being an anarcho capitalist you say? Not really. More on that maybe later.

I have watched over time many friends become banned from the vine. Mike L was one of them. Sscott and kjmgirl were others. I would not be surprised if Mike L. does not remember me because my name was not memorable at that time. It was James-167543 or whatever numbers there were. I changed my name on the vine to Marshall James about 2 years ago or so. I am turning over a new leaf with the new name as I have a new focus.

I live in eastern Washington am married with 4 children. I wasa County Coordinator for Ron Paul in the last election and have inquired about running for office in the near future as a libertarian. I amgoing to try to take a less confrontationalapproach withmy posts here. I will not be as active here as I was on the vine, but that is because I will keep a toe in over there, andlike I said I have other ideasI amlooking at. I wish everyone the best and will sign off with my signature sign off.



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