Joe Biden's presidency: All crises and no solutions
By: Restoring America

Nice wrap up...........if you want to relive disaster and incompetence

Opinion Joe Biden's presidency: All crises and no solutions ByJ.T. Young January 04, 2024 06:00 AM
Among his many self-inflicted crises, inflation and immigration perfectly embody Joe Biden's failing, flailing presidency. Confronted with catastrophes of his own creation, Biden shows himself not just unable to solve them but even to deviate from the errors that produced them. Two crises, one cause, no solution — and even less leadership. Increasingly, it is clear that Biden's approach is to search for others to save him from himself.
There is no end to Biden's self-inflicted wounds. There is also no Biden solution for them except more of the same. Abroad, they began with his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has kept his administration backpedaling ever since. In the Middle East, he was played by Iran, first over the hopeless nuclear deal and most recently over a swap of hostages for $6 billion, which has since been temporarily paused. And when Iran thought Biden played out, it unleashed its client Hamas on Israel.
In Europe, Biden's weakness triggered Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a resulting global crisis.
In Asia, China's belligerence has only increased over the last three years.
At home, Biden's fiscal failings have caused uncontrolled spending, deficits, and debt. His radical environmental policies undercut America's energy security and drive average people to the poorhouse. Big cities' big crime goes ignored: Criminals run free, and average citizens run for cover. Public schools' excessive lockouts during COVID, at the behest of Biden's teacher union donors, have led to excessive learning loss that is only beginning to be measured.
Yet among his litany of losses, two stand apart as examples of Biden's failures and his inability to escape: inflation and immigration.
Inflation began shortly after Biden took office. Fueled by his excessive spending, it hit a four-decade high in June 2022 when it breached 9%. Yet Biden wanted still more spending. Only senators from his own party prevented even higher outlays than what he finally signed in the cynically named Inflation Reduction Act (which the Congressional Budget Office stated would have a "negligible effect on inflation" in 2022 and 2023), while the Supreme Court blocked his student loan forgiveness plan that would have added yet more spending pressure.
What apparently has beaten inflation was the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest rate hikes that began in March 2022. It went on to raise them 10 more times, with rates ranging from 5.1 to 5.3%, a two-decade high.
And there they remain, increasing the cost of people's borrowing on everything from loans to mortgages. Despite having apparently achieved a soft landing of slowing inflation without triggering a recession, these rates cannot undo the damage of Biden's three-year price rises: Just because inflation slows, that doesn't mean it goes. Future prices won't accelerate as quickly, but their past rises remain. As a result, people are paying 20% higher prices than they were before Biden took office.
On illegal immigration, Biden rolled out the welcome mat when he rolled back border enforcement. "Encounters" by overwhelmed Border Patrol agents have reached record highs, while unknown numbers have gotten through undetected. Among those unknown numbers are criminals and illegal drugs, most notably fentanyl, America's biggest drug scourge and a mounting public health crisis.
Only victimized border states' transportation of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities in blue states has forced the establishment media to cover, and the rest of America to acknowledge, the crisis Biden has created.
And there is no end in sight precisely because Biden continues to do the bidding of the radical Left and refuses to end it. Biden's administration refused, for example, to reach a deal with Senate Republicans to stem the illegal immigration tide in negotiations over more money for Ukraine.
Of course, Republicans should not have to negotiate with the president to do his fundamental job of protecting America's borders, but that is where things are at. What Biden has done is dispatch Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Mexico to see if the president of Mexico can do the president of the United States's job for him.
Therein lies the similarity between two disparate crises. Besides being created by Biden, both are also beyond his ability, or willingness, to solve.
Biden is more the White House's resident than America's president, more apt to cause crises than to solve them. If that seems harsh, then consider the other side of the ledger: Name one crisis Biden has solved. COVID? Biden excoriated former President Donald Trump's record on it, but the truth was that the groundwork for beating it was laid during Trump's administration with Operation Warp Speed. In contrast, Biden refused to end the war against COVID even after it was already won.
At the bottom of each crisis lies Biden and his being beholden to the Left. The Left demands more spending and open borders; Biden therefore refuses to say no to either. Instead, he searches for someone else to save him from himself and the Left's demands. And while the Fed apparently has on further inflation, no one has on illegal immigration.
Watching three years of Biden's self-inflicted crises, it is hard to imagine what 2024 holds in store — and harder still to picture what awaits if Biden remains in office for four more years.
J.T. Young was a professional staffer in the House and Senate from 1987-2000, served in the Department of Treasury and Office of Management and Budget from 2001-2004, and was director of government relations for a Fortune 20 company from 2004-2023.
NT rules. No fascist crap,

