School district cancels games against volleyball team after trans player injures opponent
By: Sky Palma (Raw Story - Celebrating Years of Independent Journalism)
And here is one of those liberal induced "Unintended Consequences"
A North Carolina school district has decided to halt all future competition with one of its school's female volleyball teams after a trans player allegedly injured a player on an opposing team, The National Desk reports.
A trans player on the Highlands School volleyball team reportedly spike the ball hard at a girl on the opposing team, hitting her in the face and giving her "severe head and neck injuries, resulting in long-term concussion symptoms," according to the Education First Alliance.
Speaking to News Channel 9, Cherokee County School Board member Arnold Mathews said the rest of the teams in the district will no longer play against the Highlands School volleyball team due to "safety concerns."
"I think the odds (of injury) in these non-contact sports aren't high. But in particular, in this meeting, a coach of 40 years said they'd never seen a hit like this. That was really what sealed the decision, at least on my part," Cherokee board member Joe Wood said, according to Education First.
But not everyone is happy about the decision.
"All the events for one incident... it's not right. There's risk getting out of bed in the morning, crossing the street, and going to the store," a local resident told News Channel 9. "I'm sure the teammate that did get hurt, wants them to go out there and fight for it, right? That's what we do."
Knew it had to happen sooner or later. Biology is biology.
Seems to me that school district has to bear a significant portion of blame for allowing that trans student to play on the girl's team to begin with.
Until the next hard spike from the trans player that injuries another female player right? I doubt the person interviewed has ever played competitive volley ball; or has children that do.
Think any female opponents will want to go up for a block against this trans player? What are a few potentially broken fingers; or better still another head injury? Think anyone is going to be eager to go for dig on a spike?
The ball is a weapon in volley ball. Good players can control where the ball goes; and with what velocity and spin. When I played amateur competitive beach volleyball (as practice for basketball) my partner and I had 1 rule- hit it towards the opponents weakest player as hard as we could; and keep on doing it. The ball can hurt people- I have been on the giving and receiving end of hard spikes at the net.
That's just it.
The people who get most wound up defending this nonsense have never played or coached anything at any high level.
My default position is that trans girls probably shouldn’t be allowed to participate in competitive girls sports. If it’s just for fun, fine. Who cares? But high level competition has a greater potential for injury, and also there is more at stake than just an opportunity to go outside and play.
I also think these cases need to be assessed on an individual basis and monitored over time in case problems arise, which seems to be the case here. Good. Placing an athlete like this on a team is not a “set it and forget it” kind of thing.
To play Devil’s Advocate for a moment, though: Volleyball players get six-packed like this all the time, and sometimes the effect can be pretty devastating on the face, head, neck, or brain of the target. In other words, commonly cis girls do this kind of thing to cis girls. Men do it, too. This is not that unique.
Not like this.
His head is above the net. That's a little much for North Carolina 1A, don't you think?
WTF is this asshole doing on the same court with these girls, and when are we going to stop pretending that this is OK?
Yeah, kinda like that.
What High School division were those girls from? 4 or 5 of them would have easily been as tall as I was in High School. The one that did the spike definitely was; and had near the jumping/striking power to match.
That was also definitely a match of equals. Can't say the same about the trans one.
I have a niece who played in the state championship game last year for high school girls in Illinois.
believe me, there are a lot of girls who are capable of spiking the ball hard enough to injure someone if the ball hits them in the face.
I would dare say it is common for high school female volleyball players to spike the ball hard enough to hurt someone if it hits them in the face.
Are you advocating that players should wear helmets to decrease potential of concussion?
I have found over the years that anyone who wears something like this is going to be a target in a competitive environment.
As a coach I highly "suggested" that if a person felt they needed this in volleyball or fast pitch softball (mostly women in high school or college ) that were not ready to play on my team yet.
I do see similar devices used by college softball pitchers who were also injured when a ball hit them in the face.
Are you saying you condone that if done deliberately?
I played well enough to be recruited by a local church who promised me
an easy mortgage and car payments to be a player coach ( if I could just stop cursing so much ).
