
Bloodied and cold, this Venezuelan couple is caught in the border battle between Texas and federal authorities

Via:  Jeremy in NC  •  last year  •  10 comments

By:   Yahoo News

Bloodied and cold, this Venezuelan couple is caught in the border battle between Texas and federal authorities
As the migrant crisis continues at the US-Mexico border and beyond, tensions between Texas and federal officials remain high.

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Cold, hungry and bloodied from razor wire grazes.

This was the reality for one Venezuelan couple as they spent two days waiting to turn themselves in to immigration authorities on the US side of the Rio Grande, which is lined by sharp razor wire and shipping container border barriers.

Kevin, 25, and Vanessa, 21, left their home in Venezuela for Mexico three weeks ago, fleeing a regime they've protested against for years, they told CNN Wednesday. Now they've found themselves in the middle of the ongoing border battle between Texas and the US federal government.

CNN is sharing the couples' first names only for safety reasons.

With only the clothes on their backs and a belt bag across their bodies, the architecture students, who spoke to CNN through thick layers of razor wire, said they only had one viable option: to cross the river through high water levels and strong currents, losing most of their belongings throughout the journey.

Home was no longer in Venezuela, a place where the pair said they have no rights. And home couldn't be Mexico either, because of how dangerous it is, they said.

Their end goal, having endured the difficult conditions of the journey to the US, was to seek asylum once they arrived.

"We are dying of thirst and cold," Kevin said.

Vanessa and Kevin hadn't eaten since their wait for authorities began and were only able to share a single bottle of water between them, which a soldier with the Texas National Guard handed to them earlier in the day Wednesday, they said.

Under federal policy, migrants like Kevin and Vanessa would have surrendered two days ago, been taken into custody by federal authorities and transported for immigration processing. But in Eagle Pass, the zone recently taken over by Texas, migrants who jump the fence or crawl between the razor wire are arrested and charged with criminal trespassing, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

The razor wire lining the border is so dense, you can hardly see through it. What is visible are pieces of fabric, presumably clothing, caught in the middle of wired loop after loop stretching across the 2.5-mile line of fencing.

Venezuelan couple Kevin and Vanessa stand behind razor wire at the US-Mexico border. - CNN

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling this week allowing federal Border Patrol agents to remove the wire while the state's legal challenge to its removal plays out, it still remains intact.

The concertina wire was installed by Texas authorities in the Eagle Pass area - recently the epicenter of the migrant crisis and near where three migrants drowned this month.

The federal government doesn't have an immediate plan for a mass removal unless the situation changes drastically or there is an emergency, a law enforcement source familiar with operations told CNN.

However, given the high court's ruling Monday, federal law enforcement can and will cut or remove the wire as needed to enforce immigration laws and in the case of medical emergencies, the same source said.

Federal agents were standing ready to breach the fencing to render aid to any individual in distress or if otherwise deemed "operationally necessary," another enforcement source told CNN Tuesday.

The only way to get to the other side is up and over one of the shipping containers that run parallel to the barbed wire fence - and that's exactly what Kevin and Vanessa did several hours after speaking with CNN, helping each other jump down onto the Shelby Park area.

Moments later, Texas National Guard members were seen contacting Texas DPS officers who then arrived and took them into custody, a CNN team observed.

The takeover at Shelby Park by Texas authorities is a separate dispute from the razor wire legal battle that is also expected to play out in the courts, the same source added.

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Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC    last year
Under federal policy, migrants like Kevin and Vanessa would have surrendered two days ago, been taken into custody by federal authorities and transported for immigration processing. But in Eagle Pass, the zone recently taken over by Texas, migrants who jump the fence or crawl between the razor wire are arrested and charged with criminal trespassing, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety..

If only there were places they could cross the border without having to worry about concertina wire, National Guard Soldiers and risking injury.  Oh wait!  There is.  They are called Ports of Entry.  

Too bad there wasn't somewhere they could go and apply for asylum BEFORE doing something stupid like entering the country illegally and being arrested as criminals.  Oh, wait!!  There is.  It's called an Embassy.  

But never mind the obvious common sense stuff.  

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1    last year

Joe has made ports of entry obsolete.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Right Down the Center @1.1    last year

They're still there.  Traitor Joe just made the call for people to cross where ever they want.  And many states, like Texas, are putting a stop to it.

Professor Expert
1.2  Nerm_L  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1    last year
If only there were places they could cross the border without having to worry about concertina wire, National Guard Soldiers and risking injury.  Oh wait!  There is.  They are called Ports of Entry.  

Too bad there wasn't somewhere they could go and apply for asylum BEFORE doing something stupid like entering the country illegally and being arrested as criminals.  Oh, wait!!  There is.  It's called an Embassy.  

But never mind the obvious common sense stuff.  

Biden, Democrats, and the unbiased liberal press deliberately ignore the obvious to pursue the oblivious.  Why weren't these Venezuelans safe in Mexico while they waited for an asylum hearing?  Mexico must be a real hellhole if people are crawling through razor wire to escape. 

Either our institutions of higher education are intentionally creating mass ignorance or the liberal side of America is just too stupid to learn.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.2.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Nerm_L @1.2    last year
Either our institutions of higher education are intentionally creating mass ignorance or the liberal side of America is just too stupid to learn.  


Senior Expert
3  George    last year

Do you know what would have prevented all of this, Stay in your own country and apply for a Visa like so many have done for years.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  George @3    last year

An incompetent asshat ending construction to secure the border would have helped as well.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.1    last year

Yep! All these people crying "why didn't Trump stop it", he was well on his way to slowing it (which he did to an extent just by the mere fact he made it known he wasn't screwing around with them when they got here) and they stopped the construction which further sent the message "All comers welcome".

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.2  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.1    last year

You know the imbeciles will still try it.  


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