Ahhhh the last line sums it all up.................
How ya like him now.
Joe's campaign will once again be outsourced to Silicon Valley and the dishonest media. It kicks off Saturday when we commemorate the worst attack on the nation in American history. An attack far worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor / S.
According to number 2
Pelosi called it an "insurrection." You know, the very word that is in the Constitution.
We all know she's not smart enough to come up with that on her own on such a short time.
Or Fort Sumter. That big D has caused the country a lot of grief for two centuries.
Yup, from slavery & secession to Marxism.
Well, I am old enough to remember when Marxism was slavery. The new, improved history has revised everything.
Obviously the three events cannot be compared. But Jan 6 was a violent attack. The mob broke down doors and windows, which is not a nonviolent behavior. They tried to bash in the sole, barricaded, door separating them from the floor of the House Of Representatives , another violent act ( where Babbitt was killed).
There isnt the slightest doubt that history will regard Jan 6th as an attack on our democracy, all the wailing and whining from the MAGA notwithstanding.
Jan. 6th was a peaceful protest by BLM standards. What, exactly, was being protected by those barricades at the doors of the people's chamber?
It will be remembered as a group of whackadoodles protesting the election where some got carried away and got violent and more whackadoodles trying to convince people that democracy almost fell..
And when did BLM try to overthrow the US Government?
They didn't...
and neither did anyone else.
Government surrendered without a fight. The police were defunded, the courts were subverted, and Democrats cheered.
Democrats overthrow government with rigged "free and fair elections".
“,,,,,,,and more whackadoodles trying to convince people that democracy almost fell..”
Lmao, that is so true.
“It will be remembered as a group of whackadoodles protesting the election where some got carried away and got violent…”
And instigated by whom? ‘Some got carried away’? OK…
If he could influence a group of ‘whackadoodles’ on a day meant to ceremoniously certify a duly held election, what is stopping him from influencing an even more violent response, from an affirmed and aggressive group of sympathizers…when he faces the inevitable prospect of defeat?
Then maybe we should just put him in jail now because of what he may or may not do. I would be more concerned about what the dem wachadoodles will do if Trump wins. Or maybe we should put Trump in jail now because of the destruction and death the Dems will do if he wins.
Guantanamo works. As an enemy combatant, he can be held in indefinite detention.
Your comment is pathetic.
“Or maybe we should put Trump in jail now because of the destruction and death the Dems will do if he wins.”
Nothing compared to the havoc to be wrought by his zealot zombies when he loses. Cults never end well.
That comment is even more pathetic. Sad.
Calling someone out is not an expression of weak, mindless, pretend internet "gotcha", as with both of your comments.
No, your comments are pathetic. That's clear to anyone with more than half a brain.
Definition of "pathetic" from Oxford Languages:
"miserably inadequate; of very low standard"
Definition of "pathetic" from Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
"pitifully inferior or inadequate"
Your comments fit squarely within the definition.
Only to the humor-challenged.
Apparently, you are unable to follow the gist of the thread starting at 2.3.9.
Someone else's incapacity is not my problem.
Your comment contradicts your conduct.
Can they pull it off one more time?
The last 3 elections defy explanation.
2020 will always rank as the most amazing: Joe Biden, without campaigning set two unique records. First, winning a record low 16 PERCENT of all U.S. counties. And second, getting the most votes by a presidential candidate in US history.
I'm guessing they'll do it again!
As has often been said, there are numerous counties in red states that have more cattle than people.
Cook County in Illinois and its five collar counties (adjacent to Cook) Kane, McHenry, Dupage, Lake, and Will, have a total population of 8.5 million people, which is more than the combined population of the 10 smallest of the 50 states.
Montana alone has 111 counties. North Dakota has 53. You get the picture. Chicago area's six counties have a population 7 times larger than Montana's 111 counties.
A 40% lead in rural PA counties is unheard of for any democrat.
How long after the 2020 election did it take the Wisconsin Supreme Court to declare that state election regulators had no legal authority to allow voters to cast ballots in mobile drop boxes?
How decisive was the laptop story being censored?
How long after that election was it determined that Mark Zuckerberg had turned public election authorities into liberal get-out-the-vote activists?
How much illegal ballot harvesting took place?
Last but not least, it was almost impossible to verify signatures with the massive amounts of mail in ballots.
Ironically there is no need for you to "get the picture," as you and I can be sure that they will pull it off again.
You said Biden only won 18% of counties. So frigging what? My neighborhood in Chicago (one of 83) has more people than the average county in Montana or Wyoming.
And of course Chicago is not only large city.
Not a single word of that proves or demonstrates that the election was stolen from Trump.
"....there are numerous counties in red states that have more cattle than people."
And more counties in blue states that have more sheep.
Nor does anything prove otherwise. It was an election full of abnormalities.
You mean election interference? That's what it appears it was.
Even trump's own administration said the 2020 election was the, "most secure in American history:.
To claim an election was stolen requires evidence. The declaration "full of abnormalities" is irrelevant unless one can provide evidence that shows the election was actually stolen.
Do you actually believe the 2020 election was stolen? If so, offer specific evidence to support that belief.
Note that the evidence thus far overwhelmingly illustrates that the 2020 election was legitimately won by Biden; that Trump legitimately lost the election based on the votes of the electorate. So what you provide will be quite extraordinary and newsworthy.
Once again proving democrats are guilty of doing exactly what they constantly accuse republicans of doing.
Today we honor the Secretary of State up in Maine who decided she would keep Trump off the ballot.

