DeSantis rightly takes a stand against the incompetent CDC | Washington Examiner
By: cwtremo (Washington Examiner)

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) made Democrats go apoplectic on Tuesday when he announced he was establishing a new committee to analyze policy recommendations of federal health organizations — organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This committee would independently evaluate these agencies' suggestions and recommendations and determine if they were in the best interests of Floridians.
This move comes after the many failures of the CDC during the pandemic. Dubbed the preeminent health organization of the country, the CDC was plagued by inconsistent and contradictory statements, undue political influences, and policy failures during the COVID-19 pandemic. DeSantis's action creates an extra layer of analysis to help prevent similar systemic failures.
DeSantis said that the CDC "is not serving a useful function; it's really serving to advance narratives rather than do evidence-based medicine." He has every right to be skeptical of the agency, and more governors should follow his lead. The CDC has been problematic, and it is long overdue for the agency to be held accountable.
However, many on the Left have criticized this decision and said it is a cheap stunt designed to create division and further politicize science and medicine. However, if there is any division, critics should point their fingers at the CDC and all of its institutional failures since March 2020, not DeSantis. From its inconsistent messaging on masks and constant flip-flopping on safety protocols to its promotion of incorrect information that anyone who received a COVID-19 vaccine would not contract or spread the coronavirus, the CDC has shown itself to be inefficient and incompetent. Medical authoritarianism has ruled the land for far too long — challenging the CDC's wayward authority is a step in the right direction.
The CDC's ever-changing medical recommendations created chaos, ultimately leading to societal friction and mass confusion. Checks and balances are an integral part of our country. There's no reason the CDC should be exempt from that, especially after its systemic failures. When the world was proclaiming "trust the science," the CDC definitively showed why we shouldn't.

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That is exactly correct.
The typical go-to line whenever things don't go their way.
Was it a "cheap shot" when AOC notoriously "cried" at the border fence and said that illegals were made to drink toilet bowl water? Yes.
Was it a "cheap shot" when Democrat mayors whined about a couple of hundred illegals bussed to their so-called sanctuary cities? Yes.
All De Santis is doing is making sure that his state won't have federal government overreach that would harm his citizens and legal residents.
DeSantis was right in how he handled the pandemic in Florida. Most of the rest of the country was in a state of hysteria about the Covid virus and how to handle it.
We continued to get conflicting information month after month from the alleged experts...especially Fauci and also from the ignorant idiot in the White House.
I think that considering all the controversy over the last couple years about Covid that most Americans agree with DeSantis' approach
I lost all faith in the CDC, Fauci, Collins, and Birx when they started contradicting real science in mid-2021 about masks, wiping down groceries, vaccines, 6-foot distances, etc. Much of their so-called "science" was pulled out of thin air and based upon the 1918 pandemic, which was very different from Covid.
Masks, wiping down groceries, vaccines, washing hands and social distancing have all proved to be effective in stopping the spread of covid-19. These are simply common-sense measures to avoid the spread of germs.
Unfortunately, Trump, DeSantis and the right-wing science deniers who failed to follow even basic precautionary measures out of a sense of perverse political childishness were/are responsible for the severity and length of the pandemic.
Blaming Biden, Fauci and the CDC for perceived faults is highly disingenuous.
I've had no problem following the basics and still continue to mask in public.
This pandemic is far from over. The new variants have become resistant.
If only more leaders had closed beaches and filled skate parks with mulch......