Biden: The Second Amendment is useless because the government can crush you
By: Restoring America

President Joe Biden is once again pledging to ban "assault weapons." In a speech at the National Action Network's Annual MLK Day Breakfast, the president failed to define the term, as per usual, because there is no class of weapon that carries that distinction. Biden did, however, go back to his tried and true one-liner: "If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F-15s, you don't need an AR-15."
Ignoring the ominous nature of a sitting president threatening law-abiding citizens with the use of military force, the claim is dubious, at best, considering that we are a year and a half removed from the Biden administration surrendering Afghanistan to a group of goat herders carrying rifles similar to those owned by everyday Americans. Biden, who recently turned 80 , surely can remember the United States taking a loss in the Vietnam War, against an adversary who did not exactly possess air superiority.
The F-15s and AR-15s line is worn-out enough, but Biden also rolled out perhaps the worst, at least the most easily mocked, anti-gun trope in his arsenal: "Deer aren't wearing Kevlar vests." AR-15s are sometimes chambered in larger calibers like .300 Blackout, .450 Bushmaster, or .350 Legend, but the vast majority of AR platform rifles are chambered in .223 Remington/5.56 NATO. While legal in some states for big game hunting, the small, light .22 caliber cartridge is viewed by most hunters, myself included, as underpowered for use on medium-sized game like white-tailed deer. I'd personally go with a slightly larger bullet (.243/6mm or bigger) to ensure a quick, ethical kill. That is if you're hunting normal game, not deer wearing bulletproof vests. For armored, battle-deer, the aught-six won two World Wars and should do the trick.
The president's knowledge of firearms has always left a lot to be desired, from his terrible self-defense advice : "Just fire the shotgun through the door" (which would ruin your front door but not necessarily neutralize the threat posed by the presumably armed would-be intruder on the other side) to the ridiculous assertion that "a 9mm bullet blows the lungs out of the body."
Silly, inaccurate mischaracterizations of guns might land with folks who have "vote blue no matter who" in their Twitter bios, but Biden will have to do a lot better than that if he wants the average gun owner, who values their Second Amendment rights and the safety of their families, to surrender their guns to the government. Luckily, with a GOP-led House of Representatives and a solid originalist SCOTUS majority, it is unlikely that Biden will ban anything anytime soon.

So now the bumbling idiot with absolutely zero knowledge of weapons is threatening US Citizens. I guess he fails to realize many commanders will see such an order as illegal and will LEGALLY refuse to follow it.
This is at least the third time he has threatened US citizens with military force. He did it twice before the election as well.
I am sure his secret service detail is thrilled with his comments. It is their job to protect Brandon from being shot. Nothing like having the boss try and set off people that are already on a short fuse by constantly threatening them.
This kills me the lunatic left is aways spouting off about how an AR-15 is a weapon of war. But when it comes to war they're not worth a shit you need an F-15, which is it?
Remember this is a group of people who can't define simple things. NONE of them can tell you what an "assault weapon" is. Yet they spout off about it like they are weapons experts.
Why are they off limits? They are the fulcrum and the reason for this discussion.
Trump and his supporters? Because they have nothing to do with the article.
The discussion is a sitting POTUS threatening US Citizens with military force.
Wow. That is the 'only' take intelligent MAGAns can take from the comments of a/this. . . sitting president. Yawn.
Since I must take the time out to correct the ridiculous lack of discernment encapsulated here: The presidential quip: "If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F-15s, you don't need an AR-15."
Is a simple rejoinder to the MAGA "patriots" who think they can water the tree of liberty at will that an AR-15 and/or its equivalency will not get the job done federally. The 'feds' have air resources and the so-called, "patriots" just don't.
But, of course, I won't be arguing with this nation's fake "patriots" about their selective understanding. It simply is not worth the time.
We used to have a guy here at NT (Neale? I think) who would post these idiotic articles, and literally advocated for the public’s right to own any weapon that the government has access to, including nuclear weapons or any emerging weapons technology no matter how destructive. He died unexpectedly. I don’t miss him.