"Critical thinkers" tell us there was no bias involved and laws are being followed.
And "Hands-On" Joe just can't keep his hands off of women/girls. And some thought Clinton was bad???
Is this right before or after the sniffing takes place?
More campaign news from the DNC:
In Florida the DNC won't be bothered with a presidential primary election for Democrats this cycle after the state party submitted only President Joe Biden’s name as a candidate up for the nomination.
Call it what is is - a disasters RETREAT that resulted in the death of 13 US Servicemembers and hundreds of Afghani civilians. Not to mention the US Civilians that were abandoned in Afghanistan.
It took a long, long time to get to the untold story of that:
Top generals told lawmakers under oath on Tuesday that they advised President Joe Biden early this year to keep several thousand troops in Afghanistan — directly contradicting the president’s comments in August that no one warned him not to withdraw troops from the country.
The remarkable testimony pits top military brass against the commander-in-chief as the Biden administration continues to face tough questions about what critics are calling a botched withdrawal that directly led to the deaths of 13 American service members, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport, and the abandonment of American citizens and at-risk Afghans in the war-torn country.
Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan - POLITICO
Taliban Joe fighting for Dem-mockracy. At least the world is now safe from the balloon crisis. The military successfully destroyed the evidence so now Biden can make up whatever crisis he wants. It is China's fault, after all.
Biden has civilized the savage Soviets. Biden has expanded NATO dependence on the United States taxpayer. Biden has restarted the Cold War with Russia. Biden has renewed the insoluble problems of the Middle East. Biden has made plans to save Taiwan by destroying it. Biden has intimidated North Korea into a state of simmering threat. Biden is the Maxwell Smart of our time, fighting the forces of KAOS. But Biden doesn't want us to get smart.
After all is said and done, Biden's legacy will be that he was competitive with Donald Trump. But we're not supposed to believe that an idiot fighting a clown is a crisis in and of itself.
I see what you mean. Either Joe went wild with the suntan lotion, or he somehow found himself 4 miles from the sun.
Well, at least he isn't orange.
This just in:

President Biden moving up planned speech on democracy due to expected winter storm.
President Biden moved his speech on democracy, marking the anniversary of Jan. 6, up a day due to the incoming winter storm in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions this weekend.
The president was set to travel to the Philadelphia area on Saturday to mark the third anniversary of the riots at the U.S. Capitol. On Wednesday evening, the White House announced that Biden’s trip was moved from Saturday to Friday.
“Due to impending inclement weather in the Philadelphia area this weekend, the President’s campaign speech near Valley Forge on Saturday, January 6 will be moved to Friday, January 5,” Biden’s campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz said on X , formerly known as Twitter.
Biden moving up planned speech on democracy due to expected winter storm | The Hill
It's hard to commemorate Jan 6th on Jan 5th, but I guess it's better than having Biden slide off the stage.
What's the over/under on how many times Biden says "MAGA" in his "speech".
A round of drinks on that he, like the Bidenistas, doesn't know that "MAGA" is an acronym, nor know what it stands for.
Biden is worried about hell freezing over? Or is Biden worried about being stuck in Pennsylvania?
Another day, another crisis. Biden's work is never done. (Except for those weekends at Delaware beaches.)
His failure to do anything at the border to solve the nation's biggest crisis (it's apparently bankrupting cities) is a massive failure that will confine his presidency to the bottom tier of rankings. Doing nothing would be an improvement, but his administration actively makes things worse by suing states that are trying to solve the problem to the best of their abilities.
Did we ever think we would see this? Virtually every day, Americans see video clips of thousands of illegal migrants from everywhere crossing the border with complete impunity. And despite immigration law and the objections of the majority of Americans and the Constitution, the Biden administration persists with this open border policy.
It was just reported that last month set another record with 300,000 encounters at the southern border.
And there is no telling how many got through with out encountering BPD Officers.
Per the CBP, "usually" double that amount.
My sources down here on the AZ/Mexico border estimate 30 to 40%.
Mayorkas blames December's record high border crossings on "climate change."
It's just offensive lying. They don't even try to make it believable. He lies, knowing his audience knows he's lying, and knows there will never be any accountability for his lying.
That's some AOC level stupidity there.
Wonder if he got his "photo-Op" next to an empty parking lot too?
Probably a photo of an empty parking lot.
All these border crossings make climate change worse in the USA, just another problem they bring with them.
The fact that Joe seems to be the best the Dems have to offer only proves the ineptitude of the party.
They're so wrapped up in shrieking about whatever the shiny object of the day that they don't see it.
It is also sad that the best some can say about Biden is that he is not Trump.
Joe Biden wasn't on the Epstein list...
Um, Joe Biden is the topic of the article.
Neither was your hero. Now what?
But Epstein isn't even mentioned in the article - so, your point?
He was too busy taking "inappropriate showers" with his daughter.
Fully documented in her diary
Your right, he didn't need Epstein as long as he had Ashley, and once she aged out there was always the supply that Obama gave to traffickers, i'm sure Joe got his cut.
Exactly, when I look for reliable news sources I look for diaries.
He must have lost his viagra, or Jill hid it.