A plague on both the parties

Today's voters face a conundrum akin to Winston Churchill's lament that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.
Look at the 2024 choices. The public says Donald Trump is the worst possible president except for Joe Biden or, vice versa, Biden is the worst except for Trump. Voters don't want either and grimace that this may be the best their great nation can do. Equally, Democrats are the worst people to give power to except for the Republicans, or the Republicans are the worst except for the Democrats.
Republican antics on Capitol Hill are embarrassing and haven't stopped with the election of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) following weeks of internecine GOP masochism. When 23 Republicans opposed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) censure of terrorist apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the erratic Georgian raged about her "feckless" colleagues. She mocked Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) as "Colonel Sanders" — a reference to his white goatee — told him to "shut up," and sneered at vulgarian Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) as a "groper." There was more, but you get the ugly picture.
Tlaib deserved censure for her repeated lies accusing Israel of bombing a Gaza hospital, which was actually hit by a missile misfired by her jihadi terrorist pals. But the motion was sloppy and flawed, more a spasm of pique than something that should be offered for serious consideration by the nation's representatives. So voters can be forgiven for arching a skeptical eyebrow when House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) says, "House Republicans are unified and hitting the ground running under the new leadership of Speaker Mike Johnson." Unity, huh?
But it is only possible to turn decisively away from one party until you look at the other. Democrats fight less among themselves than squabbling Republicans do, but they are many leagues worse in what they stand for and vociferously demand. The party of the Left, barely held in check by weakening resistance from Biden, advocates moral equivalence at best between antisemitic terrorists and their 1,400 victims and at worst suggests those nasty Jews had it coming.
The Democratic Party is the party of those who argue America is a uniquely and irretrievably evil country founded expressly to perpetuate slavery — an institution common around the world in every epoch — and can never expiate this original sin. Do you want such people to run the government?
It is the party of those who demand society undertake a cultural revolution and accept the tyrannical and psychologically disturbed fictions of men who want to be women and women who want to be men. Is such a party to be trusted with the future of the country?
It is the party that beggars future generations to bribe today's voters, that censors political opinion it doesn't like using taxpayers' money to fund this unconstitutional effort and bullies corporations into helping this malevolent and anti-democratic work, that demands leftist ideology be built into artificial intelligence shaping our society to create a system of social credit that punishes dissenting beliefs.
The vulgar, trivial, fractious Republican Party is the worst party in American politics — except for the only other one.

Sad days indeed GregTx .. I am a dreaded 'bothsider' and even that is becoming more difficult - I do not like voting for the lesser of 2 evils, I like to have a choice based on each individual's character and voting record etc etc ..
Senator John Tester (D) of Montana, is a good man, has done well for Montana. The RNC has his seat in the senate in their crosshairs. Yet he has done more for Montana than Steve Daines (R) of Montana .. for farmer, ranchers, our veterans and Indigenous peoples .. I am a conservative individual, but nonpartisan. Partisanship is cutting away at the very fabric of this nation. It takes compromise, actually listening to one another - the US congress should not be on social media (in a professional capacity) and joining rallies regardless of what side of the aisle they are on, they have a constitution they swore an oath to support .. cannot do that while one is trying to incite a riot -
The (D)s in the house could have prevented Johnson from becoming the Speaker of the House .. by voting for a moderate - but no, it is all about winning elections and 'ultimate cosmic power' .. We the People be damn'd.
We are better than this!
Wow am I ranting today! Thanks for letting me vent
Perhaps somebody could cite an example of this because I'm calling bullspit.
Opinion piece. Joel L. Daniels is not the Democratic Party.
So you ask for an example and he gives you one. And your response is to immediately deflect.
Not only that, there is nothing in that article that identifies him as a Democrat, let alone as a spokesman for all Democrats.
In my opinion the idea that the US was founded on racism needs more nuance than comes with a simple declarative statement. Racism has existed in America since the mid 1600's, and since then there has never been a period in American history when there was no widespread racism. Obviously racism has played a major role in American history. But does it explain ALL of US history ? No, you cant say that. Its too bad that people cant discuss things like this without resorting to all or none explanations.
The "example" he gave is baseless.
So your OPINION is someone else’s opinion is baseless.
I will repeat, I read the article, did you? There is nothing whatsoever in the article that identifies the writer as a spokesman for all Democrats. In fact, there is nothing in the article that identifies him as a Democrat.
Case closed.
Dont troll.
I read his bio on Huffington Post among others, he speaks for all democrats as much as the ignorant fuktards on the left claim Greene speaks for republicans. So I guess he speaks for all democrats.
I saw a bumper sticker once that said
We, the nation of the USA, need to supplant the disease of partisanship with a renewed interest in solving actual problems instead of this made-up culture war bullshit.
I could give a rat's ass who sleeps with whom or what gender they claim to be. That does not matter one little bit, yet the author obviously does and uses non sequitur argumentation when they pivot from "partisan bad" to "democrats worse".
What I do see in the USA currently is a Republican party that has gerrymandered its way to a dominant position in state governments and is trying to drag the country back to some non-existent past where everything was good because the "freaks" were swept under the carpet and more than ignored, they were actively discriminated against. As long as I see this to be the ultimate goal of the Republican Party, fuck them.