DNC Touts 'Bidenomics' Despite Devastating New Poll
By: Mediaite

How weird...................of course, Par for the unawareness.....

Isaac SchorrNov 13th, 2023, 10:55 am Twitter share button
President Joe Biden speaks about gas prices in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus, Wednesday, June 22, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
A new Financial Times/University of Michigan poll indicates that voters do not approve of Joe Biden's job performance on economic issues, as even Democrats say their financial position has worsened over the course of his presidency.
Thirty-one percent of Democratic respondents said that since Biden moved into the White House in January 2021 they have become either somewhat or much worse off, while just 24% said their position has improved.
Voters more generally are markedly less optimistic. A combined 16% say they are somewhat or much better off under Biden, while 32% say they're somewhat worse off and 23% say they're in a "much" worse financial position.
Thirty-three percent of respondents said that Biden's policies had had a very detrimental effect on the country's economy and an additional 15% said they had had a "somewhat" detrimental impact. A combine 26% said they had helped "somewhat" or "a lot."
The same poll also found that inflation remains voters' biggest concern with the current economic climate.
"Every group — Democrats, Republicans and independents — list rising prices as by far the biggest economic threat . . . and the biggest source of financial stress," the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business's Erik Gordontold the Times.
Despite the dismal results of the poll, which also showed Biden's overall approval rating underwater by 19%, the Democratic Party's X account promoted the president's effort to chalk the state of the economy up to "Bidenomics at work" by touting the average number of jobs created per month under the last six presidents.
That's Bidenomics at work. pic.twitter.com/UxY6977roc
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) November 13, 2023
While Biden does perform better than his predecessors under that metric, critics have pointed out that it's a misleading statistic given the twin facts that the worst days of the coronavirus pandemic immediately preceded his presidency and the fact that the vaccines developed under the Trump administration were released to the public soon after Biden was sworn into office.
No trolling, stay on topic...........

Out ..........of ...........touch..........with....................REALITY.
At least he warned us to lower our expectations. 🤪
It should be obvious that inflation affects everyone. The degree of the impact is a function of one's discretionary income, but higher prices affect every consumer.
And it is also true that Biden is the PotUS during this inflation.
So politically he gets the blame no matter what he has or has not done regarding inflation.
And Biden (and the Ds) will of course try to present the situation in the best possible political light for the Ds. Just as the Rs will seek to portray this in the most damaging way for the Ds.
All of this is obvious. Entirely predictable.
Ultimately, the perception of the economy when one votes is what matters. It seems to me that for most people this is based on "feelings" — do they "feel" the economy is good, okay, or bad. And because of that, those "feelings" will be shaped by the various campaign ads run by entities that understand how to influence the minds of USA voters.
The government can do little about inflation, but yes "Bidenomics" isn't resonating with much of the electorate. I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit when I typed that out. A quick fix for inflation will cost jobs and throw the country into a recession. Most administrations probably don't really want to do during their reelection year.
A good start would be to stop throwing money at everything like Ukraine. Billions wasted with zero accountability or indication of a return. Or paying for transportation to send illegals back to the shitholes they left.
That would also alleviate the supposed "government shutdowns" because of lack of funding.
“…the supposed "government shutdowns"
No supposed about it. The illiterate writing is on the wall…the latest incarnation of the entirely dysfunctional gop House will never come together, much less pass anything other than another last minute CR, however they couch it or whoever they will childishly blame.
NIce try.
Stop sending money to Ukraine, Israel and the various other places that weren't planned in the budget it would save BILLIONS.
Stop allowing illegals into the country and it would save BILLIONS.
Stop sending federal money to Democrat run shitholes that are "Sanctuary Cities" and it would save BILLIONS.
Stop with the rampant mindless spending and it would save BILLIONS.
It's that simple. THEN they would have the funding and avert a shutdown over funding.
“It's that simple.”
Let us chat this time next week and discuss the situation and the simplicity it took to create the results that satisfied no one.
Presumes that's possible without spending hundreds of billions, which it isn't. The intelligent thing would be to register them, help them find work, and get them paying taxes while adding to the economy.
Probably not enough to make a dent.
This is the key thing. We've got to slow our spending, but we need to do that across the board.
Going to war with NATO against Russia would likely be more expensive.
Government shutdowns are politics not budget issues. The House Republicans have to power to pass any bill they want, but can't agree with each other about anything.
What's wrong with now? I've provided solutions that satisfy many. Not what you want to hear.
That's a result of the US providing more money, equipment and ground forces. We've been there many times.
Then identify it as such. Right now this is being reports as a shutdown because of funding (again).
What can he run on? Even Politico noticed the obvious this morning:
I will happily vote for any Democrat over any republican....any day of the week. Full stop.
You do realize that to some on here, you would be considered a blind partisan.....