Democratic leaders are continuing to sour on Biden's immigration policies

The tide is continuing rapidly to turn against Democrats and President Joe Biden on immigration, and the shift is now being driven by Democratic governors and mayors.
On Monday, Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) upped the pressure on Biden further, sending him a letter placing the blame on "the federal government's lack of intervention and coordination at the border." Pritzker called the border crisis "untenable" and said Biden needs to do more than just grant work authorizations for the illegal immigrants arriving in droves.
This comes after Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) said the border is "too open" and that we need "a limit on who can come across," reiterating that New York has also been overwhelmed by illegal immigrant arrivals. Of course, New York and Illinois are still melting down over a fraction of what they expected border towns to deal with for years. (Pritzker is complaining about 15,000 illegal immigrants to Illinois over 13 months, while El Paso's daily arrivals match that in less than two weeks). But they are complaining because the border crisis that has been brought to their doorstep is bringing these Democratic "sanctuaries" to their knees.
Biden continues to do nothing. He refuses to move to secure the border after effectively sabotaging border security with his terrible policies and with his willingness to demonize Border Patrol agents at the first opportunity. The "lack of intervention" at the border that Pritzker is blaming for the crisis is a conscious choice by Biden and his administration.
And it is not Biden's decision alone. Congressional Democrats either support or ignore Biden's border policies because they are the Democratic Party's policies. If that means Democratic cities and states get overrun and the local politicians have to shoulder the blame, then so be it. Hochul and Pritzker unwittingly signed up to be scapegoats for the Democratic Party's immigration scapegoats by embracing those "sanctuary" labels. You would be forgiven if you don't feel like shedding a tear for them.
The border crisis will continue in New York and Illinois, along with other Democratic sanctuaries, up until Pritzker, Hochul, and others decide they have truly had enough. A sternly worded letter is progress, but it isn't going to change the reality that Pritzker apparently can't see: Joe Biden doesn't care if Illinois or anywhere else is overrun. If he did care, he would have never pursued his current open-border policies in the first place.

Round about July, 2024 biden will make a huge announcement that enough's enough and will put in place measures that will reduce the flow until the day after the election.
Not sure how much it will matter by then.....
Why is that? Aren't these Democratic metropolises well funded?
They need to make their wealthy pay their “fair share”.
Surely in the state of Illinois they can come up with enough to shelter and feed a mere 15,000?....
Surely it won’t take long for these new residents of Illinois to start competing with the old residents on stealing what the want.
Are Dems at the state level turning into racists?
Turning? Maybe they just don’t care enough to hide it anymore
Fair question.
"Turning"? No, by the time you're an adult, your either a racist or your not...
Yes, I agree your bias is fixed by then.
They are deplorable.
Own your failures..