Democrats raise concerns about SOTU safety | The Hill
By: Stephen Neukam (The Hill)

House Democrats are raising the alarm over the security of President Biden and State of the Union guests ahead of the address next week in the House chamber after Republicans stripped down security infrastructure shortly after taking control in their new majority.
Metal detectors were installed outside the House chamber in the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and were met with pushback by many GOP lawmakers. One of the first Republican moves in their new majority at the start of the year was to scrap the metal detectors.
But now a group of Democrats is expressing concern that the removal of the devices puts the president, administration officials and other guests at the address next week in danger. The group of Democrats, led by Rep. Jared Huffman (Calif.), said in a letter to congressional leadership that they had an "urgent concern" for the safety of the president.
"The GOP House Majority's new rules have made the safety and security of the House Chamber, the very seat of American Democracy, at risk to infiltration and violence with reckless changes to necessary preventative measures," the letter, signed by 13 other lawmakers, said. "As both of our chambers come together to hear a message from the President on the state of our Union, we are concerned for the safety and security of those present."
Citing the decision to remove the metal detectors, the House Democrats also nodded to attempts by Republican lawmakers to bring concealed weapons into the House chamber in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack and the distribution of fake grenades by another GOP member in recent weeks.
"Considering the ability of Members of Congress to carry firearms in the capitol complex outside the House Floor, removal of magnetometers from the entrances to the House Floor, and with record threats against the lives of Members of Congress, the security of the House complex is today precarious," the letter said.
The Democrats asked congressional leaders for a private briefing on what they are doing to ensure safety at the address, along with the House and Senate sergeant at arms and the Secret Service.

Don't worry. You are just as secure as the very citizens walking the streets of D.C., Chicago, Baltimore and NYC.
Maybe they should protect the perimeter around the attendees the same way the border is protected.
Democrats are worried about their safety?
Collectively they can take their heads and find their fourth point of contact (as my Army Ranger friend used to say).
Brandon can make the speech from the White House basement if he is afraid. Hiding in the basement helped him get elected after all.
As for the rest of the Democrats; they can go green and stay at home watching remotely. It would be the first time they actually did something green; instead of just virtue signaling about it and wasting tax payer money.
20 years with the 82d. Know exactly what it means.
Never thought of it that way. GREAT IDEA.
The normal order has already been breached.
Hate to see armed guards protecting this event, but better to err on the side of caution…let it be a visual reminder of the horrendous actions of 1/6 and that it will never be tolerated again.
Too bad the J6 Committee couldn't do what they were tasked to do and make sure it won't happen again.
First breached when BLM/Antifa rioted in DC and across the US.
Then you would really hate walking into the halls of Congress any day of the week.
Or do you long for the days of National Guardsman sleeping on the cold hard ground; in unheated parking garages and elsewhere like after Jan 6th?
Unlike Pelosi, Schumer, and Bowser did planning security for Jan 6th.
Except when it is radical leftist Brown Shirts right?
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Wonder why the Jan 6th rioters were so emboldened? It was all of those not so peaceful leftist protests where nothing was done to stop them; charges weren't filed; and Democrats actively worked to get them freed. Same can't be said for the Jan 6th rioters.
I may have been wrong before. Maybe Democrats need to remove their heads from their 4th point of contact.
Careful, those inanimate objects may start to shoot people willy-nilly,
No one should be allowed to bring a gun into the House of representatives. It is ridiculous. Just by the fact that they can if they so choose is enough reason for additional security.
Including security right? In case you forgot the only person shot/killed on Jan 6th was an unarmed, female, ex-Marine by a wannabe Barney Fife with a gun.
“…the only person shot/killed on Jan 6th was an…”
..,.insurrectionist illegally breaching the grounds of our national Capitol with the sole intent of obstructing the certification of a duly certified election. Tragic? Certainly.
More tragic? Ignoring the facts and hence the concern for adequate security going forward, lest another misinformed, misguided sycophant become the next tragedy.
she was an Air force vet , not a marine vet ... just saying .
My bad. Thank you for the correction.
Insurrectionists don't get bored and stop to go to happy hour.
Insurrectionists show up with real weapons.
Insurrectionists are organized.
Insurrectionists would be damn well smart enough to know the layout of the Capitol Building in advance; and not get led away by an unarmed, old, slow walking, security guard from the House Chambers.
Insurrectionists don't walk between the tethers in one door and out another being ushered in and out by capitol police.
Insurrectionists don't do selfies.
Insurrectionists do their parading once their goals are secured. It is usually far more gory and bloody than a person painted up and wearing a bison hat waving a flag and shouting.
Insurrectionists would have a plan on who they needed to get hold of. How to erect barricades and defend them. How to prevent police and even the national guard from removing them.
Insurrectionists would realize that taking DC means absolutely nothing. Unless they have uprising all across the US (Like BLM and Antifa did). Unless they seize power of state capitols and large cities (Democrat bastions of stupidity). Unless they get a good portion of the military to go with them.
Show where the Jan 6th rioters had any of that? Not even the FBI agrees with you.
I am sure if you look hard enough online you can find a real example of what an insurrection is; and what it looks like. Jan 6th was a riot. With far less organization than the not so peaceful BLM and Antifa protests.
Perfect descriptions of Antifa and BLM.
Seems like the prudent course of action would be to cancel the SOTU. We all know how difficult it is to secure the Capitol building. If Democrats can't secure the Capitol then obviously it can't be done.
I wonder how they did it BEFORE in all the other SOTU speeches before they installed the metal detectors last congress?
The Dem elite scaredy cats want metal detectors for themselves, but don't want them in schools where they would help protect children and teachers.
Go figure.