Teachers seeking to 'dismantle' whiteness want to turn your kids into race activists
By: nypost (New York Post)

Back to Reading Published Jan. 24, 2024, 7:50 p.m. ET Books on race for young children are displayed at at the Queens Public Library. Helayne Seidman
Progressivism's supposed benevolence is a Trojan horse used to infiltrate all our trusted institutions to wage a religious crusade against "anti-racist" nonbelievers.
To ensure their dogma gets solidified in society for generations to come, leftists convert as many children as possible to create a youth movement that will fight its elders to bring about the change it's been instructed to advocate.
Milwaukee Public Schools, among many other school districts throughout America, is putting into practice its anti-racist fundamental beliefs by striving to "de-center" and "dismantle" whiteness.
It circulated a 33-page memo, "Educational Community and District Climate," throughout the district with the aim of addressing "discipline disproportionality" through the prism of anti-racism doctrine, Young America's Foundation reports.
"Whiteness is everywhere around us. Educational practices have been rooted in Whiteness and coming from a lens of Whiteness for years. Educators should reflect on which elements of Whiteness they see in education, which they participate in, and which elements they can work to dismantle," the memo stated.
Even more sinister, it warned, "Achieving equity may require an unequal distribution of resources and services in order to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to a free and appropriate public education."
The district explicitly warned staff against treating everyone equally and sneered at the concept of attempting to see others as individuals.
"We must understand that race plays a role throughout our society and education and ensure we are not finding ourselves in the mindset that 'race is not real,' 'I don't see race,' or 'I treat everyone equally.'"
And, of course, the memo recommended works by anti-racist hucksters Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, along with a video called "Whiteness: WTF?"
Anti-racist fundamentalists project their insecurities onto the rest of the world, and their negative feelings about other races get projected onto the rest of us.
Their doctrine encourages paternalism for the people they feel are inferior, like black people, and hails those who are true believers as the saviors of society.
While white people are theoretically the reason for all society's problems, the doctrine goes, they are simultaneously the only ones who can reshape it since nonwhite people don't have the power or privilege to do so; our devils are also our saints.
But it's better understood that saying "whiteness" is no different from using the word "sin."
"Whiteness is everywhere around us" can easily be translated to "Sin is everywhere around us," strengthening their desire to exorcise it from every crevice of American society: especially from the minds of our children.
Allowing a "safe space" to discuss race is their version of a confession, where they get to admit their sins as recovering racists striving to redeem themselves — and they must say "Hail Kendi" 10 times to have their whiteness sins forgiven.
We may no longer have Bibles in public schools, but that religious void is being replaced with anti-racist scriptures, taking advantage of the most innocent and vulnerable people in our society: our children.
Our schools are being overrun by nontheistic religious fanatics who will not stop until they convert every child into a like-minded fundamentalist crusader ready to embrace activism to advance the interests of the elites.
If your child can accept that some people deserve unequal treatment, then they will not question when the most powerful in our society treat them unequally.
They will look to wealthy high priests like Kendi and DiAngelo for rationality for their mistreatment and be re-educated to believe social masochism is pleasurable.
Anti-racism resembles the morality of a charlatan televangelist who pretends to heal the wounded by employing actors and passes around the collection plate five times.
America's "educators" are no different from that silk-suited, fast-talking traveling preacher — they just have cheaper dry-cleaning bills.
Adam B. Coleman is the author of "Black Victim to Black Victor" and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing. Follow him on Substack: adambcoleman.substack.com.
No Trump, Fascist crap, memes. All NT rules apply

More equal than others................catering
And there it is, the soft racism of progressives, People of color just can't compete unless we give them extra help, the legacy of racism is part of their DNA.
These people are crazy. Like MTG on steroids level crazy. And they are in charge of educating a generation of kids. The amount of damage this will cause 25 years down the road is incalculable
For people claiming to not be racist, they sure are pushing a lot of racist shit.
