Biden is wrong: Democracy is not on the ballot in 2024 election
By: Jonathan Turley (USA TODAY)

No Damned Kidding!!!

Our Constitution ultimately is a leap of faith, not only in government but also in one another. This faith should be strong in a system that has met every challenge, including Jan. 6, 2021.
Jonathan TurleyOpinion contributor
"It may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast." Those words from former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., capture the mantra of this election season from politicians and pundits. It is narrative that preys on the fear of Americans that our constitutional system is on the verge of collapse.
Yet, it is untrue and ironically shows the lack of faith in our democratic systems that many of these figures ascribe to others.
If one briefly surfs cable news, you would think that this election is the only thing that stands between democracy and tyranny. On MSNBC, hosts like Joe Scarborough have repeatedly told viewers that former President Donald Trump will "throw away" democracy if elected.
President Joe Biden himself has taken up this claim. In his speech Friday near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Biden insisted that "democracy itself is on the ballot" and said that this election would determine if democracy can survive in the United States.
This campaign tactic holds obvious advantages for a candidate who has the lowest polling numbers of the past seven presidents at the same point in their first term in office. Biden and others are calling for citizens to vote not for Biden, but for democracy itself.
The pitch would be more compelling if Democratic activists were not trying to remove Trump from 2024 ballots and Democratic leaders in Florida, North Carolina and other states are refusing to allow other candidates to run against Biden in the primary. In those states, the primary ballots themselves might not be very democratic.
Trump's rhetoric helps fuel fears of what he might do
Trump helps to fuel such dire predictions with his reckless rhetoric. After the Supreme Court accepted review of his disqualification from the ballot in Colorado, he said at an Iowa rally, "I just hope we get fair treatment. Because if we don't, our country's in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I'm saying?"
The answer is that it depends on whom you ask. For Democrats, the comment seemed to threaten more violence like the kind we witnessed during the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, especially given Trump's pledge to pardon rioters.
For Republicans, it was a frank acknowledgement of the deepening anger and divisions in the country.
Worse thing for our divided America:Banning Trump from the 2024 ballot defies democracy. Courts shouldn't usurp voters' rights.
Those divisions are manifest in a new Gallup poll showing that only 28% of U.S. adults are satisfied with the way democracy is working in the country. It's down from 61% in 1984. Only 17% of Republicans and 38% of Democrats are satisfied with our current state of democracy.
While I do not believe that the Jan. 6 riot was a true insurrection, I immediately denounced it as a desecration of our constitutional system. I criticized Trump's speech that day as he was giving it. I also supported Vice President Mike Pence's actions at the Capitol and rejected the legal basis for opposing the certification of the election.
Jan. 6 was many things, and all of them bad − save for one vital thing: Our system worked.
The Capitol riot was only the latest stress test for a system that has survived wars, economic collapse and social divisions. Despite an assault inside our Capitol, the system held and functioned as it was designed. And despite the claims of some partisans, we were never "dangerously close to losing it all."
It was a desecration of our system but also the triumph of that system. Members of both parties quickly reassembled to carry out their constitutional functions. Our nation's vice president held firm despite pressure from the president and threats from an angry mob against his very life to certify the election.
As the legislative branch fulfilled its constitutional duties, the judiciary did the same. Trump-appointed judges and justices voted against the incumbent president's claims and cleared the path for the Biden inauguration.
We can recognize the gravity of that riot without engaging in the type of hyperbole that is now being bantered about in the campaign.
Could Trump become a dictator? Our Constitution protects us.
Once again, Trump has stoked such claims with comments like saying that if he were reelected, he'd "want to be a dictator for one day." The former president stressed that he was speaking of ordering the building of the border wall and drilling for oil − unilateral actions that the host of the interview, Sean Hannity, immediately noted would not make Trump a dictator. However, Trump did not take the helpful nudge to clarify his words.
Yet, even if Trump did mean that he would attempt to be a dictator (and to do so past the first day), it is not up to him. For more than two centuries, presidents have sought to act unilaterally or assume extraconstitutional powers only to be checked by the legislative and judicial branches.
To suggest that this may be our last democratic election is to suggest that both branches (and the population at large) would stand idly by as a president assumed tyrannical powers. That did not occur, even when this country was united by wars and national emergencies. With the nation now divided right down the middle, it is even less likely.