Regardless of what you thought of this Heale person, which has no relevance to the article, what is it about the article you think idiotic?
The knee jerk criticism of Joe Biden’s statement is an allusion towards a contingent of citizens who think that if push came to shove they could overcome their own federal government, and the military units which serve it, by using their militias and high powered rifles.
Exactly, won’t happen unless the military is with them.
The inability of leftists to denounce the person they put into the office for threatening his opponents with military force is sickening.
He has done it at least 3 times now. Where is your rage at that?
Also, anyone with a brain knows that the military's first oath is to defend the Constitution of the US. Not to whatever POS is in the Oval Office at the time. How many do you think would flat out rebel; or turn on their commanders; the second the CoC orders them to fire on US citizens?
Of course Brandon could try and force the entire military to sign loyalty oath to himself and the Democrats; like they did with the National Guard after Jan 6th before allowing them into the Capitol. Of course that would be in direct conflict with the oath they swore to the Constitution- so many would not sign it. Also, pretty sure they all remember how those who were sent to the Capitol were treated. Many sleeping out in the cold; some allowed to sleep in unheated parking garages; and others shuttled from building to building. None with sufficient outlets to even charge their cell phones.
I am sure the military is going to snap to the second Brandon orders them to attack US citizens./S
The inability of leftists to denounce the person they put into the office for threatening his opponents with military force is sickening.
How many do you think would flat out rebel; or turn on their commanders; the second the CoC orders them to fire on US citizens?
[removed] Congratulations. You are quite obviously trying to paint a scaremongering picture of a government acting on the offensive against its constituents, rather than one that would only ever take such measures under extremely defensive conditions. Jan 6 proves that. There are a significant number of citizens who watched that insurrection taking place on live tv who would have condoned a much stronger response from LE and the military to put it down, yet that wouldn’t even be a consideration by this administration.
Are you actually defending Biden's statement that he would take military action against US Citizens?
"If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F-15s, you don't need an AR-15."
“Taking on the federal government” quite obviously implies that it’s not the government that would be on the offensive. You guys are twisting this into something that it clearly is not. If a militia wants to march on the offensive to challenge the government with lethal force, then the government has an obligation to defend itself.
Maybe you just think the US federal government should comport themselves like the Brits in this sketch.
It is a "yes" or "no" question.
Are you actually defending Biden's statement that he would take military action against US Citizens?
Apparently a simple answer question is too much for you to handle.
Are you aware that, at around 334 million people, The US is the third largest nation in the world. The US military would be a fart in a fan factory if just ten percent of the population decided to actively fight. Not because of the firepower of that ten percent but because the civilian population is the base of support of the military. The military doesn't make the parts for its equipment, doesn't grow the food the soldiers eat, doesn't supply its own Petroleum, Oil or Lubricants (POL), doesn't move itself over long distances in great numbers and on and on. It requires a high tech industrial base to keep a military like ours going.
And this assumes a military that stays intact and fights for the Federal government which, as Ronin has already pointed out, is very unlikely. Some portion would fight the government and the portion that didn't would have within it individuals who would pass info or carry out operations that would hamper government forces when they could. The military would be just as fractured as the rest of the country.
Further, this doesn't even take into account that various states would also fight against the Federal government openly and some of those who didn't would do so behind the scenes. National Guards within such states will either do nothing or actively fight, at least, state support behind it.
Civilian militias would not be used to fight against militaries. They would be used to hit infrastructure, supply and repair facilities, communication nodes and other similar things. Get the image of fat, overweight cosplayers out of your mind because they would very quickly be replaced by a real militia.
You don't seem to understand this. But more relevant to the issue at hand is that you don't appear to be disturbed by Biden's statement. Whether you want to believe it or not, the reason the 2nd Amendment exists, the reason our founders put it there, was to keep the government subservient to the people. What Biden has essentially said for the third time now, is "You need to give up your rights because even if we were to let you keep your guns, the 2nd Amendment's purpose is impossible now. We, the government, are too powerful to resist."