Your children are being indoctrinated. The education system designed to teach them how to think critically has been weaponized by the radical left to push an anti-American agenda.
As someone who has worked in education for four years, I have seen firsthand how your children are being ensnared by the left and their teachers.
I worked with kids from ages 3 to 13 and saw the brainwashing that exists at all levels of education. The left uses a combination of propaganda and suppression to push kids into the ensnaring grip of socialism and anti-patriotism.
First is the propaganda. Teachers will assign work instilling the idea that the pillars of Western civilization were evil, and their memories deserve to be thrown in the trash.
Here’s an example. I was helping one of my elementary school students with a homework assignment about listing famous Britons throughout history. She already had some of the more obvious ones: Shakespeare, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth.
“Well, how about Winston Churchill?” I recommended.
“Oh no, not him,” she replied. “He was a racist and didn’t think women should have rights. He wasn’t a good guy.”
I was floored. It clearly wasn’t something she came up with on her own. She was just regurgitating propaganda her teacher had taught her. All sense of nuance and critical thinking about the man who saved Europe from the Nazis was gone. Churchill committed “wrongthink,” so in the bin he goes.
I’m a Former Teacher. Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology. | The Heritage Foundation
And right here on NT we heard those who should know better call Lincoln a "racist."
"Our schools are being overrun by nontheistic religious fanatics who will not stop until they convert every child into a like-minded fundamentalist crusader ready to embrace activism to advance the interests of the elites. If your child can accept that some people deserve unequal treatment, then they will not question when the most powerful in our society treat them unequally."
Examples of this evil propaganda is brought to us by a cult of true believers and is displayed here daily.
When they show and tell us who and what they are we should believe them.
Doesn't 'whiteness' describe white Democrats pandering to Black voters? Democrats do brag about having a lock on the Black vote, after all. So, the problem of racism and anti-racism arises exclusively from Democrat politics.
Democrats have been providing additional resources to the Black population since 1964 when Democrats hijacked civil rights. But Democrats have distributed those resources the same way they have health insurance; the supposed beneficiary doesn't get the money. Democrats have spent an enormous amount of public money on affirmative action over the last 60 years but Black people haven't gotten the money. Black people have been given preferences and favoritism in education, employment, criminal justice, and cultural attention. While that preferential favoritism has been expensive and has added a sizeable amount to the national debt, Black people haven't gotten that money.
Maybe Black people are finally realizing white Democrats have been exploiting the Black population so white Democrats can feed at the public trough. A lot of white Democrats have gotten rich off of affirmative action. A number of white Democrats have enjoyed a lifelong political career by simply pandering to Black voters. Now too many Black people have become prominent in the news cycle to sustain the politics of poor, disadvantaged Black people. White Democrats tried to claim Barack Obama was a poor, disadvantaged Black man but that sounded pretty silly. As more Black people move into positions of power, why aren't the Black people in power addressing racism? Why have the Black people in power become white Democrats spending public money on the Black population but never giving Blacks any money?
Society has changed so much that white Democrats' racial politics seems rather farcical. Joe Biden trying to put on political black face to pander to Black voters seems rather inauthentic when he has surrounded himself with Black people in positions of power. And we're supposed to believe the anti-racism push advocated by teachers is intended to reform Democrats' racial politics? No, these are just more people trying to exploit Black people so they can feed at the public trough. That's how Democrats' racial politics has really worked for 60 years. For Democrats racism has only been a means to achieve self-serving ends.
"Whiteness is everywhere around us. Educational practices have been rooted in Whiteness and coming from a lens of Whiteness for years. Educators should reflect on which elements of Whiteness they see in education, which they participate in, and which elements they can work to dismantle," the memo stated.
We need to get rid of whiteness and that white devil. S/
"We must understand that race plays a role throughout our society and education and ensure we are not finding ourselves in the mindset that 'race is not real,' 'I don't see race,' or 'I treat everyone equally.'"
MLK would be happy about this. S/