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That is why the "democracy is on the ballot" claims border on defamation against our Constitution. We have the most successful and stable democratic system in history. The success of that system is not measured by those who would riot or challenge our values. It is measured by how the system responds. Our system works because it was not only written for times of relative unity and calm, it also was written for times like these.
What remains is a crisis of faith for some and a preying on of those fears by others. Our Constitution ultimately is a leap of faith, not only in government but also in one another. This faith should be strong in a system that has met every challenge, including Jan. 6.
Many things will be on the ballot in 2024, but democracy is not one of them.
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. Follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley
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Topical discussion only. No fascist bull, no memes, NT rules strictly enforced.

And that
was the cry in 2015-2020. And it turned out to be bullshit. So knock off the doom and gloom. Destroying Democracy? It can't be done. And anyone with at least two brain cells to rub together, knows it.
Democrat scare tactics only.
The GOP-MAGA scare tactic is pretending not to see what they do see in order to oppress liberals and independent voters. And as for the diminishing insult inherently a 'rider' in 99.99 percent of MAGAs comments about liberals and independents—it's impotent.
I can only speak for myself as an independent in a very red state.
The only oppression I can see is not coming from the right as it pertains to myself, but from the left saying who when where and how one can vote.
Being independent I get to choose from whatever either side puts on the ballot/ table or can choose to go an entirely different way rejecting what both have.
Mark, that is no different from the choices I have before me at voting time. There is no one coercing me or looking down on me or snubbing me because of my choices and I am damn sure no one pays me for my vote (my accounts do not increase because of it).
So you 'conclusion' needs farther evaluation.
So if we both have the same abilities and opertunities, where and what is the perceived oppression?
This portion of your comment is separate from the other paragraph in your comment which I did not make a reply, just want to be clear about that! I refuse to address questions from MAGAs or its affiliates, because it turns into a stupid game quickly that serves no good purpose. Make statements (to me anyway) and I will do my best to respond to it.
As you wish, I take it from that statement that in your view I am of the MAGA cult simply for having a differing view and or opinion.
In that case I agree there is nothing to discuss or contemplate.
The door closes and one cannot argue or even have a costructive conversation with a closed door.
But Traitor Joe and his band of misfit idiots have given it a try anyway.
I dont oppose Trump because he will end democracy, I'm not too worried about that. I oppose him because he is the biggest asshole in American political history , 100% unfit for office, and a permanent shit stain on the American story.
We live in a cynical country where scum like Trump gets normalized by the media.
The cynicism is 100% driven by TDS ridden fools who allow Trump to permanently set up camp in their heads. The chosen ones resistors ….. her useful idiots.
The cynicism is induced by a fool named Trump who stands in the public square and declares that he wants the presidency to be his to do unspeakable, unquestioned, and anything he dreams to be "lawful" to those that displease him. . . and that is why we should distrust MAGAs who support such bs.
Trump supporters are accomplices in the scheme to model this country in his/THEIR image of everybody being selfish, self-interested, bigoted, conservatives.
I'm sure you can link those claims.
How are you going to distrust something you can't even identify correctly?
Yep, the TDS ridden certainly are sensitive little fellers. That’s for sure.
I am sure you will ignore it anyway. So just 'skip to the chase' already. And as for your whining about "MAGA" identity ( which MAGA likes to pretend is unimportant to who we are as a nation-but now insist on an identity for itself ) twice now - twice you personally have refused defining MAGA while moaning about what I don't know (and you do won't or can't help me/others know) .
Fortunately, for me and you , I have a definition for MAGA:
You can like it or lump it. It's all the same to me. Either way, MAGA is defined on the record .
Now, I'd agree with you, but that would mean we'd both be wrong.
MAGA is an acronym. You know what that is don't you? Maybe this will help:
What that acronym stands for is "M"ake "A"merica "G"reat "A"gain. Now this goes back to as early are Ronald Reagan in 1980.
Now, who wouldn't want to improve the country? It appears those like yourself. But why is the real question. Traitor Joe isn't an improvement by any stretch. Well, I guess he is if you look at it from the point of view of our enemies.
So thank you for proving you can't properly identify what you distrust. Now off with you and have the day you deserve.
Amazing, the MAGA boogeymen and boogeywomen can't stop being belligerent. It's a natural state of being for them. For those who believe in a hierarchial society, there must always be some group beneath them which they can comfortably kick in the political teeth. . . the evidence is 'everywhere' in MAGA writings and comments.