Of course, that isn't true and for the reasons I've already listed, which is why they are trying so hard to take our guns. Instead of going after those who are actually killing the most people, criminals and repeat offenders and a list too long for this post, they are using those things as justification to go after all those who are guilty of nothing. Every time there's a mass shooting, they go after those who did not do it. And what you appear to not understand is that it has nothing to do at all with making the public safer. It has everything to do with reducing the ability of the citizenry to resist its own government.
You should think about this more. There's nothing in "taking on the federal government" that suggests or implies any such thing, since it could refer to a reaction to something preexisting rather than something initiated.
You do realize that James Madison insisted on the second amendment right
so that citizens could defeat a Federal Army if "necessary".
Sure sounds like he condoned taking military action against US citizens as well.
So are you defending Biden's statement that he would take military action against US Citizens?
Does Biden even remember where the US Military soldiers come from? Hint it is US Citizens
You want a list of Presidents that have actually used the military against citizens
or can you look that up yourself along with the First Amendment.
You can start looking in 2020 and work your way back to 1787
Why is this so hard for you all to understand.? It's a simple "Yes" or "No" question.
Are you defending Biden's statement that he would take military action against US Citizens?
Then "Yes", he would be following in the footsteps of the former POTUS,
and Woodrow Wilson and Abraham Lincoln and George Washington just to name a few.
There's probably a longer list of Presidents who failed to stop Governors from misusing
the military to enforce segregation or the peace like Rhodes at Kent State,
Romney in Detroit 1967 and George Wallace.
Of course he is. It is what the left does.
They scream about being afraid of the dreaded AR-15 being a threat to the security of the US; and at the same time threaten to use the US military against any with the temerity to stand up to the government.
See. That wasn't hard now was it.
And don't forget this is a military that has been fucked up by democrat leadership. Unlike the left and the Democrats, these Soldiers remember the retreat Biden called for in Afghanistan. It still doesn't sit well with many.
You two should get a room and research who authorized the Doha Agreement,
Hint; he's off topic here in La-LA Hurah Land.
About as easy as ignoring that previous presidents have not only barked but had a nasty bite.
research who authorized the Doha Agreement,
And exactly what does the Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan (the Doha Agreement) have to do with Biden's threat?
Oh, wait this is the shiny object you expect everybody to follow as a distraction.
Yet you feel the need to mention it all for a deflection.
it was my response to your partisan BS.
At best a partisan bias.
Doha was Trumps shiny foreign policy star.
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” Lincoln.
Wow. Just "swoosh." Talk about taking a regurgitated narrative and running with it. . . . It is disturbing when some conservatives always select to choose to champion a counter-narative even when it is DOA. The lie is stinking and funky, but what the hell: spread it like fertilizer and see what pops up out of it!
Is funky no longer quaint or eccentrically good on the West Coast?
Look in the mirror when it comes to partisan BS.
Trump may have signed the Doha; but Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine is the one that took it over and fucked it up.
Brandon unilaterally extended the amount of time that the US was going to stay in Afghanistan from May to Sept 11. He wanted a photo op. Not an organized withdrawal before the end of winter that had not only the military but all civilians out by the end of winter. He was damn proud of it as well.
Brandon is the one that told the Afghan leader to put on a happy face; and lie his ass off about the status of the Afghan military while he knew the Taliban and the alphabet soup of Al Qaeda was closing in.
What pure and utter BS. What Brandon is renowned for. Tell us, is Brandon ever going to get the millions in US tax payer dollars that Ghani made off with?
Brandon was more concerned with optics in Afghanistan than getting US citizens, green card holders, and special VISA holders out. The government failed to issue the proper warnings. State Department officials shooting each other memos and standing on their desks screaming "Get out" doesn't count.