I played for 20 plus years and saw an equal number of boys, girls, men and women
quit because they violated the first rule of volleyball; don't use your face.
As someone else pointed out, the ball is also your weapon.
Volleyball is segregated into recreational and competition for a reason.
Highschool is where the recreational players are weeded out.
Even friendly games at family picnics where I refused to play usually ended in a bloody nose.
And I had a girl who fell over playing hockey and took me out at my knees, severing my ACL. Sports injuries happen not a big deal
Exactly. They must really have to dig for nothing burger stories like this.
Is it possible you might feel differently if that was your child lying out there on the court semi conscious or unconscious as a result of a likely deliberate act by a opposing trans player?
Ed unlikely. My kids got injured playing or playing sports (the boy more than the girl) sometimes playing against the opposite sex, sometimes not. Spiking is a normal part of volleyball and taking a ball off some part of you is a to be expected part of the game. Lol I remember my father (national level player in the military back in the day) breaking three of my friends fingers with a spike, stuff happens
I have seen my own children injured and unconscious in Softball and football and never thought about retribution or blaming the other 15 year old for doing what their coach expected of them,
Play competitive sports, know that shit happens.
That's why all organized sports, especially high school, require
permission slips, ndas and proof of insurance.
My oldest grandson played varsity football in high school and had a opposing player tackle him at or below the knees and severely strained his left MCL, sideling him for the rest of a season. As you said, accidents do happen, but what about when one player deliberately targets a opposition player? Seems to me that trans player may have deliberately aimed that ball right at that young woman's head with unreasonable force leading me to think that was no accident.
Hi Ed that would be up to league rules and their decisions
May have also means may not have and the point of competitive sports is to win, hitting a volleyball, tennisball, basketball etc off an opponent is part of the game
Again force is part of all sports how do we gauge unreasonable. Nothing wrong with that belief but unless there is an investigation with proof, evidence and facts it will remain a belief, I myself admit I have no idea it was intential or not
I have no proof either way whether it was intentional or not and I was stating a personal opinion.
Seems to me that gaging unreasonable force ties into the type and severity of the injury produced.
Agree with you on all else otherwise.
Accidents do happen in sports when it is a competition among equals.
Tell us what would have happened to said girl if you would have put a cross check on her?
There is a difference between an accident and an intentional act.
The spiker knew where they were going with the ball before the set was even placed. The girl that was hit was at the net; but was backing up well in advance. She knew she was no match at the net. Her mistake was trying to go for the dig- instead of getting the hell out of the way of the incoming missile.
Hi Ronin, she probably would have fallen down (she obviously was not a good skater) and as it was a no contact league I would have received a 5 minute major at the minimum. With all the padding we wore I don't think there would have been any injury (maybe a bruised butt)
Absolutely there is, however we don't know what the case here is
If you watched the video there is little doubt. She was targeted. She was not a strong player otherwise she would have challenged at the net instead of dropping back. In a normal game amongst equals that usually isn't a problem. But this was a guy/trans whose physical power was much greater than any of their opponents.
Again, I have no problem with targeting an opponent's weakest player- as I have done that myself. But it was always against males close to my own age; and hopefully we were pretty close in levels of physicality. But allowing high school males to compete with females is asking for trouble with the physical mismatch.
I can see targeting a player for the purpose of exploiting a weakness, but I doubt very much that such targeting was intended to injure.
It’s hard to know that that is why she dropped back. The player on the far side of the court also dropped back, leaving only the middle blocker on the net. That makes it seem like it was something the coach designed. When the hitter went up for the ball, that middle blocker had shifted right and would have been in a good position to block anything going cross court. So, the hitter’s only real option was to go line, precisely because this girl had dropped back. Trying to dig a ball like that from basically the ten foot line is probably a good way to get hit in the face.
Hi Ronin it's a sport and this sort of thing can happen despite the genetic sex of the players. But we all have our own opinions and beliefs (and that's cool) and sometimes disagree, I'm fine with that.
Life's not always right or fair. Get over it.
Apples and oranges. Lia Thomas.
I remember when Billie Jean King beat Bobbie Riggs.
Exactly, 29 beat 55.