Go ahead MAGA, let the insults 'fly.' We have constructed a politics "dome" over us just for that purpose.
Unremarkable. The comment seems 'rattled' and almost 'hasty and desperate.' Anyway I provided you with a reasonable definition of MAGA and you pissed on it, and went directly back to being inherently MAGA belligerent. Straight talk:No chaser: MAGA is a big pile of bullshit and a waste of our mutual time and energy. The world is going to pass up this conservative BS, because eventually truth will defeat lies and liars—it has no choice, as lies can't stand the test of time.
True but that is not all. My worst nightmare seems to be coming true. TDS seems to be mutating to MDS (MAGA Derangement Syndrome) What scares me most is you can have them both at the same time. Unlike TDS, MDS is allowing a whole group of imaginary people live rent free in the head. It also seems to have some characteristics as Tourette Syndrome. At any given time and for no reason at all the afflicted may blurt out or write MAGA. There is no known cure and there is a concern about what the next possible mutation could be.
Nothing hasty or desperate at all. Just the true history of what you "distrust". Like I said, why still baffles me but you seem to not want to improve.
And that's your opinion. You're welcome to it. But you keep wanting to waste your time and energy on it anyway.
You're right. Horrifying isn't it? I can't imagine being that worked up over something they can't even identify.
There are some medications that can help with Tourette Syndrome. I wonder if they can be use off label for MDS.
You have the MAGA definition you need, and you can't argue with that. Bye-bye to the rest of the BS being dropped.
There are several people in this conversation. There are those that know what it stands for and what it means...then there's you. But don't let that stop your little tantrums. They never fail to provide us with a good daily laugh.
Laugh away. The definition stands. May be, probably, pretty sure you need to upgrade your definition of MAGA. Because making a "big announcement" at 2.1.5 that MAGA is an acronym show a lack of awareness of the politics of the day. Laugh away while you read this: 2.1.4.
You can like it or lump it. It's all the same to me. Either way, MAGA is defined on the record .
Dude, why are you still talking?
And somehow you still oppose making things better.
I have no clue what the hell you are doing. Figure it out and tell us all. Oh, bye.
The first honest statement you've made.
So he hurt your feelings.
So opinion and hurt feelings.
get lost
Bigger than the current Oval Office "occupant" who didn't know the whereabouts of his Secretary of Defense for almost a week while 2 wars are raging, Iran is closer than ever to having nuclear bombs, and China is poised to overtake Taiwan?
Is that supposed to be a serious question ?
I love when you go into "details."
And Trump has betrayed that faith by torturing the language of the CotUS. We have norms in this country that keep most people in line and moving together with each other. Trump took the norms of what was acceptable behavior from a president and trampled on them. He in effect trampled on the CotUS, and yet the author, a well-known syncophant of Trump, wants us to simplistically think that he will somehow restrain himself if given the office again. He won't.
They know he won't abide any rules. MAGA shitcans DeSantis, Haley, Christie, and other lesser symbols of MAGA for the UNCUT, PURE BASTARD Trump. It is not a mistake. Trump is far and away (as he puts it, 'I lead those other models of me by a lot!') - the MAGA dream candidate! Just observe it. Every exit ramp away from Trump has been scrubbed out by MAGAs who have usurped the GOP for their self-interests. MAGAs are not ignorant. MAGAs are manipulative, single-minded, and determined.
Haley and Christie aren't "symbols of MAGA"
And somebody you know is not MAGA either-let you tell it. Bye.
Of course not, I've never supported Trump.
Let's just let that hang there for what it's worth.
Neither have I but that has never stopped the vitriol being spewed by some on this site against those not sharing their particular political ideology. If one does not share their views then they are automatically considered Trump/ MAGA supporters. There is no middle ground.
When people on this site constantly attack Biden, the left, minority groups, "wokeness" , etc, and never criticize the right, , of which Trump is the undisputed leader in 2024, then yes, they are considered MAGA.
There is plenty to criticize when it comes to Biden AND the radical left.
Nobody said you couldn't. But you need to do it with FACTS and not opinion like:
It's your opinion he's the "leader". Many who you falsely claim are Trump supporters, in fact, aren't, and have only criticized what the Democrats and their misfit band idiot followers are claiming and doing. It's about the process not the people. But you all are so wrapped up in your fear on one person that you can't comprehend it at all.
Amen to that.
They know it. They are being untruthful. It's a stupid game they play attempting to gaslight liberals and independents with their deceit.