Can't help but laugh at this after reading the Reuters article. Brandon knew things were going badly in Afghanistan. Our allies knew that things were going badly in Afghanistan. Ghani sure as hell knew that things were going badly. Otherwise he wouldn't have urged Brandon to hold off on evacuating US citizens. Anyone with a functioning brain cell knows that you don't withdraw the military before getting all of your citizens out. So WTF is Brandon's excuse!?
Brandon was so good at his job he didn't even have an evacuation plan in place. He was so good at his job the state department failed to warn Afghans that were US citizens not to go to Afghanistan in August; so they were stuck once the Taliban took over in Sept.
Brandon was so good at his job that his administration didn't even know how many US citizens were left in Afghanistan after the withdrawal. But many want to claim they were still all contacted about the imminent Taliban take over. How, when they didn't even know how many were over there- much the hell less where they were!?
Further from the report.
So supposedly in March Blinken claims the State Department began urging US citizens to leave Afghanistan; but not a single US news outlet picked up on it? That type of bombshell would have been carried everywhere; and been thrown in Brandon's face repeatedly. Not to mention caused a real panic and an exodus from Afghanistan- which didn't happen as per the AP news article and Ghani telling Brandon to hold off on US civilian evacuations.
You can read the rest of the report yourself. Bottom line is Brandon wasn't prepared; and abandoned US citizens in Afghanistan. Along with Green Card holders; and Special VISA holders.
Betcha most everyone you would hope to enlighten stopped reading at this point.
Still defending Brandon are you?
No, I counter emotional / partisan nonsense.
Whether it is motional or partisan I don't care to debate, but I think he backed up his point rather well. Do you have a counter-view?
Chosin Reservoir?
The French Revolution?
The Russian exodus to the Urals?
History is replete with military evacuations that succeeded and those that failed miserably
Afghanistan is only a failure to the politically blind.
We honored a terrible treaty set up by the previous Administration.
Too bad.
Get over it.
No amount of crying is going to change what has happened.
Nothing is going to bring back Peter, Paul and Mary or Jesus.
Everything that was ever done, could have been done better or worse,
Humanity is no better than a locust plague in ultra slow motion.
But there's always a chance that we will survive
no matter how small that chance.
We did the best under the circumstances we were dealt.
Not Obama, not Trump, not Biden.
I am certain that you have read the State Department warnings I have posted
possibly 10 times or more already from April 27, 2021 through 08/31/2021.
All of the high priced, high tech air frames were removed.
All of the contractors managed to leave by June.
All of the bases were shut down by July,
to the point that Biden had to put 1,000 troops back into Afghanistan
to keep Kabul open to help with those people that ignored the warnings.
100,00 Afghans were removed.
An estimated 200 to 400 dual nationals stayed.
Their decision, not ours or yours; your faux outrage is a waste of energy.
I could post links endlessly that purport to prove you wrong but my energy
is spent seeking the truth and having accepted it
I just can't waste the energy on your partisan BS.
Your constant rants about the current administration is rather pathetic.
All of the money wasted in Afghanistan was approved by the Bush & Obama
and Trump Administrations until Trump pulled the plug.
He didn't expect to lose the election, too bad, so sad.
Extractions are always fucked up.
Oh yeah... Brandon?
I'm curious as to why we have never seen you post this to leftists on here that use ACTUAL derogatory names to replace the name Trump.
Wait....what am I saying...
No I'm not. We already know.
The "Brandon" thing began when a crowd of yahoos at a NASCAR event started shouting "Fuck Joe Biden" as a female announcer interviewed a driver named Brandon. The announcer cleverly told the tv audience that the crowd was shouting "Let's Go Brandon". Almost immediately right wingers took up "Lets Go Brandon" as a shorthand for "Fuck Joe Biden".
This is the level of "intelligence" we are dealing with here - people who think constantly saying "fuck joe Biden" is an actual political argument.
