
The mainstream media lied to me about conservatives

Via:  Jasper2529  •  3 years ago  •  44 comments

By:   Adam B. Coleman

The mainstream media lied to me about conservatives
There was a time when I perceived the world of politics through a deceptive lens our mainstream-media optometrists provided me. Although in every other area of my life I would apply skepticism, I made the mistake of automatically trusting them because they told me to. Lies are the vehicle for manipulation that drives us to the destination of someone else’s choosing. My vision is now clear, and I can see the deception. I encourage others to take off those deceptive lenses too.

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Another Black man who proves that Blacks are not monolithic Democrat voters.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

From the inception of my political curiosity in my mid-20s, the people around me appealed to my race by labeling   Republicans   and   conservatives   unabashed and habitual racists. And the media I was consuming reinforced that as being the foundation of their political motivations.

Being a   racist   is supposed to be our agreed-upon social sin of the modern era. If you wholly believe that one large swath of people has racism cemented to the core of their being, their policy positions no longer matter, even if they conceptually make sense.

This demonizing strategy was like placing mold on my curiosity to understand the other side, spoiling the possibility of having a good-faith consideration of conservative ideals.

For nearly a decade, I consumed false framing of policy positions and outright lies about people on the political right. Even worse, I was being fed half-truths while believing I was undoubtedly being informed.

I was being propagandized to the point of ignoring my own personal experience of living in five states and in a variety of environments, ranging from rural to urban. At one point, I was one of four black children in a majority-white rural middle school and was for the most part treated like everyone else. The immoral people I’m supposed to be constantly scared of, I find, are rare in our society, and that was my experience in rural conservative America.

The mainstream-media bubble I resided in shielded me from understanding varying perspectives, but that’s the point of propaganda: to mentally restrict your curiosity so you stay a loyal customer of consumption.

Once I no longer believed in the bad-faith preconceived notion that was implanted into my psyche, I became open to listening to what conservatives had to say and matched their actions to their rhetoric.

After leaving the fortress of mainstream propaganda, I began seeing the narrative creation firsthand — even about events I was part of. Last year, I attended my first conservative conference, Turning Point USA’s Americafest, to listen to the different speakers and partake in some of the festivities. Speakers discussed the importance of family, protecting their children, holding Republicans in political positions accountable and made countless references to their unwavering love for America despite our political gripes.

Juxtapose the narrative being formed on left-wing Twitter and mainstream media: that it was a new-era KKK rally, filled with white supremacists. I was physically there, though, and race was barely mentioned by any of the speakers, let alone in any hateful manner.

If this was to be a KKK rally, it was the lamest KKK rally ever organized. Because for a group whose central theme is supposed to be oppressing and hating people of my complexion, it never once came up.

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Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Jasper2529    3 years ago
This was one of many false framings I’ve personally experienced since being exposed to the other side. I’ve witnessed people I personally know, who are moral people, who’ve treated me with nothing but respect, get labeled white supremacists simply because when they show up at the voting booth, they choose R instead of D.

Leaving the fortress gave me the freedom to explore the political landscape with clarity and humility. Neither side has a monopoly on ignorance, and with a population of more than 250 million voting-aged people, racists and bigots are going to exist.

But conservatism’s ideological framework does not advocate bigotry. Conservatism promotes individualism, which means it places importance on conducting interactions in line with someone’s character content over his or her melanin content. If you find a bigoted conservative, then you’ve found an unprincipled conservative — and I want no association with that person; nor will I excuse his or her immorality
Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2  Just Jim NC TttH    3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif     jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

independent Liberal
Freshman Quiet
4  independent Liberal    3 years ago

As much as I hear Republicans complaining about the Mainstream media i find it hard to believe they would care much about what they say. So why even address it? 

We distrust the media, but they lied?  Who cares.

Can we just give you a stuffed animal from the fair and be done with this compelling conversation?

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    3 years ago

I will give the article credit for what it is, an op-ed by someone who appears to have no more qualifications or expertise to speak on such issues than the average Newstalkers member has. 

What this guy does have is the financial support of the political right which is publishing his "memoir" and will probably promote it as best they can also. 

The New York Post is a right wing rag and publishing this article in order to be part of that process. 

Does all that make him a "token" ? Not necessarily , but there is no convincing reason to believe that he isnt either. 

independent Liberal
Freshman Quiet
5.1  independent Liberal  replied to  JohnRussell @5    3 years ago
Does all that make him a "token"

The mere thought of pontificating in a comment whether or not discounting the value of another human with racist overtures is racist? The answer is it is absolutely racist. I would hope this site is better than that, I would hope more for you too. You sound like you know better, you should do better.

Professor Principal
5.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  independent Liberal @5.1    3 years ago
The mere thought of pontificating in a comment whether or not discounting another human with racist overtures is absolutely racist if you are asking?

Could you rephrase that. I dont think you were very clear. 

independent Liberal
Freshman Quiet
5.1.2  independent Liberal  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.1    3 years ago

What you did there was not slick, it was racist. You need to try harder, do better. The back handed token reference is not acceptable. No one wants to be referred to in such manner especially based on the color of their skin. Whether you like what he has to say is not the issue, he is a human like all of us.

Professor Principal
5.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  independent Liberal @5.1.2    3 years ago

So you think there is no such thing as a token?  Its in the dictionary


2 of 2


representing no more than a symbolic effort  :   MINIMAL PERFUNCTORY
token  resistance
token  integration
:   serving or intended to show absence of discrimination
token  female employee

Professor Quiet
5.3  seeder  Jasper2529  replied to  JohnRussell @5    3 years ago
an op-ed by someone who appears to have no more qualifications or expertise to speak on such issues than the average Newstalkers member has

Really? Maybe they've not been far left enough for your particular predilections. Feel free to research where he's written/published and spoken for yourself; you'll be surprised at his diversity.

In the meantime, discuss the article itself instead of criticizing the source or author. ONLY WARNING. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6  Sean Treacy    3 years ago

 A "respected historian" on MSNBC said we are six days away from the end of democracy and our kids being killed.  

Progressive are completely rational.  

Professor Quiet
6.1  seeder  Jasper2529  replied to  Sean Treacy @6    3 years ago

Someone needs to tell MSNBC's "respected historian" that the USA has never been a "democracy".

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Jasper2529 @6.1    3 years ago

The rule of law apparently ends in six days as well if the Republicans win. Which is another completely rational argument to make 

Professor Quiet
6.2  Jack_TX  replied to  Sean Treacy @6    3 years ago
A "respected historian" on MSNBC said we are six days away from the end of democracy and our kids being killed. 

So.... we should probably make reservations for dinner while we still can?  Finish off all the whiskey and cigars?  

I dunno.  What's the protocol here? 

Professor Principal
6.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @6.2    3 years ago

In another world, so to speak, the simple fact of republicans gaining the congressional majority would be more of a pendulum swing than a disaster.  We dont live in that other world though, we live in this one. 

When Congress reconvenes in January , and assuming the Republicans are the majority in the House, well over half of the majority party will be made up of people who deny the results of the 2020 election. 

300 such people on the ballot next Tuesday. 

I know you dont care about that, you dont care about what Trump has done to this country, you dont care about any of it. 

What does that say about America?  Any future glowing testimonies to the "founders" will be very hypocritical to say the least. 

Professor Quiet
7  seeder  Jasper2529    3 years ago

As per CoC rules, I am now locking this article and will unlock it tomorrow. Thanks to all who've commented.


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