The projection is strong in this one
Deceit is all goober and his Bidenettes have. Gaslight the shit out of their performance in the hopes they will convince a few more useful idiots what a great job they are doing.
Reality is ….. it’s just a huge steaming pile of BS …….
Now we can add denial into the mix.
More like humor. But, you can call it as you see it. It's okay.
So is that the new official definition of MAGA? Anyone that calls out the current crop of idiots on the left and does not give equal time to calling out the current crop of idiots on the right? Sounds like you are looking to bothsiderism.
What do you call a person that constantly attacks Trump, the right, conservatives, anyone and anything that does not fall in lockstep with them? And please don't say patriot, my sides can't handle the laugh.
A patriot.
Obsessed.................. as well as delusional enough to think their opinion is all there is and everyone needs to jump on that campaign bus.
So the first thing TDS does is attack the ability of critical thinking. That is a shame but it makes sense since the first thing the virus does is to make sure the host doesn't have the ability to think they are afflicted. Sneaky virus TDS
LOL. Trump enablers should never talk about critical thinking.
“Sneaky virus TDS…”
…infecting those that lean on such a tired trope and will never admit they are the primary carriers…I’m not sick, I’m not spreadin’ nothin’, I have immunity in all my impunity. Self awareness is always the best vaccine.
MAGAs is so focused on their. . . distractions.
Glad you approve. That means a lot …..
Many real patriots disagree with you.
“Many real patriots…”
A definition may be in order here…the results of which may be confirming or frightening, but promise to be illuminating…but only if you choose.
Now we need a qualitative definition for "patriot.' Go figure. "Only, in America" do we dare to have time for such child's play. /s
I was writing the same thing as you at about the same time.
No worries…an honest answer may be forthcoming or the question summarily dismissed…
You mean you reject a patriot is someone that constantly attacks Trump as suggested above?
I mean we literally have MAGAs roaming around and on television trying to construct what a patriot is to fit their image and not to the definition or spirit of the word itself! This is madness, personified by MAGAs. It's pathetic. MAGAs want possession of a universal word. Unbelievable.
“You mean you reject a patriot is someone that constantly attacks Trump as suggested above?”
And that may require some clarification if to be addressed appropriately…
Anyone who volunteered to defend this country is the first acid test. [Deleted]
“But, I’m already yawning at responses from those who fail the first acid test …”
So a by your own admission, a ‘patriot’ is prioritized, if not restricted to those who have served?
That, sir…and thank you for your service, only diminishes the sacrifices and suffering and loss of those who served.
They did so for all of us…and patriots who did not serve, I among them, certainly recognize the privileges and the responsibilities granted by those who did. That is just as patriotic…if only in the honoring.
Any other ‘acid tests’ ?
Facts? Don need no stinkin facts!
Er, MAGA brushes past the fact that their big "Jerk" Donald Trump lied his way out of military service in any shape, form, or fashion. He never even completed any service boot-camp. Probably one of the easiest lies "The Donald" has told in his lifetime of lying. And yet MAGAs with service credentials are enamored with that loser, by the way, as he talks down and ridicules military service and those who die in it. Such much for sincerity in their comments.
Wrong, see below. And stop trying to put words in my mouth
Wrong again, see below
Wrong a third time. I never implied otherwise. See below.
Yes, which is why I stated very clearly the FIRST acid test and not the ONLY acid test. Clearly there are other qualifiers. You are grasping at something that isn’t there. I suspect because you’re just looking for an argument. Something I’m not interested in.
And yep, called that one.
Exactly, like Joe Biden.
“Clearly there are other qualifiers.”
Help us understand the ‘qualifiers’ for one to be considered a ‘patriot’. I have no desire in having an argument either. It is an interesting thought and deserves to be ‘clearly’ addressed.
Still not interested ….. but you have fun now ya hear!
Most definitely!
Biden too, then. But, Biden is not denying others the right and privilege of being a patriot. MAGAs do.
You seem to think that “MAGAs” have a lot of power over other people’s lives.
By doing that, they think it allows them to play the victim.
Says a man who thinks Trump is too much of victim to be mentioned in polite and civil debate. It's pathetically weak reading as MAGAs labor long and hard to turn NT into a safe space for Trump. It. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen.
The U.S. is finally getting beyond toxic Alpha male-ism. Donald Trump and his toxic male presences can kiss off!