Personally I am sick and tired of deleting trumpturd from the same persons comments over and over.
I do take credit for tamping down on Demorats and Rethuglicans and similar childish efforts to insult one another.
Right back at you Bugsy, in spades.
Deleting a post is one thing. Calling out that person and telling them to grow up in a separate post is something you have never you did with Drakkonis.
So my original statement still stands...
I'm curious as to why we have never seen you post this to leftists on here that use ACTUAL derogatory names to replace the name Trump.
Like I said....we already know why
If it was to Drakonis, I would clearly owe him an apology.
since it was to Ronin, so my comment still stands. ( to both Ron and Drak )
Whatever helps you get through a day
Two answers, one I routinely delete derogatory labels so I am not quite sure what you mean by ACTUAL derogatory names; do you have some sort of scale?
Actually, because the Eagles drubbed the New York Football Giants I may have just not been my usual graceful self.
Right back at you.
But you think continuously using term like
is intelligent and appropriate?
Except you never have deleted it.
Really? Oh the irony!
Bull s**t!
My responded to Ronin
Again, you said you simply delete posts, but we are all very aware that you have never posted anything like you did to Ronin.
You chastise Ronin for simply using an actual name to annotate Biden, but you have NEVER chastised any leftist poster for using terms like trumpturd or any number of vulgar names used to annotate Trump.
We know why
It fits the liberal narrative, so, them it is appropriate.
Tickets Bugsy, not just deleted. Tickets and regular suspensions. How do you think liberals get suspended around here?
Then you haven't paid much attention over the years or your rose colored glasses have malfunctioned.
I was actually banned from another site and quite a handful on NBC.
Everyone stop with the meta! If you want to write meta, do so in "Metafied". Only warning.
Yay, guns 'n stuff, a minor break from the regular squirrels ... /s
Lets see here. The fake Jesus with the Ar-15. The real Jesus feeding the destitute and opening the gates for the afraid. In GOP world the fake Jesus is the winner and the real Jesus better run for the border.
I'm sorry. I've read the article several times now and can't find what part of it you are referring to.
How political was Jesus?
Enough to become a political casualty between Rome and the Jewish religious heirarchy?
You do know that the gun issue crosses party lines?
I can tell you that there are some Republicans who have no problem with Biden on this issue.
And exactly what does that have to do with the President threatening US Citizens?
Which president, current or past, are you referring to?
1. The one that banked his success on, "Hang Mike Pence." ?
2. Or the one that inferred an insurrection based on a lie will not be tolerated by The Constitution or the democracy?
Choose. Choose wisely.
Apparently you don't know what who this article is referring to. When you figure it out get back with us.
Answer the question, [removed]
I will give you a hint. It is the first three words of the article
So the seeder expected an echo chamber by not being allowed to mention any
other President who actually did use the military against US citizens?
Hardly the purpose of the site, don't you think?
It is called deflecting from the topic of the post with a side of TDS maybe and seems to be up to the seeder how much of it will be allowed.
Considering how much deflecting is called out on almost every seed it is interesting that deflecting from Biden talking about assault rifles (something he obviously knows little about) and citizens being up against F-15's is the one that seems to bother you.
It just smacks of condemning one POTUS from scrutiny over similar comments made in
June of 2020 while condemning Biden for poorly made comments uttered recently.
Wilson, Lincoln and Washington actually did use military force against US citizens,
and two of them are heroes.
King George III thought he could crush us, too!
It would be refreshing if someone that fights to get rid of assaults weapons could actually define what an assault weapon is other than "a gun that goes boom and something small comes out the front".
You want to see a real fight?
Get a bunch of anti gun nuts in a room and force them to define it. Most of them have no damn concept what a firearm is or how it works. They will spend weeks arguing over terms they don't understand (renaming most of them); and still not come up with a law that makes them any safer.
Just don't actually give them a weapon even without ammunition. Guns have more than one moving part and they would be sure to hurt themselves.